Yüksek mukavemetli çeliklerin elektron ışın kaynağının araştırılması
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Karabük Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, TRIP 800 ve DP 1000 çeliklerinin elektron ışın kaynağı kullanılarak aynı cins ve dissimilar çeliklerin kaynaklı bağlantıları incelenmiştir. TRIP 800/TRIP 800, DP 1000/DP 1000 ve DP 1000/TRIP 800 olarak elektron ışın kaynağı metodu ile 3 farklı kaynaklı birleşim yapıldı. Kaynak işlemi vakumlu ortamda gerçekleştirildi. Birleştirilen numunelere, çekme testi, farklı sıcaklıklarda darbe çentik testi uygulandı. Mikro sertlikleri incelendi. Gerekli metalografik işlemlerden sonra mikro yapıları optik mikroskopta incelendi. Ayrıca SEM+EDX işlemi ile kopan/kırılan yüzeyler incelendi. Bu kırık yüzeylerden SEM ile fotoğraflar alındı. Yapılan sertlik testleri sonucunda, en yüksek sertlik değerleri kaynak metalinden ölçüldü. En yüksek sertlik değeri TRIP 800-TRIP 800 birleşiminde görüldü ama ortalama kaynak metalindeki en büyük sertlik TRIP 800-DP 1000 birleşiminde görüldü. Çekme testleri sonucunda en yüksek çekme dayanımı, TRIP 800-TRIP 800 birleşiminde görülmüştür. Ayrıca bu birleştirme %23-%30 arası uzama ile en çok gerinme değerine sahip olan birleşim oldu. TRIP 800-DP 1000 birleşiminin çekme mukavemeti 666 ile 700 MPa arası, uzama miktarı %5-7 çıktı Darbe çentik deneyinde en yüksek değer oda sıcaklığındaki TRIP 800-TRIP 800 birleşiminde görülmüştür.
In this study, welding of TRIP 800 and DP 1000 steels which are welded each other with electron beam welding method as similar and dissimilar is investigated. Three different weld joints as TRIP 800/TRIP 800, DP 1000/DP 1000 and DP 1000/TRIP 800 were welded with electron beam welding. Welding was made in a vacuum container. Tensile measurement, charpy test in different temperature was carried out to weld joints and microhardening was investigated. Microstructure was investigated with optical microscope after necessary metalographic processes. Furthermore fracture surfaces was analyzed with SEM and EDX. Photographs were taken from those fracture surfaces with SEM. As a result of the hardening tests, it was seen that the most solided part of the welding is weld zone. The most solided zone was found at TRIP 800-TRIP 800 joint, however; TRIP 800- DP 1000 joint got the most solided average hardness and TRIP 800-TRIP has the higest tensile strength. Moreover, it has got the highest elongation percentage between %23 and %30. Dissimilar weld joint of TRIP 800-DP 1000 was resulted at between 666 and 700 MPa tensile strength and between %5 and %7 elongation percentage. It was seen that joint of TRIP 800-TRIP 800 at room temperature has the highest charpy test fracture energy.
In this study, welding of TRIP 800 and DP 1000 steels which are welded each other with electron beam welding method as similar and dissimilar is investigated. Three different weld joints as TRIP 800/TRIP 800, DP 1000/DP 1000 and DP 1000/TRIP 800 were welded with electron beam welding. Welding was made in a vacuum container. Tensile measurement, charpy test in different temperature was carried out to weld joints and microhardening was investigated. Microstructure was investigated with optical microscope after necessary metalographic processes. Furthermore fracture surfaces was analyzed with SEM and EDX. Photographs were taken from those fracture surfaces with SEM. As a result of the hardening tests, it was seen that the most solided part of the welding is weld zone. The most solided zone was found at TRIP 800-TRIP 800 joint, however; TRIP 800- DP 1000 joint got the most solided average hardness and TRIP 800-TRIP has the higest tensile strength. Moreover, it has got the highest elongation percentage between %23 and %30. Dissimilar weld joint of TRIP 800-DP 1000 was resulted at between 666 and 700 MPa tensile strength and between %5 and %7 elongation percentage. It was seen that joint of TRIP 800-TRIP 800 at room temperature has the highest charpy test fracture energy.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Metalurji Mühendisliği, Metallurgical Engineering