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Tezimin konusu olan el-Murâdî ‘de ( h. 749) Nahvî İcmâ isimli çalışmada, nahivcilerin üzerine ittifak ettikleri meselelerin hepsine yer verdim. Nahiv meselelerini tüme varım ve analitik yöntemlerine dayanarak ele aldım. Nahivcilerin görüşlerini, münakaşalarını tahlil ettikten sonra betimleyici metodu kullanarak daha uygun olan görüşü tercih ettim. Araştırmamızın hedeflerinden bahsetmek gerekirse onlar şunlardır: El-Murâdî’nin eserlerinde isimler bülümünde nahivcilerin çeşitli yerlerde ittifak ettikleri kısımların açıklanması, fiillerin bölümünde nahivcilerin ittifak ettikleri kısımların açıklanması. El-Murâdî’nin eserlerinde hangi boyutlarda nahivcilerin icma ettikler bölümün boyutlarının tespit edilmesi. Tezin önemine gelince Layık bir şekilde kendinden önce yazılan eserlerin literatürü tanıtması gerekmektedir. Nahivcilerin icma ettikleri konulara odaklanması gerekmektedir. Araştırmacı nahivcilerin ittifak ettikleri istediği konuyu kolayca ulaşması için ittifak ettikleri meseleleri de açıklaması gerekir. Bu çalışma El-Murâdî’nin el-Cene’d-dânî fî ?urûfi’l-me?ânî, Tav?î?u’l-ma???ıd ve’l-mesâlik bi-şer?i Elfiyyeti İbn Mâlik ve Şer?u Teshîli’l-fevâ?id ve tekmîli’l-ma???ıd (Şer?u’t-Teshîl) isimli üç eseri esas alınarak yapılmıştır. Başka eserlerine bakmaksızın ele alınmıştır. Araştırmanın çok geniş kapsamlı olmaması için ve eksiklik veya fazlalık olmadan nahivcilerin icma konusundaki yeterli bilgiyi elde etmek için bu yolu kullandık. Bu tezimde şu sonuçları ulaştık : İsimler sözün dayanağıdır. Bu sebeple araştırmanın başında zikredilmiştir. Fiiler ise cümlenin ikinci dayanağıdır. Fiiler de esneklik ve değişiklik gösterme özelliği vardır. Bu da fiillerin terkibinin ihtişamından ve bağlamının estetiğinden arapça konuşmanın akışını vermesini sağlamıştır. Harfler, sözün intizamını veren bağlantılardır. Bu da nahivcilerin eserlerinde özel bölüm ayırdıkları siyak fikrini ulaştırmakla bağdaşmaktadır. Fiiller ise, cümlenin dayandığı ikinci sütundur ve esneklik, dönüşüm ve değişim ile karakterize edilir.
In my research entitled ‘The grammatical consensus of Al-Muradi, who died in 749 AH’ I counted all the matters agreed upon by the grammarians. In my research, I followed the inductive method in grammatical issues, as well as the analytical method to analyse these matters, and the descriptive method to narrate the opinions of the grammarians after analysing and discussing them, then weighting the right ones. It is worth saying that the search must have goals to reach such as: clarifying the agreement made in the books of Al-Muradi between grammarians in different topics of nouns, clarifying the grammarians’ agreement in the topics of verbs, and standing on the parsing of letters and the extent which Al-Muradi understands this in his books according to the consensus of grammarians. And in terms of importance, the researcher must show the books of the ancients in a decent manner, focusing on the topic of consensus among grammarians and clarify the issues which they agreed; so that the insider can find what he wants in their agreement. My study was confined on his three books (Al-Jana al-Dani fi Haruf al-Ma’ani), (Clarification of the purposes and paths with the explanation of Alfiya Ibn Malik) and explanation of the book (Explanation of Facilitating Benefits and Completing the Purposes), without mentioning his other writings; so that the search doesn’t expand, and the study fulfils what resulted from the consensus in his books, without omission or elaboration. The study concluded that nouns are the basis of speech; therefore they were at the fore in the search, however verbs are the second basis which the sentence is based on, characterized with flexibility and change, which made it give a flow of Arabic speech from the splendour of the structure and the aesthetic of the context, and I found that letters are the links by which speech is organized and harmonized to convey the idea of context which the grammarians singled out special sections in their writings."
In my research entitled ‘The grammatical consensus of Al-Muradi, who died in 749 AH’ I counted all the matters agreed upon by the grammarians. In my research, I followed the inductive method in grammatical issues, as well as the analytical method to analyse these matters, and the descriptive method to narrate the opinions of the grammarians after analysing and discussing them, then weighting the right ones. It is worth saying that the search must have goals to reach such as: clarifying the agreement made in the books of Al-Muradi between grammarians in different topics of nouns, clarifying the grammarians’ agreement in the topics of verbs, and standing on the parsing of letters and the extent which Al-Muradi understands this in his books according to the consensus of grammarians. And in terms of importance, the researcher must show the books of the ancients in a decent manner, focusing on the topic of consensus among grammarians and clarify the issues which they agreed; so that the insider can find what he wants in their agreement. My study was confined on his three books (Al-Jana al-Dani fi Haruf al-Ma’ani), (Clarification of the purposes and paths with the explanation of Alfiya Ibn Malik) and explanation of the book (Explanation of Facilitating Benefits and Completing the Purposes), without mentioning his other writings; so that the search doesn’t expand, and the study fulfils what resulted from the consensus in his books, without omission or elaboration. The study concluded that nouns are the basis of speech; therefore they were at the fore in the search, however verbs are the second basis which the sentence is based on, characterized with flexibility and change, which made it give a flow of Arabic speech from the splendour of the structure and the aesthetic of the context, and I found that letters are the links by which speech is organized and harmonized to convey the idea of context which the grammarians singled out special sections in their writings."
Anahtar Kelimeler
İcma, Nahiv, Basrî, Kûfî, Consensus - Grammar - Muradi - Basri – Kufi.