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Bu çalışmada, farklı çalışma şartlarında CO2 (R744) soğutucu akışkanlı buhar sıkıştırmalı sudan suya bir ısı pompasının performansı subkritik bölgede deneysel ve teorik olarak incelenmiştir. Sudan suya bir ısı pompası sistemi tasarlanarak, kurulan deney düzeneğinde farklı kondenser ve evaporatör su giriş sıcaklıkları ile farklı kondenser ve evaporatör su debilerinde iki farklı durum için deneyler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birinci grup deneylerde; evaporatör su debisi 500 lt/h değerinde sabit tutularak, kondenser ve evaporatör giriş suyu sıcaklıkları 11 °C, 13 °C ve 15 °C değerinde değiştirilerek, 600 lt/h, 700 lt/h ve 800 lt/h değerlerindeki farklı kondenser su debilerinin ısı pompası performansı üzerindeki etkileri gözlemlenmiştir. İkinci grup deneylerde ise; kondenser su debisi 500 l/h değerinde sabit tutularak, kondenser ve evaporatör giriş suyu sıcaklıkları 11 °C, 13 °C ve 15 °C değerlerinde değiştirilerek 600 lt/h, 700 lt/h ve 800 lt/h değerlerindeki farklı evaporatör su debilerinin ısı pompası performansına etkisi gözlemlenmiştir. Deneylerde; sistem üzerinde basınç, sıcaklık, debi ve güç gibi parametreler ölçülmüştür. Deneysel ölçümlerden elde edilen veriler kullanılarak ısı pompasının enerji, ekserji ve termoekonomik analizleri yapılmıştır. Enerji analizi sonuçlarına göre birinci grup deneylerde ısı pompasının ısıtma tesir katsayısı (COPHP) değerinin 3,75 ile 4,049 aralığında, ikinci grup deneylerde ise 3,192 ile 3,75 aralığında değiştiği görülmüştür. Ekserji analizinden elde edilen sonuçlardan, ısı pompası ekserji veriminin birinci grup deneylerde 0,403 ile 0,428 aralığında, ikinci grup deneylerde ise 0,394 ile 0,416 aralığında değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Isı pompasının termoekonomik analizi MOPSA metoduna göre yapılmış, kondenserden suya aktarılan birim kW ısı enerjisi başına harcanan mali değerin; birinci grup deneylerde 0,153 $/kW ile 0,163 $/kW aralığında, ikinci grup deneylerde ise 0,160 $/kW ile 0,165 $/kW aralığında değiştiği tespit edilmiştir.
In this study, the performance of water to water vapor compression heat pump which was used CO2 (R744) as a refrigerant was investigated experimentally and theoretically under different operating conditions in the subcritical region. By designing a water-to-water heat pump system, experiments were carried out for two different situations in different condenser and evaporator water inlet temperatures and different condenser and evaporator water flow rates. In the first group of experiments, by keeping the evaporator water flow rate constant at 500 lt/h, the condenser and evaporator inlet water temperatures have been changed as 11 °C, 13 °C and 15 °C, then the performance of heat pump have been observed under different condenser water flow rates of 600 lt/h, 700 lt/h and 800 lt/h. In the second group of experiments, by keeping the condenser water flow rate constant at 500 lt/h, the condenser and evaporator inlet water temperatures have been changed as 11 ° C, 13 °C and 15 °C, then the performance of heat pump have been observed under different evaporator water flow rates of 600 lt/h, 700 lt/h and 800 lt/h. In experiments; parameters such as pressure, temperature, flow rate and power consumption have been measured on the system. Energy, exergy and thermoeconomic analyzes of the heat pump have been made using the data obtained from the experimental measurements. According to the results of the energy analysis, it was observed that the coefficient of performance of the heat pump (COPHP) in the first group of experiments ranged from 3.75 to 4.049, and in the second group of experiments ranged from 3.192 to 3.75. From the results obtained from the exergy analysis, it was determined that the heat pump exergy efficiency ranged between 0.403 and 0.428 in the first group of experiments, and between 0.339 and 0.416 in the second group of experiments. The thermoeconomic analysis of heat pump was made with the MOPSA method, the financial value spent per unit kW of heat energy transferred from the condenser to the water; In the first group of experiments, it was found that it ranged from $ 0.153 / kW to $ 0.163 / kW, and in the second group of experiments ranged from $ 0.16 / kW to $ 0.165 / kW."
In this study, the performance of water to water vapor compression heat pump which was used CO2 (R744) as a refrigerant was investigated experimentally and theoretically under different operating conditions in the subcritical region. By designing a water-to-water heat pump system, experiments were carried out for two different situations in different condenser and evaporator water inlet temperatures and different condenser and evaporator water flow rates. In the first group of experiments, by keeping the evaporator water flow rate constant at 500 lt/h, the condenser and evaporator inlet water temperatures have been changed as 11 °C, 13 °C and 15 °C, then the performance of heat pump have been observed under different condenser water flow rates of 600 lt/h, 700 lt/h and 800 lt/h. In the second group of experiments, by keeping the condenser water flow rate constant at 500 lt/h, the condenser and evaporator inlet water temperatures have been changed as 11 ° C, 13 °C and 15 °C, then the performance of heat pump have been observed under different evaporator water flow rates of 600 lt/h, 700 lt/h and 800 lt/h. In experiments; parameters such as pressure, temperature, flow rate and power consumption have been measured on the system. Energy, exergy and thermoeconomic analyzes of the heat pump have been made using the data obtained from the experimental measurements. According to the results of the energy analysis, it was observed that the coefficient of performance of the heat pump (COPHP) in the first group of experiments ranged from 3.75 to 4.049, and in the second group of experiments ranged from 3.192 to 3.75. From the results obtained from the exergy analysis, it was determined that the heat pump exergy efficiency ranged between 0.403 and 0.428 in the first group of experiments, and between 0.339 and 0.416 in the second group of experiments. The thermoeconomic analysis of heat pump was made with the MOPSA method, the financial value spent per unit kW of heat energy transferred from the condenser to the water; In the first group of experiments, it was found that it ranged from $ 0.153 / kW to $ 0.163 / kW, and in the second group of experiments ranged from $ 0.16 / kW to $ 0.165 / kW."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Heat pump, CO2 Refregirant, Energy Analysis, Exergy Analysis, Thermoeconomic Analysis, MOPSA, Isı pompası, CO2 soğutucu akışkan, Enerji Analizi, Ekserji Analizi, Termoekonomik Analiz, MOPSA.