Karabuk University

Mehmet Âkif Ersoy’un Nazım ve Nesirlerinde İctimai Tefsir

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dc.contributor.author GÖZEN, MEHMET
dc.date.accessioned 2020-03-05T07:04:40Z
dc.date.available 2020-03-05T07:04:40Z
dc.date.issued 2019-09-27
dc.identifier.uri http://acikerisim.karabuk.edu.tr:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/738
dc.description.abstract ÖZ Mehmet Âkif Ersoy, edebiyatçılar, şairler ve Türk milleti tarafından sevilmiş ve ‘Milli Şair’ olarak vasıflandırılmıştır. Mehmet Âkif Ersoy, ömrünün her safhasında Kur’ân-ı Kerim ile yakından ilgilenmiş, Kur’ân’ı anlayıp okuyucu kitlesine onu anlatmaya çalışmış örnek bir şahsiyettir. Kur’ân-ı Kerim’den edindiği bilgilerle, Müslümanların toplumsal problemlerine, örneğin ahlaki çöküntüye yönelik çareler aramaya gayret göstermiştir. Çözümün de yine Kur’ân ve Asr-ı Saadete yani İslâm’ın özüne dönmekle mümkün olacağını belirtmiştir. Âkif, müfessir olmamasına rağmen, Kur’ân’a ve Arap diline hâkimiyeti, onu Kur’ân’ı açıklamaya, yorumlamaya, yönlendirmiştir. Âkif’in Kur’ân alanındaki üretkenliği ele alındığında, tefsir yazıları büyük bir hacme ulaşmıştır. Safahat’ındaki Kur’ân’dan aldığı ilhamla yazdığı şiirler, ayet ve surelerdeki ictimâî tefsirleri bu hacmi oluşturan unsurlardan bazılarıdır. Âkif, ictimâî tefsir tarzındaki yazılarında sade, yalın bir dil kullanmış, ayrıntıya girmemiştir. Fakat bir şair olması sebebiyle icaz ve belagat yönlerine de değinmiştir. Kur’ân ayetlerini dönemin şartları içinde değerlendirmiş, ictimâî ve edebi olarak bir tarzda şiir ve nesirlerine yansıtmıştır. ABSTRACT Mehmet Akif Ersoy was loved by literary writers, poets and Turkish nation and qualified to be the ‘National Poet’. Mehmet Akif Ersoy was an exemplary person who had been interested in the Holy Qur’an at every stage of his life and tried to explain the Qur’an to his readers by understanding it. With the information he obtained from the Holy Qur’an, he endeavored to seek solutions for the social problems of Muslims, such as moral depression. In his solution, he stated that it would be possible by returning to the essence of the Qur'an and life of the Prophet, which is Islam itself. Although Akif was not an interpreter, his command of the Qur'an and the Arabic language led him to explain and interpret the Qur'an. Considering the productivity of Akif in the field of Qur'an, the Qur’anic exegesis reached a great volume. The poems and the social interpretation of verses and suras he wrote with the inspiration he received from the Qur'an in Safahat, are some of the elements that make up this volume. For this reason, it was thought that the social interpretation approaches of his poetry and the prose regarding the Qur'anic verses are worth investigating. It was seen that he sought remedies from the Qur'an by bringing the life of the society in which he lived, to the forefront. It was determined that Akif used a simple language and did not go into much detail in his social interpretation. It was thought that he did not go through long analyzes, however, he also touched on the aspects of eloquence and rhetoric in his social interpretation writings. It was found that he carried the verses of the Qur'an to his own period, sought the remedy in the Qur'an through social and literary poetry and reflected them to his writings. en_EN
dc.language.iso tr en_EN
dc.subject Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Nesir ve Nazım, Belagat, Kur’ân, İçtimai Tefsir en_EN
dc.subject Qur’anic Verses, Prose and Poetry, Social Interpretation Writings, Akif and The Qur'anic Interpretation en_EN
dc.title Mehmet Âkif Ersoy’un Nazım ve Nesirlerinde İctimai Tefsir en_EN
dc.title.alternative Social Commentary in Mehmet Akif Ersoy's prose and poems en_EN
dc.type Thesis en_EN

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