Sırrı Giridi’ nin “Sırrı Kur’an” Adlı Tercüme Eserin Giriş Bölümünün Transkripsiyonu ve İncelenmesi
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Bu çalışmada Sırrı Paşa’nın “Sırrı Kur’an” adlı tercümesi transkript edilmiş, dilbilim, sözcükbilim, göstergebilim ve anlambilim konuları ele alınmış, çeşitli kaynaklar ile desteklenerek eserin görüşleri ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. İncelenen eserde dilin önemli bir vasıta olduğu ve aynı zamanda vücudun en önemli organlarından birisi olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca dilin katmanları içerisinde dili oluşturan unsurların dilden bağımsız düşünülemeyeceğini ve onların da dil düşüncesi içerisinde değerlendirilmesi gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Kelime, kelam, lügat, kavl, lafız ve ibare gibi birbirleri yerlerine kullanılan birçok kelimenin hangi anlamlara geldiği ve birbirleri arasındaki farklılıklara değinilmiştir. Sözcükleri oluşturan, dilin temel yapı taşlarından olan harf ve ses ile dilin bağlantıları arasındaki ilişkiler açıklanmış ve bu konulara dair görüşler, Sırrı Paşa’nın Sırrı Kur’an tercümesi baz alınarak dile getirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada anlambilim ve dilbilim konularına ağırlıklı olarak yer verilmiş, sık sık Sırrı Kur’an tercümesinden örnekler gösterilerek araştırmanın kaynak niteliği yerine getirilmiştir. Sırrı Kur’an tercümesinde sık sık üzerinde durulan, dilin insanoğluna yaratıcısı tarafından mı verildiği yoksa insanoğlunun dünyaya geldikten sonra bunu kendi iradesiyle mi ortaya koyduğu konusu devamlı olarak ele alınmış, bu konu gerek akıl ve nakil bilgisiyle gerek dilin doğuşu meselesiyle gerekse kelime ve anlam ilişkisiyle izah edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Sırrı Kur’an tercümesinde genel olarak dilin değişik boyutlarına ulaşılmaya çalışılmış, bunun sonucunda ise ortaya çıkan ihtilafların aslında ne kadar gereksiz ve önemsiz olduğu ortaya konmak istenmiştir. Çünkü yüzyıllar boyunca farklı farklı toplumlardan ve coğrafyalardan insanlar bu ihtilafın içerisinde yer almışlar ve bir sonuca ulaşamamışlardır. Sırrı Kur’an tercümesi de farklı coğrafyalarda dile getirilmiş olan görüşleri zikretmiş, bu tartışmaların beyhude olduğunu, ortaya konmuş tüm tartışmaların kabul edilmesi gerektiğini, bu tartışmalarda kesinliğin ve netliğin bulunmadığını anlatmıştır.
In this study, the translation of Sırrı Pasha called “Sırrı Kur'an” was transcribed, and linguistics, lexicology, semiotics and semantics were discussed, and the opinions of the work were tried to be revealed by supporting them with various sources. It was concluded that language is an important tool and also one of the most important organs of the body. In addition, it was concluded that the elements that make up the language within the layers of the language cannot be considered independent of the language and that they should be evaluated within the language thought. The meaning of many words used in place of each other such as words, words, vocabulary, kavl, verb and phrases, and differences between each other are mentioned. The relationships between the letter and sound, which are the basic building blocks of the language, which form the words, and the connections of the language, are explained, and opinions on these issues are expressed on the basis of the translation of Sırrı Pasha from the Qur'an. In this study, semantics and linguistics were mainly included, and the source quality of the research was fulfilled by showing examples from the translation of Sırrı Qur'an frequently. Whether the language is given to mankind by the creator of the language, which is frequently emphasized in the translation of the Qur'an, or whether mankind has revealed it with his own will after coming to the world, this issue is explained both with the knowledge of reason and transplant, the issue of the birth of language, and the relationship between the word and the meaning tried to be explained. In the translation of Sırrı Qur'an, it was tried to reach different dimensions of the language in general, and as a result, it was aimed to reveal how unnecessary and insignificant the disputes arise. Because people from different societies and geographies have been involved in this conflict for centuries and have not reached a conclusion. The translation of Sırrı Qur'an also mentioned the views expressed in different geographies, and explained that these discussions were futile, that all discussions should be accepted, that there was no certainty and clarity in these discussions."
In this study, the translation of Sırrı Pasha called “Sırrı Kur'an” was transcribed, and linguistics, lexicology, semiotics and semantics were discussed, and the opinions of the work were tried to be revealed by supporting them with various sources. It was concluded that language is an important tool and also one of the most important organs of the body. In addition, it was concluded that the elements that make up the language within the layers of the language cannot be considered independent of the language and that they should be evaluated within the language thought. The meaning of many words used in place of each other such as words, words, vocabulary, kavl, verb and phrases, and differences between each other are mentioned. The relationships between the letter and sound, which are the basic building blocks of the language, which form the words, and the connections of the language, are explained, and opinions on these issues are expressed on the basis of the translation of Sırrı Pasha from the Qur'an. In this study, semantics and linguistics were mainly included, and the source quality of the research was fulfilled by showing examples from the translation of Sırrı Qur'an frequently. Whether the language is given to mankind by the creator of the language, which is frequently emphasized in the translation of the Qur'an, or whether mankind has revealed it with his own will after coming to the world, this issue is explained both with the knowledge of reason and transplant, the issue of the birth of language, and the relationship between the word and the meaning tried to be explained. In the translation of Sırrı Qur'an, it was tried to reach different dimensions of the language in general, and as a result, it was aimed to reveal how unnecessary and insignificant the disputes arise. Because people from different societies and geographies have been involved in this conflict for centuries and have not reached a conclusion. The translation of Sırrı Qur'an also mentioned the views expressed in different geographies, and explained that these discussions were futile, that all discussions should be accepted, that there was no certainty and clarity in these discussions."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sırrı Paşa; Sırr-ı Kuran; dilbilim; göstergebilim; anlambilim; sözcükbilim, Sırrı Pasha; Sırr-ı Kuran; linguistics; semiotics; semantics; lexicology