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El yazmasında? Arabzade'nin? (t. 969 H.) El-Beydavî'nin tefsiri üzerine haşiyesi yer almaktadır: (Zuhruf ve Duhan). Zuhruf Suresi? İslamda tevhid inancı? İslam mesajının büyüklüğü? dirilme ve sevap inancının boyutlarını ele almakta? imanın esaslarına açıklık getirmekte? vahiy ve Allah'ın evrendeki gücünden bahsetmektedir. Duhan Suresi? Kuran'ın indirilmesinden bahseder ve dirilişi inkâr edenleri kınar? tevhidden ve Musa aleyhisselam'ın Firavun ve İsrailoğulları kıssasından bahseder ve kafirleri ahirette ceza göreceklerine dair uyarır. Haşiye? Arabzade'nin tefsirinde yer alan Beydâvî'nin: (Anvar Al-Tanzil va'asrar Al-Taavil); Beydâvî'nin sözlerindeki belirsizliği ortadan kaldırmaya ve tefsirinde ihmal edildiği görülen kısımları eklemeye çalışmak üzerine inşa edilmiştir. Haşiyede? Arabzadeh Beydavi'ye itirazlarını vurgulayarak? birkaç yerde kendi görüşünü doğru gördüğü şekilde ifade etti. Haşiye; tefsir? sahih hadislerin bir bölümü? birçok gramer? belagat ve morfoloji konularını ve bazı teoloji görüşlerini (Mu'tezile) topladı ve dilin sadeliği üzerine inşa edildi. Al-Mahshi? Al-Zamakhshari'nin kitabından (Al-Kaşaf an hakayik Al-Tanzil vayun Al'akavil fi vucuh Al-Taavil)? bazı yerlerde Amali İbnü'l-Haceb'den (t. 646 H.) yararlanmış ve Cevhari'nin ""Sahih""inden kelimelerin anlamlarını ve tuhaflıklarını araştırmıştır. Al-Fayrouzabadi?’nin (Al-Kamus Al-Muhiti) dipnota bilimsel konuda bir çeşitlilik kazandırdı. Araştırma planı iki bölümden oluşmaktadır; Çalışma bölümü ve inceleme bölümü? birinci bölüm de iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde İmam Beydavi'den? isminden? unvanından? doğumundan? yetiştirilişinden? vefatı ve faaliyetlerinden bahsettim ve kitabı? şeyhleri? talebeleri ve yazılarını tanıttım. İkinci bölümde Arabzadeh'in hayatından bahsettim? bilimsel faaliyetlerini gösterdim? elyazmasını? soyunu ve Mahshi yaklaşımını tanıttım. Açıklama ve tefsirde Arabzadeh'in kaynaklarından bahsettim ve yazılı nüshaları anlattım. El yazmasından resimlerle desteklenen araştırmadaki metodolojimi gösterdim. İkinci bölümde doğrulanmış metin ve teknik indeksleri bulunmaktadır.
In the manuscript? there is Arabzade's annotation on the commentary of (t. 969 H.) Al-Beydavi: (Zuhruf and Duhan). Surah Zuhruf deals with the belief of tawhid in Islam? the greatness of the Islamic message? the dimensions of the belief in resurrection and reward? clarifies the principles of faith? and talks about revelation and Allah’s power in the universe. Surah Duhan mentions the revelation of the Qur'an and condemns those who deny the resurrection? mentions tawhid and the story of Musa 'alaihis-salam's Pharaoh and the Children of Israel? and warns unbelievers that they will be punished in the hereafter. Hashiya? Arabzade's commentary on Beydavi's: (Anvar Al-Tanzil va'asrar Al-Taavil); It is built on trying to remove the ambiguity in Beydâvî's words and to add the parts that seem to have been neglected in his commentary. In the annotation? he emphasized his objections to Arabzadeh Beydavi and expressed his opinion in several places as he saw it right. Hashiya collected tafsir? a section of authentic hadiths? many grammatical? eloquence and morphology topics? as well as some views of theology (Mu'tazila) and was built on the simplicity of the language. Al-Mahshi? from the book of Al-Zamakhshari (Al-Kashaf an hakayik Al-Tanzil wayun Al'akavil fi wucuh Al-Taawil)? in some places from Amali Ibn al-Hajab (t. 646 H.) and researched the meanings and oddities of words from Jawhari's ""Sahih"". Al-Fayrouzabadi? 's (Al-Kamus Al-Muhiti) gave the footnote a variation on the scientific topic. The research plan consists of two parts; the study part and the examination part? the first part also consists of two parts. In the first part? I mentioned Imam Beydavi? his name? title? birth? upbringing? death and activities? and introduced the book? sheikhs? students and their writings. In the second part? I talked about Arabzadeh's life? showed his scientific activities? introduced the manuscript? his lineage and the Mahshi approach. In the explanation and commentary? I mentioned Arabzadeh's sources and explained the written copies. I showed my methodology in the research? supported by illustrations from the manuscript. In the second section? there are verified text and technical indexes."
In the manuscript? there is Arabzade's annotation on the commentary of (t. 969 H.) Al-Beydavi: (Zuhruf and Duhan). Surah Zuhruf deals with the belief of tawhid in Islam? the greatness of the Islamic message? the dimensions of the belief in resurrection and reward? clarifies the principles of faith? and talks about revelation and Allah’s power in the universe. Surah Duhan mentions the revelation of the Qur'an and condemns those who deny the resurrection? mentions tawhid and the story of Musa 'alaihis-salam's Pharaoh and the Children of Israel? and warns unbelievers that they will be punished in the hereafter. Hashiya? Arabzade's commentary on Beydavi's: (Anvar Al-Tanzil va'asrar Al-Taavil); It is built on trying to remove the ambiguity in Beydâvî's words and to add the parts that seem to have been neglected in his commentary. In the annotation? he emphasized his objections to Arabzadeh Beydavi and expressed his opinion in several places as he saw it right. Hashiya collected tafsir? a section of authentic hadiths? many grammatical? eloquence and morphology topics? as well as some views of theology (Mu'tazila) and was built on the simplicity of the language. Al-Mahshi? from the book of Al-Zamakhshari (Al-Kashaf an hakayik Al-Tanzil wayun Al'akavil fi wucuh Al-Taawil)? in some places from Amali Ibn al-Hajab (t. 646 H.) and researched the meanings and oddities of words from Jawhari's ""Sahih"". Al-Fayrouzabadi? 's (Al-Kamus Al-Muhiti) gave the footnote a variation on the scientific topic. The research plan consists of two parts; the study part and the examination part? the first part also consists of two parts. In the first part? I mentioned Imam Beydavi? his name? title? birth? upbringing? death and activities? and introduced the book? sheikhs? students and their writings. In the second part? I talked about Arabzadeh's life? showed his scientific activities? introduced the manuscript? his lineage and the Mahshi approach. In the explanation and commentary? I mentioned Arabzadeh's sources and explained the written copies. I showed my methodology in the research? supported by illustrations from the manuscript. In the second section? there are verified text and technical indexes."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kur'an-ı Kerim? Arabzadeh? El-Beydavî'nin? Zuhruf? Duhan? tefsir? Haşiye., The Holy Quran? Arabzadeh? Al-Baydawi? Zuhruf? Duhan? Tafsir? Hashiya