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Hâşiyetü ale’l-mukaddimâti’l-erba`i fi’t-tavdîh adlı kitap havas arasında Hafîdü’n-nessârî olarak meşhur olan Muhammed b. Abdullah Es-sadîkî’ye aittir. Bu kitap usûl, mantık, kelam ve dil bilimleri konusunda zengin bilgiler içeren sade bir kitaptır. Hanefi mezhebinin ve özellikle de eş`arî mezhebinin önemli fıkıh usûlü kaynaklarından biridir. Bu kitap İmam Taftâzânî’nin Şerhu’l-mukaddimât’ının bir özetidir. İmam Hafîdü’n-nessârî kitabında müellif şârih İmam Sadru’ş-şerî`ati’l-asgar’ın ifadesinin metne aktarılmasında anlaşılır ve birleşik bir yöntem benimsemiştir. Ondan sonra Taftâzânî’nin sözünü aktarmış, bu ikisinin sözünün üstüne de yorumunu yazmıştır. Müellif hüsn ve kubh konusunu yazdığı bölümde birçok kaynaktan istifade ederek bu ikisinin sıfatına ve anlamına dair çok sayıda görüş ve söylem aktarmıştır. Bu eserler: İbnü’l-hâcib’in Şerhu Muhtasar’ı, Cürcânî’nin Şerhu’l-mevâkıf’ı. Müellif konularını varlık ve yokluğun üstünlüğünün belirlenmesinden bahsederek şöyle tamamlamıştır: “Varlıkta, konuşmanın takdirine bağlı olarak zikrin tahsisi gerçekte kınanmaz. Ayrıca yokluğun tahkikte illet olduğundan ve kendisiyle illet olunduğundan şüphe edilmez. Bu El-melikü’l-mennân’ın yardımıyla yazdığım son şeydir.” Araştırmanın amacı, bu kıymetli hazineyi koruyarak, asil İslam ümmetinin mirasını ortaya çıkarmak, bu samimi alimlere vefa görevimizi yapmak ve gayretli ilim taliplerine hizmet etmektir. Böylece seçkin bir şahsiyet tanınmış, kütüphaneler onun eserleriyle zenginleşmiş olacaktır. Metnin tahkikinde, araştırma ve tahkik çalışmalarında geçerli bilimsel metod takip edildi. Tahkikte bazı konular ve başlıklar vurgulandı, Kur’an ayetleri ve hadisi şeriflerin tahrici yapıldı. Bazı alimlerin sözlerinin kaynağı tespit edildi. Araştırmacının ulaştığı en önemli sonuç şu olmuştur: İmam Muhammed Hafîdü’n-nessârî meşhur hükümdarların hocalarındandı. O fıkıh usûlü, mantık, kelam ve dil ilimlerinde yetkindi. Onun eserleri de buna şahitlik etmektedir. Allah ona en geniş merhametiyle rahmet eylesin.
The book of (Footnote to the four premises in the illustration) written by Imam Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Siddiqi, may Allah have mercy on him, famous among the properties of the grandson of nthari, it is a simple book containing rich Sciences in the science of Origins, logic, speech and language. Besides being an important source of the origins of jurisprudence in the Hanafi school, especially the Asha’ri school, where this book was a summary in explaining the introductions of Imam Taftazani may Allah grant him mercy. The grandson of Imam Al-nathari followed in his book a clear unifying approach by mentioning of the saying of the classifier and the explainer; the young Imam of Sharia may Allah have mercy on him, and after the words of Imam Taftazani and after mentioning of their words he comments in the opening of his book by questioning the good and ugliness and he has listed many opinions about the matter relying on many references such as; A brief explanation of Ibn al-Hajib, and an explanation of the positions of Al-jar Jani. He concluded by talking about the allocation of the preponderance of existence and non-existence by saying: ""and the mentioned allocation on the appreciation of the fact that speech in existence does not denounce at all, and there is no doubt that Null when the investigation is explained and explained by it. This shall be the last I carefully edited by Lord’s appreciation."" The aim of the message was to show and spread the heritage of the Islamic nation in loyalty to those loyal scholars and service to the hardworking students of science; in order to preserve that great treasure, as well as to unveil a unique personality, has always enriched libraries with his writings and books. I have followed in the investigation of the verified text; the scientific method followed in the study and investigation with highlighting some issues and translation of media and graduation of Quranic verses and hadiths. And documenting some of the statements of scholars, and the most prominent findings of the researcher: that Imam Muhammad grandson of Al-nathari was one of the imams of the famous Sultans and was an encyclopedia in the origins, jurisprudence, logic, speech and language science and his writings testify to him may Allah grant him his wide mercy."
The book of (Footnote to the four premises in the illustration) written by Imam Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Siddiqi, may Allah have mercy on him, famous among the properties of the grandson of nthari, it is a simple book containing rich Sciences in the science of Origins, logic, speech and language. Besides being an important source of the origins of jurisprudence in the Hanafi school, especially the Asha’ri school, where this book was a summary in explaining the introductions of Imam Taftazani may Allah grant him mercy. The grandson of Imam Al-nathari followed in his book a clear unifying approach by mentioning of the saying of the classifier and the explainer; the young Imam of Sharia may Allah have mercy on him, and after the words of Imam Taftazani and after mentioning of their words he comments in the opening of his book by questioning the good and ugliness and he has listed many opinions about the matter relying on many references such as; A brief explanation of Ibn al-Hajib, and an explanation of the positions of Al-jar Jani. He concluded by talking about the allocation of the preponderance of existence and non-existence by saying: ""and the mentioned allocation on the appreciation of the fact that speech in existence does not denounce at all, and there is no doubt that Null when the investigation is explained and explained by it. This shall be the last I carefully edited by Lord’s appreciation."" The aim of the message was to show and spread the heritage of the Islamic nation in loyalty to those loyal scholars and service to the hardworking students of science; in order to preserve that great treasure, as well as to unveil a unique personality, has always enriched libraries with his writings and books. I have followed in the investigation of the verified text; the scientific method followed in the study and investigation with highlighting some issues and translation of media and graduation of Quranic verses and hadiths. And documenting some of the statements of scholars, and the most prominent findings of the researcher: that Imam Muhammad grandson of Al-nathari was one of the imams of the famous Sultans and was an encyclopedia in the origins, jurisprudence, logic, speech and language science and his writings testify to him may Allah grant him his wide mercy."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hâşiye, Mukaddimât, Tavdîh, Footnote-introductions-clarification