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Bu çalışmada, Hardox çeliği ile paslanmaz çeliğin MIG kaynağı ile kaynak edilmesi sonucunda mekanik davranışları incelenmiştir. Sanayi ortamında Hardox çeliği ile Hardox çeliği kaynak edilmiştir. Kaynak işlemi sırasındaki parametreler ise 7.49m/dk tel hızı 20.8 V ve 165 A ile işlem yapılmıştır. Koruyucu gaz olarak ArCO2 gazı kullanılmıştır. Kaynak sırasında kullanılan kaynak teli ise paslanmaz Si307 tipi teldir. Bu çalışmada 4 mm kalınlığında hardox çelikleri ile paslanmaz çelikleri kaynak edilmiştir. Kaynak edilen plakaların büyüklüğü ve hassas olmasından ötürü plakalardan gerekli numuneleri hazırlamak için tel erezyon işlemine tabi tutularak numuneler hazırlanmıştır. Kaynaklı bölgelerin özellikleri belirlenmek için çekme, darbe tokluk ve sertlik testi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca mikroyapı analizi yapılarak kaynaklı bölgenin hali incelenmiştir. Yapılan sertlik deneyleri sonucunda Hardox-Hardox birleştirmesinde en büyük sertlik değerini ortalama 403 HV ile ana metalde, sonrasında ITAB’da 365 HV ve ITAB sınırda 330 HV olarak saptanmıştır. Hardox-Paslanmaz çelik birleştirmesinde ise yine ana metalde 388 HV olarak ölçülmüştür. Paslanmaz çelikte 200 HV ve ITAB’da ortalama 230 HV olarak ölçülmüştür. Hardox-ST çeliğinde ise ana metalde 368 HV, ITAB ortalama 270, ITAB sınırları sırasıyla 190 HV ve 310 HV, kaynak metalinde ise 200 HV olarak ölçülmüştür. Çekme testi sonuçlarına göre en dayanıklı bağlantı 640 Mpa ile Hardox-Paslanmaz çelik bağlantısı, Hardox- Hardox 400 Mpa ve Hardox- St yaklaşık olarak 350 Mpa olarak ölçülmüştür. Darbe tokluk testinde ise en iyi sonuç Paslanmaz metali ile yapılan kaynakta elde edilmiş olup değeri 68 J iken sonrasında Hardox metali ile yapılan numunede 44 J, St çeliği yapılan numunede 38 J olarak ölçülmüştür.
In this study, the mechanical behavior of Hardox steel and stainless steel by MIG welding was investigated. Hardox steel and Hardox steel are welded in the industrial environment. The parameters during the welding process were 7.49m/min wire speed 20.8 V and 165 A. ArCO2 gas was used as the shielding gas. The welding wire used during welding is stainless Si307 type wire. In this study, 4 mm thick hardox steels and stainless steels were welded. Due to the size and sensitivity of the welded plates, the samples were prepared by subjecting the wire erosion to prepare the necessary samples from the plates. Tensile, impact toughness and hardness tests were carried out to determine the properties of the welded areas. In addition, the state of the welded region was examined by performing microstructural analysis. As a result of the hardness tests, the highest hardness value in Hardox-Hardox joint was determined as 403 HV in the base metal, then 365 HV in ITAB and 330 HV in ITAB border. In the Hardox-Stainless steel joint, it was measured as 388 HV in the base metal. It has been measured as 200 HV in stainless steel and 230 HV in ITAB. In Hardox-ST steel, on the other hand, the base metal was 368 HV, the HTA was 270 on average, the HTA limits were 190 HV and 310 HV, respectively, and 200 HV in the weld metal. According to the tensile test results, the most durable connection was measured as 640 Mpa and Hardox-Stainless steel connection, Hardox- Hardox 400 Mpa and Hardox- St approximately 350 Mpa. In the impact toughness test, the best result was obtained in the weld made with Stainless metal, and its value was 68 J, and then 44 J in the sample made with Haardox metal and 38 J in the sample made of St steel."
In this study, the mechanical behavior of Hardox steel and stainless steel by MIG welding was investigated. Hardox steel and Hardox steel are welded in the industrial environment. The parameters during the welding process were 7.49m/min wire speed 20.8 V and 165 A. ArCO2 gas was used as the shielding gas. The welding wire used during welding is stainless Si307 type wire. In this study, 4 mm thick hardox steels and stainless steels were welded. Due to the size and sensitivity of the welded plates, the samples were prepared by subjecting the wire erosion to prepare the necessary samples from the plates. Tensile, impact toughness and hardness tests were carried out to determine the properties of the welded areas. In addition, the state of the welded region was examined by performing microstructural analysis. As a result of the hardness tests, the highest hardness value in Hardox-Hardox joint was determined as 403 HV in the base metal, then 365 HV in ITAB and 330 HV in ITAB border. In the Hardox-Stainless steel joint, it was measured as 388 HV in the base metal. It has been measured as 200 HV in stainless steel and 230 HV in ITAB. In Hardox-ST steel, on the other hand, the base metal was 368 HV, the HTA was 270 on average, the HTA limits were 190 HV and 310 HV, respectively, and 200 HV in the weld metal. According to the tensile test results, the most durable connection was measured as 640 Mpa and Hardox-Stainless steel connection, Hardox- Hardox 400 Mpa and Hardox- St approximately 350 Mpa. In the impact toughness test, the best result was obtained in the weld made with Stainless metal, and its value was 68 J, and then 44 J in the sample made with Haardox metal and 38 J in the sample made of St steel."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Stainless steel, MIG welding, Hardox steel, microstructure, fatigue and mechanical properties., Paslanmaz çelik, MIG kaynağı, Hardox çeliği, mikroyapı ve mekanik özellikler.