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Bu çalışmanın amacı Aisha Abdul Rahman'ın kişiliğini araştırmak, akademik ve pratik deneyimlerini analiz etmek ve Kutsal Kur'an'ı anlama yaklaşımına içtenlikle Allah'ın rahmetiyle değinmektir. Bu çalışma, Aisha Abdul Rahman'ın kişiliğini araştırmayı, akademik ve pratik yolculuğunu anlamayı ve Kutsal Kur'an'ı anlama yaklaşımını anlamayı amaçlamaktadır (Allah rahmet eylesin). Bu çalışmada ele alınan sorun, Kutsal Kur'an'ı anlama konusundaki çağdaş kadınların rollerinin öneminin net olmamasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma Dr. Aisha Abdul Rahman'ın Kur'an'ı tefsir etme çabalarını, özellikle ""Tefsir al-Bayani""yi vurgulamaktadır. Bu araştırmanın önemi, Aisha Abdul Rahman'ın Kutsal Kur'an'ı tefsir etmedeki rolünü anlamak, yöntemini aydınlatmak ve katkılarını vurgulamaktır. Bu çalışmanın yöntemi, tefsirci Aisha Abdul Rahman'ın çabalarını incelemek için analitik bir tekniktir ve Allah'ın yönergeleri doğrultusunda metodolojisini açıklamaktır. Bu çalışmanın bulguları aşağıdaki gibi özetlenebilir: 1. 'Tefsir al-Bayani' yaklaşımı nesnel ve Kuran'a odaklıdır. Bu tarz önce bağlamsal tefsiri vurgular, ardından Kuran'ı Kuran ile tefsir etmeyi amaçlar ve özgün bir özelliği olarak Kuran ifadesini metin boyunca tüm durumlarda çıkarır. 2. Dr. Aisha Abdul Rahman'ın tarzı zarafeti, akışkanlığı, hafifliği, akıcılığı, açıklığı ve Kuran'da açıkça belirtilmeyen dogmatik tefsirleri kabul etmeme anlamında öne çıkar. 3. Aisha Abdul Rahman'ın tefsiri, edebi ve yaratıcı tonlarla bireysel olarak süslenmiş, kabul edilen geleneklerden saparak özgündür. Son olarak, İslam'ın yücelttiği kadınların, özellikle çağdaş olanların, İslam'ın yükselttiği kadınların mücadelesini sürdürdüğü, onların haysiyetini koruduğu ve onurunu savunduğu bir davayı destekleme çabalarını vurgulamak isterim. Ayrıca, tüm şekil ve tezahürlerinde medya organlarının Dr. Aisha Abdul Rahman'a ve çalışmalarına yakından ilgi göstermelerini tavsiye ederim. Onun katkılarını göz ardı etmek haksız olur. ?
The objective of this study is to investigate the personality of Aisha Abdul Rahman, analyze her academic and practical experiences, and gain insight into her approach for understanding the Holy Quran, with a respectful mention of Allah's mercy upon her. This study seeks to investigate Aisha Abdul Rahman's personality, grasp her academic and practical journey, and comprehend her approach in understanding the Holy Quran (may Allah have mercy on her). The issue addressed in this study originates from a lack of clarity regarding the importance of contemporary women's roles in understanding the Holy Quran. Thus, this study highlights Dr. Aisha Abdul Rahman's efforts in interpreting the Quran, notably the ""Tafsir al-Bayani."" The importance of this research is in comprehending Aisha Abdul Rahman's role in interpreting the Holy Quran, illuminating her technique, and emphasizing her contributions. This study's methodology is an inductive and analytical technique to examining the efforts of the interpreter Aisha Abdul Rahman while clarifying her methodology as instructed by Allah. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. ""Al-Tafseer Al-Bayani"" represents a thematic interpretation of the Qur'an (al-tafsir al-mawdu'i), characterized by two key features. First, it involves interpreting the Qur'an through the Qur'an itself. Second, a prominent feature is the extrapolation of Qur'anic terms in all their occurrences throughout the Qur'an. 2. Dr. Aisha bint Abdul Rahman's style is infused with a sense of lightness and fluency, clarity, and a refusal to accept ideological interpretations for which the Qur'an remains silent 3. Dr. Aisha Abdul Rahman's interpretation stands out as a remarkable work, enriched with literary and artistic elements, while also deviating from the conventional and well-established character. In conclusion, my intention was to spotlight the endeavors of Muslim women, especially those in contemporary times, in championing the cause of women whose status holds the highest regard in Islam—a faith that upholds their dignity and honor. Furthermore, I strongly recommend that media outlets in all forms and manifestations give due attention to Dr. Aisha Abdul Rahman and her contributions. Neglecting her remarkable contributions would be unjustifiable."
The objective of this study is to investigate the personality of Aisha Abdul Rahman, analyze her academic and practical experiences, and gain insight into her approach for understanding the Holy Quran, with a respectful mention of Allah's mercy upon her. This study seeks to investigate Aisha Abdul Rahman's personality, grasp her academic and practical journey, and comprehend her approach in understanding the Holy Quran (may Allah have mercy on her). The issue addressed in this study originates from a lack of clarity regarding the importance of contemporary women's roles in understanding the Holy Quran. Thus, this study highlights Dr. Aisha Abdul Rahman's efforts in interpreting the Quran, notably the ""Tafsir al-Bayani."" The importance of this research is in comprehending Aisha Abdul Rahman's role in interpreting the Holy Quran, illuminating her technique, and emphasizing her contributions. This study's methodology is an inductive and analytical technique to examining the efforts of the interpreter Aisha Abdul Rahman while clarifying her methodology as instructed by Allah. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. ""Al-Tafseer Al-Bayani"" represents a thematic interpretation of the Qur'an (al-tafsir al-mawdu'i), characterized by two key features. First, it involves interpreting the Qur'an through the Qur'an itself. Second, a prominent feature is the extrapolation of Qur'anic terms in all their occurrences throughout the Qur'an. 2. Dr. Aisha bint Abdul Rahman's style is infused with a sense of lightness and fluency, clarity, and a refusal to accept ideological interpretations for which the Qur'an remains silent 3. Dr. Aisha Abdul Rahman's interpretation stands out as a remarkable work, enriched with literary and artistic elements, while also deviating from the conventional and well-established character. In conclusion, my intention was to spotlight the endeavors of Muslim women, especially those in contemporary times, in championing the cause of women whose status holds the highest regard in Islam—a faith that upholds their dignity and honor. Furthermore, I strongly recommend that media outlets in all forms and manifestations give due attention to Dr. Aisha Abdul Rahman and her contributions. Neglecting her remarkable contributions would be unjustifiable."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tefsir, Kuran, Tefsirci, Çaba, Kadın., Interpretation, Quran, Interpreter, Efforts, Woman