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Evsel tip su arıtma cihazlarında kullanılan inline filtrelerin kapak ve gövde parçaları döndürerek sürtünme kaynak yöntemiyle birleştirilmektedir. Döner sürtünme kaynak sırasında kaynak bölgesinin iç ve dış bölgelerinde eriyik yığılmaları oluşmaktadır. İç kısımda oluşan eriyik yığılmalar sediment filtrede tıkanmalara ve su debisinin düşmesine neden olmaktadır. Aktif karbon filtrede iç kısımda oluşan eriyik yığılma üst kapakta bulunan keçenin üzerine akmakta, keçenin kullanım alanını %30 oranında azaltmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında iç kısımda oluşan eriyik yığılmanın hapsedilerek, filtrelerin tıkanma probleminin çözülmesi ve filtre ömürlerin uzatılması hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla ilk önce sürtünme kaynak sonrası oluşan eriyik yığılma durumu ABAQUS (Sonlu Elemanlar Analiz Yazılımı) programıyla analiz edilmiş ve simülasyonları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Filtrenin iç kısımda oluşan eriyik yığılmanın hapsedilmesi için kaynak ağız tasarımları ABAQUS programında geliştirilmiştir. Tasarımı geliştirilen parçalar, üç boyutlu yazıcıda baskıları alınarak ölçü kontrolleri yapılmıştır. Mevcut enjeksiyon kalıplarda bulunan lokma parçaları, geliştirilen kaynak ağız tasarımına göre yeniden üretilmiştir. Enjeksiyon makinesinde inline gövde ve kapak parçalarının baskıları alınmış ve ölçü kontrolleri yapılmıştır. Baskıları alınan parçalar, sürtünme kaynak işlemi yapılarak analiz sonucu elde edilen yapı karşılaştırılmıştır. Sürtünme kaynak sonrası birleştirilen parçalar incelendiğinde, eriyik yığılmanın başarılı bir şekilde hapsedildiği gözlenmiştir. Sürtünme kaynak makinasına girilen üretim parametreleri kullanılarak Taguchi deneysel metot uygulanmıştır. Sürtünme kaynak sonrası maksimum dayanım sağlayacak parametre (Devir Hızı 2490 dev/dk, Sürtünme Kaynak Basıncı 6 bar, Sürtünme Kaynak Süresi 2 sn, Bekleme süresi 4 sn) belirlenmiştir. Sürtünme kaynak makinesi parametrelerinin kaynak kalitesi üzerine etkilerine bakıldığında, devir hızının %42,74 ve sürtünme kaynak basıncı %31,85 oranında etkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Tasarımı geliştirilen filtrelerden 1500 adet ürün üretilerek İstanbul ve çevre illere gönderilmiş, saha testleri yapılmıştır. Aynı zamanda filtrelerin laboratuvarda ömür testi yapılmıştır. Tasarımı geliştirilen kaynak ağız tasarımın saha testi sonuçlarında, sediment filtrede %8 oranında ve aktif karbon filtrede %14 oranında üretim hatalarında azalma olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Cover and body parts of inline filters used in domestic type water purification devices are combined with friction welding by rotating. During rotary friction welding, semi-melt accumulations occur in the inner and outer parts of the weld zone. The semi-melt accumulations in the interior cause clogging in the sediment filter and decrease water flow. The semi-melt agglomeration formed in the inner part of the activated carbon filter flows onto the felt on the upper cover, reducing the usage area of the felt by 30%. In this thesis, it is aimed to solve the clogging problem of the filters and to extend the filter life by trapping the melt accumulation in the interior. For this purpose, firstly, analysis and simulations of the semi-melt accumulation state after friction welding were accomplished with the ABAQUS (Finite Element Analysis Software) program. Welding joint profile designs have been developed in the ABAQUS program to trap the semi-melt accumulation in the inner part of filter. The part model created printed by 3D printer and their measurement controls were condocted. The insert parts for the existing injection molds are reproduced according to the developed weld design. Similarly, inline body and cover parts were printed on the injection machine and measurement controls were made. The printed parts were friction-welded and the structure obtained with the analysis result was compared. When the parts joined after friction welding were examined, it was observed that the semi-melt agglomeration was successfully confined. Taguchi experimental method was applied to the parameters entered into the friction welding machine. The parameter that will provide maximum strength after friction welding (revolution speed 2490 rpm, friction welding pressure 6 bar, friction welding time 2 sec, waiting time 4 sec) have been determined. It was found that the effective friction welding machine parameters on the welding quality were by 42.74% of rotation speed and 31.85% of t friction welding pressure. Field tests were carried out by producing 1500 products from the filters whose design was developed and sent to Istanbul and surrounding cities. At the same time, the life test of the filters was carried out in the laboratory. In the field test results of the weld joint profile design, developed, it was determined that the errors were reduced by 8% in the sediment filter and 14% in the activated carbon filter."
Cover and body parts of inline filters used in domestic type water purification devices are combined with friction welding by rotating. During rotary friction welding, semi-melt accumulations occur in the inner and outer parts of the weld zone. The semi-melt accumulations in the interior cause clogging in the sediment filter and decrease water flow. The semi-melt agglomeration formed in the inner part of the activated carbon filter flows onto the felt on the upper cover, reducing the usage area of the felt by 30%. In this thesis, it is aimed to solve the clogging problem of the filters and to extend the filter life by trapping the melt accumulation in the interior. For this purpose, firstly, analysis and simulations of the semi-melt accumulation state after friction welding were accomplished with the ABAQUS (Finite Element Analysis Software) program. Welding joint profile designs have been developed in the ABAQUS program to trap the semi-melt accumulation in the inner part of filter. The part model created printed by 3D printer and their measurement controls were condocted. The insert parts for the existing injection molds are reproduced according to the developed weld design. Similarly, inline body and cover parts were printed on the injection machine and measurement controls were made. The printed parts were friction-welded and the structure obtained with the analysis result was compared. When the parts joined after friction welding were examined, it was observed that the semi-melt agglomeration was successfully confined. Taguchi experimental method was applied to the parameters entered into the friction welding machine. The parameter that will provide maximum strength after friction welding (revolution speed 2490 rpm, friction welding pressure 6 bar, friction welding time 2 sec, waiting time 4 sec) have been determined. It was found that the effective friction welding machine parameters on the welding quality were by 42.74% of rotation speed and 31.85% of t friction welding pressure. Field tests were carried out by producing 1500 products from the filters whose design was developed and sent to Istanbul and surrounding cities. At the same time, the life test of the filters was carried out in the laboratory. In the field test results of the weld joint profile design, developed, it was determined that the errors were reduced by 8% in the sediment filter and 14% in the activated carbon filter."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Döner sürtünme kaynak, Taguchi deneysel yöntem, ABAQUS analiz ve simulasyon, Moldflow dolum analizi, Statik ve dinamik testler, Rotary friction welding, Taguchi experimental method, ABAQUS analysis and simulation, Moldflow filling analysis and static and dynamic tests