TIG kaynak yöntemi ile birleştirilen trıp 450/800 ve çift-fazlı çeliklerin mekanik ve mikroyapı özellikleri
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Karabük Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmanın birinci hedefi, TRIP 450/800 çeliği, ısıl işlem tekniği ile 740 °C tavlama sıcaklığında 60 dakika bekletildikten sonra suda soğutularak, çift-fazlı çeliğe dönüştürülmektedir.Çalışmanın ikinci hedefi ise dönüştürülen çift-fazlı çelik ile TRIP 450/800 çeliği TIG kaynak yöntemi kullanılarak birleştirmektir. Ayrıca TRIP 450/800 çeliği ve dönüştürülen çift-fazlı çeliklerde kendi aralarında birleştirilerek elde edilen mekanik ve mikroyapı sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Birleştirilen numunelere çekme ve sertlik darbe deneyi uygulanmış, kaynak bölgesinin mikrosertlikleri alınmış, kaynak bölgesinde kırılma ve yüzeylerinin mikroyapıları incelenerek birbirleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak TRIP 450/800 çeliğinin ferrit, beynit ve kalıntı östenit mikroyapısı, ısıl işlem yoluyla ferrit ve martenzit yapısına dönüştürülmüştür. Çift-fazlı çelik başarıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. TIG kaynak yöntemi ile birleştirilennumunelerin birleştirme mukavemetleri incelendiğinde çok aşırı bir mukavemet farkı olmadığı görülmüştür.Anahtar Sözcükler : Çift-fazlı çelik, TRIP çeliği, TIG kaynağı
The first aim of this study is to turn TRIP 450/800 steel into dual-phase stell after waiting 60 minutes at 740 °C annealing temparature with thermoprocessing technique and then cooling in water.Studies second aim is to combine TRIP 450/800 stell and converted dual-phase stell by using TIG weld technique. Futhermore mechanical and microstructure results which were acquired by combining TRIP 450/800 stell and converted dual-phase between each other were compared. They were compared by each other by applying strenght impulse(test) and tension test, taking microhardness of weld zone and analzing the microstructures of fraction and surface in weld zone. As a result, ferrite, bainite and residual austenite microstructure of TRIP 450/800 stell was turned into ferrite and martensite structure by heat treatment technique. Dual-phase stell was materialized succesfully. It was seen that there wasn?t a high endurance difference when the combining endurances of combined samples (with TIG welding technique) were analyzed.Key Word : Dual-phase steel, TRIP steel, TIG welding
The first aim of this study is to turn TRIP 450/800 steel into dual-phase stell after waiting 60 minutes at 740 °C annealing temparature with thermoprocessing technique and then cooling in water.Studies second aim is to combine TRIP 450/800 stell and converted dual-phase stell by using TIG weld technique. Futhermore mechanical and microstructure results which were acquired by combining TRIP 450/800 stell and converted dual-phase between each other were compared. They were compared by each other by applying strenght impulse(test) and tension test, taking microhardness of weld zone and analzing the microstructures of fraction and surface in weld zone. As a result, ferrite, bainite and residual austenite microstructure of TRIP 450/800 stell was turned into ferrite and martensite structure by heat treatment technique. Dual-phase stell was materialized succesfully. It was seen that there wasn?t a high endurance difference when the combining endurances of combined samples (with TIG welding technique) were analyzed.Key Word : Dual-phase steel, TRIP steel, TIG welding
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Metalurji Mühendisliği, Metallurgical Engineering