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Nüfus artışı, su, gıda ve enerji gibi yaşamın temel gereksinimlerine olan talebin artmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu temel gereksinimler, özellikle enerji üretimi olmak üzere çevre üzerinde yoğun bir etkiye oluşturmaktadır. Enerji talebinin artması ve küresel ısınma, araştırmacıları hem enerji talebini karşılamak hem de çevre dostu olabilecek yenilenebilir ve sürdürülebilir yeni enerji kaynakları keşfetmeye yönlendirmektedir. Jeotermal ve Termal yer enerjisi, iyi sonuçları nedeniyle araştırmacıların dikkatini çeken enerji üretme yöntemlerinden biridir. Bu çalışma ile jeotermal enerjiden yararlanma kabiliyetini değerlendirmek için Libya'daki Trablus zeminlerinin termal iletkenliğinin farklı koşullarda incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında zeminlerin ısıl iletkenliği laboratuvar kararlı durum yöntemi kullanılarak farklı özelliklere sahip üç seri numune ile test edilmiştir. Bu seriler, her numunede farklı su içeriğine sahip zemin numunesi (W serisi), %10 su içeriğine sahip kireç ilaveli zemin numunesi (L Serisi) ve %10 su içeriğine ve farklı yoğunluklara sahip zemin numunesi (D Serisi) dir. Çalışma kapsamında elde edilen sonuçlar zeminin ısıl iletkenliği ile ilgili en iyi sonuçların sıralamasının W serisi, D serisi ve L serisi şeklinde olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca maksimum termal iletkenliğin 3,41 W/m.? ile W serisinde WTS20 partisinde olduğu gözlenmiştir.
Population growth is one of the causes of increasing the demand on the prime requirement of life like water, food, and energy. These prime requirements have an intensive effect on the environment, especially energy production. Thus, increasing the demand for energy and global warming leads the researchers to explore new renewable and sustainable energy resources to cover the energy demand and be more friendly with the environment. Geothermal and Thermal Geology energy is one of the methods to produce energy that took the researchers' attention due to its good results. This study aimed to examine the thermal conductivity of Tripoli soil in Libya to evaluate its capability to take advantage of the Geothermal energy. Three series have been used to conduct this process and these series are W series to examine the water content of soil sample, L series to add the ratio of lime to the samples and D series to change the density ratio of samples. In this context, the mentioned series with multiple batch were made to examine the thermal conductivity of the soil using laboratory steady-state method. Then, the definition of tests series was given to examine the thermal conductivity of Tripoli soil with a different water content in each sample (W series), examine the thermal conductivity of Tripoli soil samples with the addition of lime and keeping the water content at 10% for each sample (L series), and examining the thermal conductivity of Tripoli soil samples with different densities and keeping at 10% water content for all samples (D series). The best results associate with thermal conductivity of the soil is listed as W series, D series and L series. The maximum thermal conductivity has been obtained with 3.41 W/m.? in the WTS20 batch in the W series."
Population growth is one of the causes of increasing the demand on the prime requirement of life like water, food, and energy. These prime requirements have an intensive effect on the environment, especially energy production. Thus, increasing the demand for energy and global warming leads the researchers to explore new renewable and sustainable energy resources to cover the energy demand and be more friendly with the environment. Geothermal and Thermal Geology energy is one of the methods to produce energy that took the researchers' attention due to its good results. This study aimed to examine the thermal conductivity of Tripoli soil in Libya to evaluate its capability to take advantage of the Geothermal energy. Three series have been used to conduct this process and these series are W series to examine the water content of soil sample, L series to add the ratio of lime to the samples and D series to change the density ratio of samples. In this context, the mentioned series with multiple batch were made to examine the thermal conductivity of the soil using laboratory steady-state method. Then, the definition of tests series was given to examine the thermal conductivity of Tripoli soil with a different water content in each sample (W series), examine the thermal conductivity of Tripoli soil samples with the addition of lime and keeping the water content at 10% for each sample (L series), and examining the thermal conductivity of Tripoli soil samples with different densities and keeping at 10% water content for all samples (D series). The best results associate with thermal conductivity of the soil is listed as W series, D series and L series. The maximum thermal conductivity has been obtained with 3.41 W/m.? in the WTS20 batch in the W series."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Jeotermal Enerji, Termal İletkenlik, Trablus Toprağı, Kireç, Su İçeriği, Yoğunluk, Laboratuvar Kararlı-Durum Metodu, Çevre Kirliliği., Geothermal Energy, Thermal Conductivity, Tripoli Soil, Lime, Water Content, Density, Laboratory Steady-State Method, Environmental Pollution.