Aristoteles ve John Rawls'ın adalet anlayışının karşılaştırmalı bir incelemesi
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Adalet kavramı, bireyler arasındaki ilişkilerde, toplumsal düzenin oluşturulmasında ve hukukun uygulanmasında adil, eşitlikçi ve dengeleyici prensiplere dayanan bir yaklaşım ve ilkedir. Adalet kavramı insanlık tarihi boyunca büyük bir önem aksetmiştir. Nesiller boyu bu kavram farklı bakış açıları ile ele alınmıştır. Antik Yunan döneminde önemli bir rol oynayan Aristoteles'in adalet anlayışı, erdem merkezli bir yaklaşımdır ve adaletin sağlanabilmesi için yöneticilerin erdemli olmaları gerektiğini söylemiştir. Aristoteles, başlangıçta genel ve özel adalet şeklinde ayrım yapmaktadır. Özel adalet, dağıtıcı adalet ve düzenleyici adalet olarak iki ayrı türde incelenmektedir. Dağıtıcı adaletin eşitlik anlayışı geometrik bir orana dayanırken, düzenleyici adalet mutlak eşitlik ve aritmetik orana dayanmaktadır. John Rawls, "adalet teorisini" ortaya koyarken ve toplumsal eşitsizlikleri ele almıştır. Rawls'ın adalet anlayışı "fırsat eşitliği ve en dezavantajlı bireylerin korunması" ilkesine odaklanmaktadır. Adaletin temel ilkelerini açıklarken "orijinal pozisyon" ve "cehalet perdesi" gibi kavramlardan yararlanmaktadır. Aristoteles, toplumsal düzen içerisindeki uyumun önemine vurgu yaparken; Rawls ise bireylerin özgürlüğünü ve dezavantajlı bireylerin korunmasına öncelik vermiştir. Her iki düşünürün de adalet anlayışlarında farklılıklar olsa da temel amaçları düzeni ve eşit dağılımı sağlamaktır.
In this study, a comparison was made by examining both philosophers' understanding of justice. The concept of justice is an approach and principle based on fair, egalitarian and balancing principles in the relations between individuals, the creation of social order and the application of law. The concept of justice has been of great importance throughout human history. This concept has been discussed from different perspectives throughout generations. Aristotle's understanding of justice, which played an important role in the ancient Greek period, is a virtue-centered approach and he said that rulers must be virtuous in order to ensure justice. Aristotle initially distinguishes between general and special justice. Special justice is examined in two different types: distributive justice and regulative justice. While distributive justice's understanding of equality is based on a geometric ratio, regulative justice is based on absolute equality and arithmetic ratio. John Rawls introduced his "theory of justice" and discussed social inequalities. Rawls's understanding of justice focuses on the principle of "equality of opportunity and the protection of the most disadvantaged individuals". While explaining the basic principles of justice, he uses concepts such as "original position" and "veil of ignorance". While Aristotle emphasizes the importance of harmony within the social order; Rawls, on the other hand, prioritized the freedom of individuals and the protection of disadvantaged individuals. Although both thinkers have differences in their understanding of justice, their main aim is to ensure order and equal distribution.
In this study, a comparison was made by examining both philosophers' understanding of justice. The concept of justice is an approach and principle based on fair, egalitarian and balancing principles in the relations between individuals, the creation of social order and the application of law. The concept of justice has been of great importance throughout human history. This concept has been discussed from different perspectives throughout generations. Aristotle's understanding of justice, which played an important role in the ancient Greek period, is a virtue-centered approach and he said that rulers must be virtuous in order to ensure justice. Aristotle initially distinguishes between general and special justice. Special justice is examined in two different types: distributive justice and regulative justice. While distributive justice's understanding of equality is based on a geometric ratio, regulative justice is based on absolute equality and arithmetic ratio. John Rawls introduced his "theory of justice" and discussed social inequalities. Rawls's understanding of justice focuses on the principle of "equality of opportunity and the protection of the most disadvantaged individuals". While explaining the basic principles of justice, he uses concepts such as "original position" and "veil of ignorance". While Aristotle emphasizes the importance of harmony within the social order; Rawls, on the other hand, prioritized the freedom of individuals and the protection of disadvantaged individuals. Although both thinkers have differences in their understanding of justice, their main aim is to ensure order and equal distribution.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Etik Değerler Ana Bilim Dalı (Disiplinlerarası)
Anahtar Kelimeler
Felsefe, Philosophy ; Hukuk