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Ülkemizde ve dünyada artan ticari ve binek araç sayıları ile birlikte her yıl binlerce lastik ömrünü tamamlamaktadır. Ömrünü tamamlamış lastikler genel olarak park ve bahçelerde dekoratif malzeme olarak ya da çimento sanayinde atıktan türetilmiş yakıt olarak yakma fırınlarında ham madde olarak kullanılmaktadır. Yakma işlemi sonucunda sera gazları ile içeriğine göre furan grupları oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, ömrünü tamamlamış atık lastikler atmosferik basınç plazma teknolojisi ile işlenerek çevreye zararlı bileşenlerin meydana gelip gelmediği tespit edildi. Plazma işlemi esnasında oluşacak sentez gazının bileşenleri analiz edildi. Daha sonra plazma tekniği ile ayrıştırma sırasında açığa çıkan ısı ile klasik yanma tekniğinde açığa çıkan ısı karşılaştırıldı. Böylece, bu lastiklerin başarılı bir şekilde bertarafı ile sürdürülebilir bir çevre ve ekonomik geri kazanım hedefi gerçekleştirildi. Katı atık grubuna giren ömrünü tamamlamış atık lastiklerin plazma teknolojisi ile kullanımı ülkemizde ilk kez tarafımızdan gerçekleştirildi. Mevcut bertaraf yöntemlerine daha temiz ve daha kısa zamanda işlem yapabilen bir teknik eklenmiş oldu. Ayrıca, proses odası gaz ölçümlerini yapabilecek şekilde yine bizim tarafımızdan dizayn edildi. Hem normal yanma hem de plazma gazlaştırma işlemi 5 lt/dk sabit debide verilen yüksek saflıktaki oksijen ile yapıldı. CO gaz emisyon değerinin normal yanma işleminde az miktarda da olsa plazma gazlaştırma işlemine göre daha fazla çıktığı, yani normal yanmada eksik yanma ürün miktarının daha fazla ölçüldüğü gözlendi. Normal yanma işleminde CO2 gaz emisyonun miktarı plazma gazlaştırma işlemine göre neredeyse iki kat daha fazla ölçüldü. Bu belirgin farklılık, ömrünü tamamlamış atık lastiklerin atmosferik basınç oksijen plazması işlemi ile bertarafının mevcut normal yanma işlemine göre ne kadar elverişli olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Atmosferik basınç plazma teknolojisi ile katı atığın gazlaştırılması işlemi sonucunda maddenin enerji dönüşümü ile oluşan metan gazı miktarı normal yanma işlemine göre daha fazla elde edildi. Tolüen gaz emisyon değerlerinin ise hem atmosferik basınç oksijen plazma işlemi ile gazlaştırmada hem de normal yanma işleminde yaklaşık olarak aynı kaldığı ölçüldü. Kütle miktarının gaz emisyon değerleri ile arasındaki ilişki atmosferik basınç plazma işlemi sonucunda elde edilen verilere göre değerlendirildiğinde kütle miktarı ile orantılı bir gaz emisyonunun olduğu gözlendi. Normal yanma işleminde yine bir katı atık olan kül oluşumunun plazma teknolojisi ile oluşan curüf miktarına göre daha fazla olduğu gözlendi.
With the increasing number of commercial and passenger vehicles in our country and the world, thousands of tires complete their lifespan every year. The waste tires are generally used as a decorative material in parks and gardens or as a raw material in incinerators as fuel derived from waste in the cement industry. As a result of the combustion process, greenhouse gases and furan groups are formed according to their content. In this study, it was determined whether the waste tires that have expired were processed with atmospheric pressure plasma technology and whether environmentally harmful components were formed. The components of the syngas that will be formed during the plasma process were analyzed. Then, the heat released during separation with the plasma technique and the heat released in the classical combustion technique were compared. Thus, with the successful disposal of these tires, a sustainable environmental and economic recovery target was achieved. The use of waste tires, which are in the solid waste group, with plasma technology was carried out by us for the first time in our country. A cleaner technique that can be processed in a shorter time has been added to the existing disposal methods. In addition, the process room was designed by us to be able to make gas measurements. Both normal combustion and plasma gasification processes were carried out with high purity oxygen given at a constant flow rate of 5 lt/min. It was observed that the CO gas emission value was higher in the normal combustion process, albeit in a small amount, than in the plasma gasification process, that is, the amount of incomplete combustion product was measured more in normal combustion. In the normal combustion process, the amount of CO2 gas emission was measured almost twice as much as in the plasma gasification process. This significant difference reveals how convenient the disposal of the waste tires with atmospheric pressure oxygen plasma treatment is compared to the current normal combustion process. As a result of the gasification of solid waste with atmospheric pressure plasma technology, the amount of methane gas formed by the energy conversion of the material was obtained more than in the normal combustion process. It was measured that toluene gas emission values remained approximately the same both in gasification with atmospheric pressure oxygen plasma treatment and normal combustion process. When the relationship between the mass amount and the gas emission values was evaluated according to the data obtained as a result of the atmospheric pressure plasma treatment, it was observed that there was a gas emission proportional to the mass amount. It was observed that the ash formation, which is also a solid waste in the normal combustion process, was higher than the amount of slag formed by plasma technology."
With the increasing number of commercial and passenger vehicles in our country and the world, thousands of tires complete their lifespan every year. The waste tires are generally used as a decorative material in parks and gardens or as a raw material in incinerators as fuel derived from waste in the cement industry. As a result of the combustion process, greenhouse gases and furan groups are formed according to their content. In this study, it was determined whether the waste tires that have expired were processed with atmospheric pressure plasma technology and whether environmentally harmful components were formed. The components of the syngas that will be formed during the plasma process were analyzed. Then, the heat released during separation with the plasma technique and the heat released in the classical combustion technique were compared. Thus, with the successful disposal of these tires, a sustainable environmental and economic recovery target was achieved. The use of waste tires, which are in the solid waste group, with plasma technology was carried out by us for the first time in our country. A cleaner technique that can be processed in a shorter time has been added to the existing disposal methods. In addition, the process room was designed by us to be able to make gas measurements. Both normal combustion and plasma gasification processes were carried out with high purity oxygen given at a constant flow rate of 5 lt/min. It was observed that the CO gas emission value was higher in the normal combustion process, albeit in a small amount, than in the plasma gasification process, that is, the amount of incomplete combustion product was measured more in normal combustion. In the normal combustion process, the amount of CO2 gas emission was measured almost twice as much as in the plasma gasification process. This significant difference reveals how convenient the disposal of the waste tires with atmospheric pressure oxygen plasma treatment is compared to the current normal combustion process. As a result of the gasification of solid waste with atmospheric pressure plasma technology, the amount of methane gas formed by the energy conversion of the material was obtained more than in the normal combustion process. It was measured that toluene gas emission values remained approximately the same both in gasification with atmospheric pressure oxygen plasma treatment and normal combustion process. When the relationship between the mass amount and the gas emission values was evaluated according to the data obtained as a result of the atmospheric pressure plasma treatment, it was observed that there was a gas emission proportional to the mass amount. It was observed that the ash formation, which is also a solid waste in the normal combustion process, was higher than the amount of slag formed by plasma technology."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Plazma torç tekniği, atmosferik basınç, katı atık, atık lastik., Plasma torch technique, atmospheric pressure, solid waste, waste tires.