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Ebû Nasr Ahmed b. Muhammed b. el-Hüseyn el-Buhârî el-Kelâbâzî’nin ""Telkihü'l-Efham fi Şerhi Mesaili Zevi'l-Erham"" adlı yazma eseri değerli yazma eserlerden biri olarak kabul edilir. Çünkü bu yazma eseri el-Kelâbâzî'den başkası tahkik etmemiştir ve bu yazma eser sadece Secavendi tarafından şerh edilmiş nadir bir eserdir. Bu şerhi Hanefi mezhebine dayanarak bilimsel ve anlaşılır bir şekilde açıklamıştır. Aynı zamanda, İslami miras hukukunun dolaysız bir açıklamasını da sağlamıştır. Bu şerh, miras hukukunun önemli bir konusu olan akrabalık hukuku alanındaki uzmanlığı nedeniyle önemlidir. Yazma eserini tahkik ederken yaygın olarak kullanılan bilimsel yöntemi kullandık. En önemli yazma eseri tahkik çalışması sonuçları arasında: Yazma eserinin el-Kelâbâzî'ye nisbet edilmesinin gerçekliği, şerhte belirtildiği gibi Saraci'nin açıklamasıdır. el-Kelâbâzî’nin metoduna gelince; İslami miras fıkhında akrabaları dörde ayırmış, sonra her bir kategoriyi örneklerle ele almış ve detaylandırmıştır. Ayrıca akrabalara miras verilmesi gerektiğini belirten Hanefi mezhebine göre mirasın aralarında nasıl paylaştırılacağını da anlatmıştır. Özellikle bu görüş, Ebû Hanîfe’nin talebeleri Ebû Yûsuf ve Muhammed b. Hasan eş-Şeybânî'nin görüşüne göredir. Ebu Yusuf'un görüşü akraba sayısına göreydi. Muhammed b. Hasan eş-Şeybânî ise usullere bakarak füruya miras ayırırdı. ?
The manuscript ""Talqih al-Afhâm fi Sharh Masâ’il dawi’l ’Arah’âm) by Mahmôud ibn Ab? Bakr bin Ab? al-Alaâ bin Ali al-Bukhari, al-Kallabâdhi, is considered one of the valuable manuscripts. It is an uncommon commentary on the Al-Sajwand document, as only al-Kallabâdhi discussed it. He explained the document in a scientific and accessible manner, relying on the Hanafi school of thought. At the same time, it provided a straightforward explanation of Islamic inheritance law. This document is significant because of its expertise in relatives' Islamic inheritance jurisprudence, which is an important topic in inheritance law. In revising this manuscript, I employed the scientific method that is commonly used in scribing and manuscript editing, Among the most noteworthy manuscript editing findings: The genuineness of the manuscript's attribution to al-Kallabâdhi; as stated in the commentary, it is a Saraji's explanation; as for the author's approach, he divided relatives in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence into four sorts, then discussed and detailed each category with examples. He also described how to split the estate among them, based on the Hanafi school of thought, which stated that relatives should be inherited. Specifically, according to the opinion of Ab? ?an?fah’s two companions Abu Yusuf and Muhammad The method of Abu Yusuf was according to the existing bodies, while Muhammad used to refer to the origins and divide according to the Fur’u."
The manuscript ""Talqih al-Afhâm fi Sharh Masâ’il dawi’l ’Arah’âm) by Mahmôud ibn Ab? Bakr bin Ab? al-Alaâ bin Ali al-Bukhari, al-Kallabâdhi, is considered one of the valuable manuscripts. It is an uncommon commentary on the Al-Sajwand document, as only al-Kallabâdhi discussed it. He explained the document in a scientific and accessible manner, relying on the Hanafi school of thought. At the same time, it provided a straightforward explanation of Islamic inheritance law. This document is significant because of its expertise in relatives' Islamic inheritance jurisprudence, which is an important topic in inheritance law. In revising this manuscript, I employed the scientific method that is commonly used in scribing and manuscript editing, Among the most noteworthy manuscript editing findings: The genuineness of the manuscript's attribution to al-Kallabâdhi; as stated in the commentary, it is a Saraji's explanation; as for the author's approach, he divided relatives in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence into four sorts, then discussed and detailed each category with examples. He also described how to split the estate among them, based on the Hanafi school of thought, which stated that relatives should be inherited. Specifically, according to the opinion of Ab? ?an?fah’s two companions Abu Yusuf and Muhammad The method of Abu Yusuf was according to the existing bodies, while Muhammad used to refer to the origins and divide according to the Fur’u."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Telkihü'l-Efham fi Şerhi Mesaili Zevi'l-Erham, el-Kelâbâzî, İslami Miras Hukukunda Akrabalar., Talqih al-Afhâm fi Sharh Masâ’il dawi’l ’Arah’âm, al-Kallabâdhi, the relatives in Islamic inheritance Jurisprudence.