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Zırh çelik malzemeleri, silahlı saldırılardan ve/veya herhangi bir mayın/EYP patlamalarından korunmak için üretilmiştir. Ayrıca HHA (Yüksek Sertlik Zırh Çeliği) kalite zırh çelikleri yüksek sertliğe sahip ve balistik olarak sağlam bir yapı göstermeleri bu çeliklere üstünlük kazandırmaktadır. Zırh çeliklerinin kaynaklı birleştirmelerinde ısı tesiri altında kalan bölge (ITAB) ve kaynak metali bölgesindeki değişimler bu bölgelerin mekanik özelliklerini ve balistik performansını etkilemektedir. Zırh çeliklerinin kaynağında uygun kaynak yöntemini seçmek ve optimum ısı girdisini sağlamak bu istenilen özelliklerin muhafazası bakımından oldukça önemlidir. Ayrıca, kaynak sonrası oluşan ve istenmeyen artık (kalıntı) gerilmeler, kaynak sonrası ısıl işlemler (PWHT) yoluyla hafifletilebilir. Bu çalışmada, Bisalloy HHA 500 serisi zırh çelikleri otomatize edilmiş gazaltı kaynak (GMAW) yöntemiyle ön deneysel testlerle optimize edilmiş kaynak parametrelerinde birleştirilmişlerdir. Birleştirme işleminden sonra plakalara tahribatsız muayene yöntemlerinden gözle muayene, sıvı penetrant uygulaması ve x–ray kırınımı yöntemi ile radyografik muayene uygulamaları yapılarak kaynak bölgesinde hata olup olmadığı kontrol edilmiştir. Kaynaklı birleştirmelerin mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla tahribatlı muayene yöntemlerinden çentik darbe, çekme ve eğme testleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kaynak dikişlerine enine ve dikine mikrosertlik analizleri yapılmıştır. Kaynaklı bağlantıların mikroyapı incelemeleri gerçekleştirilerek, mekanik testler sonrası oluşan kırık yüzey incelemeleri de SEM-EDS analizleri ile incelenmiştir. Son olarak, kaynaklı birleştirmelerin balistik testleri gerçekleştirilerek balistik performansları değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca, kaynaklı bağlantılar iki gruba ayrılarak bir gruba kaynak sonrası ısıl işlem uygulanmıştır. Böylece ısıl işlemin birleştirmenin mekanik özelliklerine ve balistik performansına olan etkisi belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Deneysel çalışmalar sonucu Bisalloy HHA 500 zırh çeliklerinin başarılı bir şekilde birleştirildiği, kaynak dikişi boyunca kaynak hatalarına rastlanılmadığı, ayrıca kaynaklı birleştirme mukavemetinin kabul edilebilir aralıklarda olduğu ancak sünekliğinin düştüğü tespit edilmiştir. Kaynaklı birleştirmelere uygulanan balistik testler başarılı sonuçlanmıştır. Kaynak sonrası ısıl işleme bağlı olarak şekillendirilebilirlik ve çentik darbe dayanımı iyileşmiştir. Balistik test sonuçlarına göre çok büyük bir farklılık oluşturmamakla birlikte testlerde kullanılan ve yüksek namlu enerjisine sahip 7,62x51 NATO Ball (Ball M80) mermi hasarı haricinde tüm ısıl işlemli birleştirme testleri başarılı sonuç vermiştir.
Armor steel materials are produced to protect against armed attacks and/or any mine/IED explosions. In addition, HHA (High Hardness Armor Steel) quality armor steels have high hardness and ballistically robust structure, which gives these steels superiority. In welded joints of armor steels, changes in the heat affected zone (ITAB) and weld metal zone affect the mechanical properties and ballistic performance of these zones. In welding of armor steels, it is very important to choose the appropriate welding method and to provide optimum heat input in order to maintain these desired properties. In addition, undesirable residual stresses after welding can be alleviated by post-weld heat treatment (PWHT). In this study, Bisalloy HHA 500 series armor steels were joined by automated gas metal arc welding (GMAW) at welding parameters optimized by preliminary experimental tests. After the joining process, the plates were checked for defects in the weld area by visual inspection, liquid penetrant application and radiographic inspection with x-ray diffraction method. In order to determine the mechanical properties of the welded joints, notch impact, tensile and bending tests were performed by destructive testing methods. Transverse and vertical microhardness analyzes were performed on the weld seams. The microstructure of the welded joints were examined and the fracture surface examinations after the mechanical tests were also examined by SEM-EDS analysis. Finally, ballistic tests of the welded joints were performed to evaluate their ballistic performance. In addition, the welded joints were divided into two groups and one group was heat treated after welding. Thus, the effect of heat treatment on the mechanical properties and ballistic performance of the joint was tried to be determined. As a result of the experimental studies, it was determined that Bisalloy HHA 500 armor steels were successfully joined, no welding defects were observed along the weld seam, and the welded joint strength was within acceptable ranges, but the ductility decreased. Ballistic tests applied to the welded joints were successful. Formability and notch impact strength improved due to post-weld heat treatment. Although there was no significant difference in the ballistic test results, all heat-treated joint tests were successful except for the damage caused by the 7.62x51 NATO Ball (Ball M80) bullet with high muzzle energy."
Armor steel materials are produced to protect against armed attacks and/or any mine/IED explosions. In addition, HHA (High Hardness Armor Steel) quality armor steels have high hardness and ballistically robust structure, which gives these steels superiority. In welded joints of armor steels, changes in the heat affected zone (ITAB) and weld metal zone affect the mechanical properties and ballistic performance of these zones. In welding of armor steels, it is very important to choose the appropriate welding method and to provide optimum heat input in order to maintain these desired properties. In addition, undesirable residual stresses after welding can be alleviated by post-weld heat treatment (PWHT). In this study, Bisalloy HHA 500 series armor steels were joined by automated gas metal arc welding (GMAW) at welding parameters optimized by preliminary experimental tests. After the joining process, the plates were checked for defects in the weld area by visual inspection, liquid penetrant application and radiographic inspection with x-ray diffraction method. In order to determine the mechanical properties of the welded joints, notch impact, tensile and bending tests were performed by destructive testing methods. Transverse and vertical microhardness analyzes were performed on the weld seams. The microstructure of the welded joints were examined and the fracture surface examinations after the mechanical tests were also examined by SEM-EDS analysis. Finally, ballistic tests of the welded joints were performed to evaluate their ballistic performance. In addition, the welded joints were divided into two groups and one group was heat treated after welding. Thus, the effect of heat treatment on the mechanical properties and ballistic performance of the joint was tried to be determined. As a result of the experimental studies, it was determined that Bisalloy HHA 500 armor steels were successfully joined, no welding defects were observed along the weld seam, and the welded joint strength was within acceptable ranges, but the ductility decreased. Ballistic tests applied to the welded joints were successful. Formability and notch impact strength improved due to post-weld heat treatment. Although there was no significant difference in the ballistic test results, all heat-treated joint tests were successful except for the damage caused by the 7.62x51 NATO Ball (Ball M80) bullet with high muzzle energy."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bisalloy HHA 500 zırh çeliği, Mekanik özellikler, PWHT, Balistik özellikler., Bisalloy HHA 500 armor steel, Mechanical properties, PWHT, Ballistic properties.