Pirina yağından fuzel yağı ile biyodizel üretimi ve dizel motor performans ve emisyonlarına etkisi
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Karabük Üniversitesi
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Bu tez çalışmasında, zeytinyağı üretimi sırasında kalan küspeden elde edilen pirina yağının, atık bir alkol karışımı olan fuzel yağı eşliğinde üretilmesi ve dizel bir motorda kullanımının etkileri incelenmiştir. Pirina yağı zeytinyağı üretimi yapılan fabrikalarda kalan küspeden extraksiyon ile üretilen ikincil bir yağdır. Fuzel yağı ise şeker pancarından, şeker üretimi sırasında kalan küspeden etil alkol üretimi sırasında oluşan atık alkol karışımıdır. Biyodizel üretiminde atık olarak kullanılacak bu iki hammaddenin ön işlemlerden geçirilmesi gereklidir. Bu amaçla ayrımsal damıtma yöntemi kullanılarak fuzel yağı içerisindeki su ayrıştırılarak saflaştırma işlemi yapılmıştır. Yüksek SYA içeren yağlardan iki aşamalı olarak biyodizel üretildiği bilinmektedir. Pirina yağının titrasyon yöntemiyle asitlik değeri 42 mg KOH/g (%21 SYA) olarak tespit edilmiştir. 42 mg KOH/g asitlik değerine sahip pirina yağının SYA miktarının %1'in altına düşürülmesi için kütlece değişik sülfürik asit oranlarında 2 saat ve 65oC sıcaklıkta reaksiyon gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ön işlem adı verilen bu aşamada pirina yağının SYA değeri iki aşamada %1'in altına düşürülebilmiştir. Ön işlem sonucunda SYA miktarı iyileştirilen yağdan biyodizel üretimine geçilmiştir. Bu aşamada biyodizel üretimine etki eden parametrelerin tespiti için ön deneysel çalışmalar yürütülmüştür. Bu çalışmalarda alkol çeşidi (etanol, metanol, bütanol ve fuzel yağı), alkol miktarı (6:1, 10:1, 15:1, 20:1), katalizör türü (sodyum hidroksit ve potasyum hidroksit), katalizör miktarı (kütlece %0,5, %1, %1,5, %2, %3, %5), reaksiyon sıcaklığı (50oC, 55oC, 57oC, 60oC, 65oC ve 70oC) reaksiyon süresi (1 saat, 1,5 saat, 2 saat, 2,5 saat, 3 saat, 3,5 saat, 4 saat, 4,5 saat ve 8 saat) gibi parametreler değiştirilerek biyodizel üretimindeki değerlerin optimum şartları aranmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar en ideal biyodizel üretiminin 65oC sıcaklıkta, 10:1 mol alkol (fuzel yağı /pirina yağı) kütlece %1'lik sodyum hidroksit (NaOH) katalizörü ile üç saatlik reaksiyon süresi sonucunda %78'lik verim ile yapılabildiğini göstermektedir. Motor deneylerinde kullanılmak üzere bu şartlarda biyodizel üretimi yapılmış ve TÜBİTAK-MAM'inde analiz ettirilmiştir. Üretilen yakıtın fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri incelendiğinde yoğunluğunun, parlama noktasının, soğuk filtre tıkama noktası, asit sayısı, iyot sayısı, linolenik asit metil esteri, kabon kalıntısı, setan sayısı, akma noktası net yanma ısısı gibi önemli birçok özelliğinin standartları sağladığı görülmüştür. Sadece, EN ISO 3104 standardına göre 3,5-5 mm2/s aralığında olması gereken kinematik viskozitenin 6,208 mm2/s olduğu tespit edilmiştir. İkinci aşamada; elde edilen biyodizel tek silindirli dört zamanlı bir dizel motorda motor performansı ile emisyonlarına etkileri deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Emisyonların ve performans parametrelerinin daha detaylı olarak incelenmesi için silindir içi basınç değerleri ölçülerek kaydedilmiştir. Motor deneyleri maksimum 10 kW güç emme kapasitesine sahip dinamometre ile tam yükte değişik motor hızlarında (1600 1/min, 2000 1/min, 2400 1/min, ve 2800 1/min) ve sabit devirde değişik motor yüklerinde (4,05 Nm, 7,9 Nm ve 10,3 Nm) Dizel (%100 Dizel Yakıtı), B5 (%5 Biyodizel + %95 Dizel Yakıtı), B10 (%10 Biyodizel + %90 Dizel Yakıtı), B25 (%25 Biyodizel + %75 Dizel Yakıtı), B50 (%50 Biyodizel + %50 Dizel Yakıtı), B100 (%100 Biyodizel) yakıtları ile tekrarlanmıştır. Biyodizel-dizel yakıtı karışımları ve motor hızına bağlı yapılan deney sonuçları incelendiğinde; dizel yakıtına ilave edilen biyodizel miktarının artması ile birlikte motor gücü ve motor momentinde azalma, FÖET'de ise bir miktar artış tespit edilmiştir. NOx emisyonunda dizel yakıtına göre azalma, HC, CO ve is emisyonlarında ise bir miktar artışın olduğu görülmüştür. Biyodizel-dizel yakıtı karışımları ve motor yüküne bağlı yapılan deney sonuçları incelendiğinde; NOx ve CO emisyonlarında ise her bir biyodizel oranında kısmi yüklerde düşüş yaklaşık tam yükte ise dizel yakıtına göre artış, is emisyonlarında ise B25 yakıt oranı hariç düşük ve orta yüklerde düşüşün olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca dizel yakıtına biyodizel ilavesi ile birlikte maksimum silindir basıncı azalmış ve maksimum basıncın oluştuğu oKMA değeri Ü.Ö.N'ya doğru yaklaşmıştır. Basınç artış oranında hızlı bir artışın olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
In this study, production of pomace oil, obtained from pulp during production of olive oil, in accompanied with fusel oil, a mixture of waste alcohol, and the effect of utilization of pomace oil biodiesel as fuel in a diesel engine on the engine performance and emissions were investigated. The pomace oil is secondary oil produced with extraction from pulp in factories producing olive oil. As for fusel oil, it is a mixture of waste alcohol formed during ethyl alcohol production from pulp of sugar beet. These two raw materials should be pretreated in the biodiesel production. For this reason, water inside fusel oil was distilled using distillation method. It is known how to produce biodiesel from oils having high FFA in two stepwise. The acidity value of pomace oil is determined as 42 mg KOH/g (% 21 FFA) with titration method. In order to reduce FFA of pomace oil under 1 %, the pomace oil is kept under a reaction along 2 hours and 65oC using various concentrations sulphuric acid. In this pretreatment stage, the fact that SYA value was reduced less than 1 % was fulfilled in two stepwise. The oil whose SYA value is reduced after pretreatment was preceded to biodiesel production phase. In this phase, experimental preliminary studies were conducted to establish parameters affecting biodiesel production. In these studies, the optimum values were established by changing parameters such as alcohol types (ethanol methanol, butanol and fusel), alcohol concentration (6:1, 10:1, 15:1, 20:1), types of catalyzers (sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide), temperature (50, 55, 57, 60, 65 and 70oC) and time (1, 1,5, 2, 2,5, 3, 3,5, 4, 4,5 and 8 h), affecting biodiesel production. According to results, the optimum biodiesel production was obtained with 78 % efficiency at 65oC using 10:1 mol alcohol (fusel oil /pomace oil) and 1 % sodium hydroxide (NaOH) catalyzer after three-hour reaction. This biodiesel was analyzed in TUBITAK-MAM to use in engine experiments. When physical and chemical properties of the produced biodiesel was analyzed, it is established that the properties of newly-produced biodiesel met the standards in many aspects such as density, flammable point, cold filter plugging point, acid value, iodine value, linolenic acid methyl ester, carbon residue, cetane number, yield point, net combustion heat value. However, the kinematic viscosity was found higher, 6,208 mm2/s, than 3,5-5 mm2/s range, established by EN ISO 3104. In the second phase, the newly-produced biodiesel was used in a single cylinder four-stroke cycle engine to investigate its effects on engine performance and emissions. In order to investigate emissions and performance parameters in more detail, pressure values inside cylinder was measured and recorded. The engine experiments were performed using dynamometer with maximum 10 kW absolution capacity at full load varius engine speeds (1600 rpm, 2000 rpm, 2400 rpm, and 2800 rpm) and constant engine speed at engine loads(4,05 Nm, 7,9 Nm and 10,3 Nm) along with fuels prepared in ratios as following: diesel (%100 diesel), B5 (%5 biodiesel + %95 diesel), B10 (%10 biodiesel + %90 diesel), B25 (%25 biodiesel + %75 diesel), B50 (%50 biodiesel + %50 diesel) and B100 (%100 biodiesel). According to results at the full load and various engine speed, together with increases biodiesel amount added to diesel fuel, engine power and engine moment reduced slightly. NOx emissions decreased compared to biodiesel while HC and CO and smoke emissions increased moderately. According to result at the constant engine spees and various load terms of biodiesel-diesel fuel mixtures, NOx and CO emissions in line with each biodiesel ratio decreased under partial loads as they increased under full load compared to biodiesel. Smoke emissions decreased under low and average loads except for B25 ratio. Furthermore, addition of the biodiesel to diesel reduced maximum cylinder pressure and crank angle value of maximum pressure occurring approached top dead center (TDC). Besides, crank angle value increased in proportion to increasing pressure.
In this study, production of pomace oil, obtained from pulp during production of olive oil, in accompanied with fusel oil, a mixture of waste alcohol, and the effect of utilization of pomace oil biodiesel as fuel in a diesel engine on the engine performance and emissions were investigated. The pomace oil is secondary oil produced with extraction from pulp in factories producing olive oil. As for fusel oil, it is a mixture of waste alcohol formed during ethyl alcohol production from pulp of sugar beet. These two raw materials should be pretreated in the biodiesel production. For this reason, water inside fusel oil was distilled using distillation method. It is known how to produce biodiesel from oils having high FFA in two stepwise. The acidity value of pomace oil is determined as 42 mg KOH/g (% 21 FFA) with titration method. In order to reduce FFA of pomace oil under 1 %, the pomace oil is kept under a reaction along 2 hours and 65oC using various concentrations sulphuric acid. In this pretreatment stage, the fact that SYA value was reduced less than 1 % was fulfilled in two stepwise. The oil whose SYA value is reduced after pretreatment was preceded to biodiesel production phase. In this phase, experimental preliminary studies were conducted to establish parameters affecting biodiesel production. In these studies, the optimum values were established by changing parameters such as alcohol types (ethanol methanol, butanol and fusel), alcohol concentration (6:1, 10:1, 15:1, 20:1), types of catalyzers (sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide), temperature (50, 55, 57, 60, 65 and 70oC) and time (1, 1,5, 2, 2,5, 3, 3,5, 4, 4,5 and 8 h), affecting biodiesel production. According to results, the optimum biodiesel production was obtained with 78 % efficiency at 65oC using 10:1 mol alcohol (fusel oil /pomace oil) and 1 % sodium hydroxide (NaOH) catalyzer after three-hour reaction. This biodiesel was analyzed in TUBITAK-MAM to use in engine experiments. When physical and chemical properties of the produced biodiesel was analyzed, it is established that the properties of newly-produced biodiesel met the standards in many aspects such as density, flammable point, cold filter plugging point, acid value, iodine value, linolenic acid methyl ester, carbon residue, cetane number, yield point, net combustion heat value. However, the kinematic viscosity was found higher, 6,208 mm2/s, than 3,5-5 mm2/s range, established by EN ISO 3104. In the second phase, the newly-produced biodiesel was used in a single cylinder four-stroke cycle engine to investigate its effects on engine performance and emissions. In order to investigate emissions and performance parameters in more detail, pressure values inside cylinder was measured and recorded. The engine experiments were performed using dynamometer with maximum 10 kW absolution capacity at full load varius engine speeds (1600 rpm, 2000 rpm, 2400 rpm, and 2800 rpm) and constant engine speed at engine loads(4,05 Nm, 7,9 Nm and 10,3 Nm) along with fuels prepared in ratios as following: diesel (%100 diesel), B5 (%5 biodiesel + %95 diesel), B10 (%10 biodiesel + %90 diesel), B25 (%25 biodiesel + %75 diesel), B50 (%50 biodiesel + %50 diesel) and B100 (%100 biodiesel). According to results at the full load and various engine speed, together with increases biodiesel amount added to diesel fuel, engine power and engine moment reduced slightly. NOx emissions decreased compared to biodiesel while HC and CO and smoke emissions increased moderately. According to result at the constant engine spees and various load terms of biodiesel-diesel fuel mixtures, NOx and CO emissions in line with each biodiesel ratio decreased under partial loads as they increased under full load compared to biodiesel. Smoke emissions decreased under low and average loads except for B25 ratio. Furthermore, addition of the biodiesel to diesel reduced maximum cylinder pressure and crank angle value of maximum pressure occurring approached top dead center (TDC). Besides, crank angle value increased in proportion to increasing pressure.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makine Eğitimi Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Enerji, Energy ; Mühendislik Bilimleri