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Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma, Emeviler Dönemi siyasi nesrinin incelenmesini ve halifeliğin Şam’a taşınması gibi İslam tarihine damgasını vuran önemli gelişmelerden sonra bu türde gerçekleşen ilerlemeyi konu almaktadır. Zira hilafetin Şam’a taşınması siyasi hitap noktasında bir yükselişi de beraberinde getirmiştir. Öyle ki minberlere çıkan hatipler, halkı birbirinden farklı siyasi fırkalara çağırmışlardır. Bununla birlikte ülke sınırlarının genişlemesiyle ve henüz yeni doğmuş hilafet devletine farklı kültürlerin dahil olmasıyla beraber teressül (mektuplaşma) sanatı da ilerleme kaydetmiştir. Fırkaların çokluğu ve birbirinden farklı görüşlerin varlığı sebebiyle birbirinin aleyhtarı olan kimseler arasında cereyan eden tartışmalar neticesinde de münazara sanatında gelişmeler söz konusu olmuştur. Araştırma neticesinde nesir yazarlarının hutbelerinde, mektuplarında ve tartışmalarında söz söyleme becerilerini ön plana çıkarmalarına yardımcı olan belagat üsluplarını kullandıkları ve bu yolla dinleyicileri görüşlerinin doğru olduğuna ikna etmeye çalıştıkları görülmüştür. Dönemin nesir yazarları istişhâd, iktibâs, istîhâ‘, berâat-i istihlâl ve seci‘ gibi üslupları kullanmışlar; cümle yapısının düzenine de önem vermişlerdir. Dönemin nesir yazarları, Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’den çokça istişhâd yapmışlardır. Bu istişhâdlar, ayetin tamamının alıntılanması veya bir kısmının alıntılanması gibi farklı biçimlerde gelmiş; yazarlar ayetlerden lüzum gördükleri yere göre bu biçimlerden birini tercih etmişlerdir. Bunlarla birlikte hadîs-i şerîflerden ve Arap şiirinden de istişhâd yapmışlardır. Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’den iktibas yaparken ayetin tamamını alıntılama, ayetin bir kısmını alıntılama ve farklı surelerden ayetleri alıntılama gibi yöntemleri takip ederek Kur’ân-ı Kerîm ayetlerinden iktibas yapmadaki hünerlerini göstermeyi ve ayetlerin kendi sözleriyle uyumuna işaret etmeyi amaçlamışlardır. Çokça rastlanan bir üslup olan istîhâ’ da farklı biçimlerde karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Yeri gelmiş manadan istîhâ’ yapılmış, yeri gelmiş üsluptan istîhâ’ yapılmıştır. Nesir yazarları başta Kur’ân-ı Kerîm ayetleri, Hadîs-i Şerîfler ve tarihi olaylar olmak üzere çeşitli kaynaklardan istîhâ’ yapmışlardır. İstihlâle de ayrı bir önem verildiği görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda söze Kur’ân-ı Kerîm ile veya Hadîs-i Şerîf ile veya bir şiir beytiyle veya da bir atasözüyle başlanmıştır. Araştırmamızda incelenen eserlerin çoğunun, dinleyicinin veya okuyucunun dikkatini çekecek bir musiki nağme katan seci‘ ile süslendiği görülmektedir. Buna ek olarak cümle yapısına ayrı bir önem verilmiş, bağlama göre takdîm ve te’hîr üslupları kullanılmıştır. Hutbe, risale ve münazara olmak üzere üç nesir türü üzerinde yaptığımız araştırmanın sonucunda bu türlerin üslup düzeyleri açısından zengin olduğu görülmüştür. Fonetik düzeyde seci‘, tekrar, cinâs ve müvâzene gibi üslupların kullanıldığı; sarf düzeyinde fiillerin çeşitlendirildiği, farklı sigalar arasında geçiş yapıldığı ve böylece müştâkların çeşitlendirildiği; yapı (terkip) düzeyinde ta‘rîf, tenkîr, takdîm, te’hîr, itnâb ve îcâz üsluplarının çokça kullanıldığı; anlam (semantik) düzeyinde ise başlangıç (ibtidâ’), bitirme (hitâm) ve ta‘lîl noktalarında güzelleştirme yapıldığı görülmüştür. Bunlarla birlikte münazaralarda üslup ve hüccetler ön plana çıkarılmış, yalınlaştırma yapılmıştır. Ulaşılan tüm bu sonuçlar analitik (çözümleyici) yöntem takip edilerek elde edilmiş olup, nesrin gelişiminin incelenmesi için de tarihsel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır.
This research focuses on the study of political prose in the Umayyad Pieriod and the progress made in this genre after important developments that marked Islamic history, such as the relocation of the caliphate to Damascus.Indeed the relocation of the caliphate to Damascus brought a rise in political discourse with it. So much so that the orators who ascended the pulpits called the people to different political sides. However, with the expansion of the country’s borders and the incorporation of new different cultures into the newly born Caliphate state, the art of Tarassul(correspondence) has also made progress. Due to the multiplicity of political sides and the existence of different opinionsi, there have been developments in the art of disputation as a result of the debates between people who are opposite to each orther. As a result of the research, it has been seen that prose writers use rhetoric styles that help them to highlight their speaking skills in the khutbahs, letters and discussions, and in this way they try to convince the audience that their standpoins are correct. The prose wiriters of the period used styles such as Istishhad, ikhtibas/citation) istiha’, baraat-ul istihlal and saj’ ; They also elaborate the order of sentence structure. The prose writers of the period made many istishads(exemplifies) from the Qur'an. These istishhads come in different forms such as quoting the whole verse or quoting a part of it; The authors preferred one of these forms according to the place they deem necessary from the verses. Along with these, they also made istişhâd (exemplifies) from hadîth-i-sherîfs and Arabic poetry. When quoting from the Quran, they followed methods such as quoting the whole verse, quoting a part of the verse, and quoting verses from different surahs and they aimed to show their skills in quoting the verses of the Qur'an and to point out the harmony of the verses with their own words. Istiha, which is a very common style, also appears in different forms. At some points, istîhâ' was made from the meaning, and sometimes istîhâ' was made from the style. Prose writers have made istîhâ' from various sources, especially the verses of the Qur'an, hadiths and historical events. It is seen that a special importance is given to İstihlâl. In this context, the word began with the Qur'an or Hadith, or with a couplet of poetry or a proverb. It is seen that most of the works examined in our research are decorated with a 'saji', which adds a musical tune that will attract the attention of the listener or the reader. In addition, a special importance was given to the sentence structure, and the styles of presentation(takdhim) and ta'hir were used according to the context. As a result of our research on three types of prose, namely sermon, treatise and debate, it has been seen that these types are rich in terms of style levels. At the phonetic level, styles such as saji', repetitions, jinas and muvâzanah are used; It has been seen that verbs are diversified at the level of consumption, transitions are made between different Sighas, and thus derivatives are diversified. It has been seen that the styles of ta’rîf, tenkîr, takhdîm, ta’hir, itnâb and îjâz are widely used at the structure (composition) level. At the meaning (semantic) level, it has been seen that beautification is made at the beginning (ibtidâ'), finishing (hitâm) and ta'lîl points. In addition to these, the style and hujjat in the debates were brought to the fore and simplification was made. All these results were obtained by following the analytical method, and the historical research method was used to examine the development of prose."
This research focuses on the study of political prose in the Umayyad Pieriod and the progress made in this genre after important developments that marked Islamic history, such as the relocation of the caliphate to Damascus.Indeed the relocation of the caliphate to Damascus brought a rise in political discourse with it. So much so that the orators who ascended the pulpits called the people to different political sides. However, with the expansion of the country’s borders and the incorporation of new different cultures into the newly born Caliphate state, the art of Tarassul(correspondence) has also made progress. Due to the multiplicity of political sides and the existence of different opinionsi, there have been developments in the art of disputation as a result of the debates between people who are opposite to each orther. As a result of the research, it has been seen that prose writers use rhetoric styles that help them to highlight their speaking skills in the khutbahs, letters and discussions, and in this way they try to convince the audience that their standpoins are correct. The prose wiriters of the period used styles such as Istishhad, ikhtibas/citation) istiha’, baraat-ul istihlal and saj’ ; They also elaborate the order of sentence structure. The prose writers of the period made many istishads(exemplifies) from the Qur'an. These istishhads come in different forms such as quoting the whole verse or quoting a part of it; The authors preferred one of these forms according to the place they deem necessary from the verses. Along with these, they also made istişhâd (exemplifies) from hadîth-i-sherîfs and Arabic poetry. When quoting from the Quran, they followed methods such as quoting the whole verse, quoting a part of the verse, and quoting verses from different surahs and they aimed to show their skills in quoting the verses of the Qur'an and to point out the harmony of the verses with their own words. Istiha, which is a very common style, also appears in different forms. At some points, istîhâ' was made from the meaning, and sometimes istîhâ' was made from the style. Prose writers have made istîhâ' from various sources, especially the verses of the Qur'an, hadiths and historical events. It is seen that a special importance is given to İstihlâl. In this context, the word began with the Qur'an or Hadith, or with a couplet of poetry or a proverb. It is seen that most of the works examined in our research are decorated with a 'saji', which adds a musical tune that will attract the attention of the listener or the reader. In addition, a special importance was given to the sentence structure, and the styles of presentation(takdhim) and ta'hir were used according to the context. As a result of our research on three types of prose, namely sermon, treatise and debate, it has been seen that these types are rich in terms of style levels. At the phonetic level, styles such as saji', repetitions, jinas and muvâzanah are used; It has been seen that verbs are diversified at the level of consumption, transitions are made between different Sighas, and thus derivatives are diversified. It has been seen that the styles of ta’rîf, tenkîr, takhdîm, ta’hir, itnâb and îjâz are widely used at the structure (composition) level. At the meaning (semantic) level, it has been seen that beautification is made at the beginning (ibtidâ'), finishing (hitâm) and ta'lîl points. In addition to these, the style and hujjat in the debates were brought to the fore and simplification was made. All these results were obtained by following the analytical method, and the historical research method was used to examine the development of prose."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çeşitlilik, Emevi, Nesir, Siyasi, Üslup, Diversity, Umayyad, Prose, Political, Style