Meritokrasinin Duygusal Bağlılığa Etkisinde Personel Güçlendirmenin Aracılık Rolü
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Bu çalışma, geleceğin yönetim şekli olacağı düşünülen meritokrasinin ne olduğunu açıklamak ve meritokrasinin duygusal bağlılığa etkisinde personel güçlendirmenin aracılık rolünü araştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Meritokrasi duygusal bağlılık üzerindeki etkisi çalışanlar tarafından çok bilinmemektedir. Oysa duygusal bağlılık kavramını etkileyen her konu çok önemlidir. Çünkü çalışanların örgütün işleyişi ile uyumlu bir şekilde çalışmaları ve örgütün hedeflere başarılı bir şekilde ulaşması için bağlılık üzerinde durulmalıdır. Bu çerçevede araştırma, özel sektörde fabrikalarda görev alan personellere odaklanmaktadır. Araştırmanın analizlerinde kullanılan veriler Karabük ilinde ihracat yapan Kargisan, Ramsey, Arma Deri gibi tekstil fabrikalarında çalışan 422 kişiyi kapsamaktadır. Verilerin geçerlilik ve güvenirlilik analizleri yapılmış, hipotezler regresyon aracıyla test edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre; meritokrasi ve duygusal bağlılık arasında pozitif anlamlı bir etki olduğu, meritokrasi ve personel güçlendirme arasında pozitif anlamlı bir etki olduğu, personel güçlendirme ve duygusal bağlılık arasında da pozitif anlamlı bir etki olduğu saptanmıştır. Son olarak meritokrasinin duygusal bağlılığa etkisinde personel güçlendirmenin kısmi aracı etkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
This study was conducted to explain what meritocracy is, which is considered to be the future form of governance, and to investigate the mediating role of personnel empowerment in the impact of meritocracy on emotional commitment. The impact of meritocracy on emotional commitment is not well known by employees. However, every issue affecting the concept of emotional commitment is very important. Because commitment should be emphasized in order for employees to work in harmony with the functioning of the organization and for the organization to achieve its goals successfully. Within this framework, the research focuses on blue-collar and white-collar personnel working in textile factories in the private sector. The data used in the analysis of the study encompass 422 individuals working in textile factories that export in the province of Karabük, such as Kargisan, Ramsey, and Arma Deri. Validity and reliability analyses of the data were conducted, and the hypotheses were tested using regression analysis. According to the analysis results, a significant positive effect was found between meritocracy and emotional commitment, a significant positive effect was found between meritocracy and personnel empowerment, and a significant positive effect was found between personnel empowerment and emotional commitment. Finally, it was determined that personnel empowerment has a partial mediating effect on the impact of meritocracy on emotional."
This study was conducted to explain what meritocracy is, which is considered to be the future form of governance, and to investigate the mediating role of personnel empowerment in the impact of meritocracy on emotional commitment. The impact of meritocracy on emotional commitment is not well known by employees. However, every issue affecting the concept of emotional commitment is very important. Because commitment should be emphasized in order for employees to work in harmony with the functioning of the organization and for the organization to achieve its goals successfully. Within this framework, the research focuses on blue-collar and white-collar personnel working in textile factories in the private sector. The data used in the analysis of the study encompass 422 individuals working in textile factories that export in the province of Karabük, such as Kargisan, Ramsey, and Arma Deri. Validity and reliability analyses of the data were conducted, and the hypotheses were tested using regression analysis. According to the analysis results, a significant positive effect was found between meritocracy and emotional commitment, a significant positive effect was found between meritocracy and personnel empowerment, and a significant positive effect was found between personnel empowerment and emotional commitment. Finally, it was determined that personnel empowerment has a partial mediating effect on the impact of meritocracy on emotional."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Meritokrasi, Örgütsel Bağlılık, Duygusal Bağlılık, Personel Güçlendirme, Meritocracy, Organizational Commitment, Emotional Commitment, Employee Empowerment