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Erişim Hakkı
Bu risale ve başlığı (Tecvid vakıflarının yoruma yön verme üzerindeki etkisi, tümevarımcı ve analitik bir Kur'an çalışması), her ikisi de kabul edilebilir olan iki vasfı taşıyan ayetleri çıkarmak için Kur'an'ın tümevarımsal ve analitik bir araştırmasıdır. tam, yeterli veya güzel bir vakftır. Ayetler, tefsir, vahiy sebepleri, el yazısı ve imlâ bakımından dil, dil bilgisi, şekil bilgisi, belagat ve üslûptur. Tez kısa bir giriş ve üç bölümden oluşmaktadır: Birinci bölüm ise tonlama ile ilgili olup, ilki iki talep üzerinden dilsel ve deyimsel olarak tonlamanın tanımında, ikincisi dört tonlama türünü gösteren üç bölümden oluşmaktadır; Soruşturma, entonasyon, hudur ve rotasyon olmak üzere dört talep üzerinden üçüncüsü vakfiye, susma ve kesme ile ilgili dört konu başlığı üzerinden vakfiye ve inisiyasyonun izahı ile zikredilmiştir. İkinci bölüm ise Kur'an'ın tefsiri ve tefsiri ile ilgili olup, ilki tefsir ve tefsirin dil ve terminolojideki anlamını açıklığa kavuşturmak ve aradaki farkı açıklamak olmak üzere üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. tefsir ve tefsir, iki taleple, ikincisi ise üç tefsir okulunu, tefsir okulunu atasözüyle, tefsir okulunu kanaatle ve tefsir okulunu kanaatle açıklamaktır. ve üçüncüsü, yorumdaki farklılığın nedenlerini iki taleple açıklamaktır. İkinci bölüm tefsir ve tevil ile en ünlü vakf ve ibtida âlimlerini ele almakta ve üç konu içermektedir. Birincisi, tefsir ve tevil kelimelerinin dil ve terminolojideki anlamını, tefsir ile tevil arasındaki farkı, tefsir ve tevil'in toplumdaki bilimsel gelişim üzerindeki etkilerini açıklamaktır ve üç kısımdan oluşmaktadır. İkincisi tefsirdeki yorum farklılıklarının nedenlerini açıklar. Üçüncüsü ise en ünlü vakf ve ibtida âlimlerini iki kısımda açıklamaktadır Üçüncü bölümde ise durakların yoruma yön verme üzerindeki etkisine ilişkin bir ifade yer almakta ve iki bölümden oluşmaktadır; Birinci konu, kimi ayetlerde, kimisi inançla, kimisi de inanç dışı nedenlerle yasaklanan durakları iki talep üzerinden göstermektedir. en önemli bulgular ve önerilerle birlikte.
This treatise and its title (The Impact of Tajweed stopping on Interpretation, a Qur'anic Inductive Analytical Study) is an inductive- analytical study of the Holy Qur'an to extract verses that curry two stopping, both of which are acceptable, whether it is a complete, sufficient, or good stopping. The verses are language, grammar, morphology, eloquence and intonation, in terms of interpretation, reasons for revelation, calligraphy and spelling. The treatise contains of a short introduction and three chapters: The first chapter is related to intonation, and it contains three sections, the first of which is on the definition of intonation linguistically and idiomatically throw two demands, and the second shows the four types of intonation; investigation recitation, hudur, and rotation through four demands, the third of which is mentioned through four topics of intonation rulings related to stopping, silence, and cutting, with a statement of stopping and initiation. As for the second chapter, it is related to the interpretation and interpretation of Qur'an, and it contains three sections, the first of which is to explain the meaning of the interpretation and changing in language and terminology, and to explain the difference between interpretation and changing, through two demands, and the second is to explain the three schools of interpretation, the school of interpretation by the adage, the school of interpretation by opinion, and the school of interpretation with signs. The indicative interpretation through three demands, and the third in explaining the reasons for the difference in interpretation with two demands. The second part deals with tafsir and interpretation and the most famous wakf and ibtida scholars and includes three topics. The first one is to explain the meaning of the words tafsir and interpretation in language and terminology, the difference between tafsir and interpretation, the effects of tafsir and interpretation on scientific development in society and consists of three parts. . The second explains the reasons for the differences in interpretation in tafsir. The third one explains the most famous wakf and ibtida scholars in two parts. As for the third chapter, it includes a statement of impact of the stops on directing the interpretation, and it consists of two sections; the first topic shows the forbidden stops in some verses there are stopping in which there no obligation, and the other mentions the acceptable stops that are not required in them, and they have an impact on directing interpretation something from which is the core of this message, and the message ends with the most important results and recommendations for reasons, some of which are related to belief, and others are related to other than belief, through two demands, and the second section has two demands, one of which shows verses in which."
This treatise and its title (The Impact of Tajweed stopping on Interpretation, a Qur'anic Inductive Analytical Study) is an inductive- analytical study of the Holy Qur'an to extract verses that curry two stopping, both of which are acceptable, whether it is a complete, sufficient, or good stopping. The verses are language, grammar, morphology, eloquence and intonation, in terms of interpretation, reasons for revelation, calligraphy and spelling. The treatise contains of a short introduction and three chapters: The first chapter is related to intonation, and it contains three sections, the first of which is on the definition of intonation linguistically and idiomatically throw two demands, and the second shows the four types of intonation; investigation recitation, hudur, and rotation through four demands, the third of which is mentioned through four topics of intonation rulings related to stopping, silence, and cutting, with a statement of stopping and initiation. As for the second chapter, it is related to the interpretation and interpretation of Qur'an, and it contains three sections, the first of which is to explain the meaning of the interpretation and changing in language and terminology, and to explain the difference between interpretation and changing, through two demands, and the second is to explain the three schools of interpretation, the school of interpretation by the adage, the school of interpretation by opinion, and the school of interpretation with signs. The indicative interpretation through three demands, and the third in explaining the reasons for the difference in interpretation with two demands. The second part deals with tafsir and interpretation and the most famous wakf and ibtida scholars and includes three topics. The first one is to explain the meaning of the words tafsir and interpretation in language and terminology, the difference between tafsir and interpretation, the effects of tafsir and interpretation on scientific development in society and consists of three parts. . The second explains the reasons for the differences in interpretation in tafsir. The third one explains the most famous wakf and ibtida scholars in two parts. As for the third chapter, it includes a statement of impact of the stops on directing the interpretation, and it consists of two sections; the first topic shows the forbidden stops in some verses there are stopping in which there no obligation, and the other mentions the acceptable stops that are not required in them, and they have an impact on directing interpretation something from which is the core of this message, and the message ends with the most important results and recommendations for reasons, some of which are related to belief, and others are related to other than belief, through two demands, and the second section has two demands, one of which shows verses in which."
Anahtar Kelimeler
tonlama, sessizlik, kesme, yorumlama, İntonation, silence, cutting, interpretation