Ortadoğu Ülkelerine Yaşanan Erkek Göçlerinin Aileye ve Ailedeki Kadının Rollerine Etkileri: Hatay Örneği Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme
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Küreselleşmenin etkisiyle, uluslararası işgücü göçü giderek daha da önemli bir hale gelmektedir. Türkiye’de özellikle son zamanlarda yaşanan “işsizlik” artışı, yurt dışında çalışma konusunu giderek bir umuda ve hatta artan bir beklentiye dönüştürmektedir. Türkiye’deki erkek egemen toplumsal yapı uluslararası işgücü göçünde erkek cinsiyetini öne çıkarmakta ve bunun doğal sonucu olarak da kadına geride kalan statüsü yüklemektedir. Hatay ilinden Ortadoğu ülkelerine çalışmak amacıyla giden erkekler, ailelerini yanlarına almamayı tercih etmektedirler. Bunun en temel nedeni Türkiye’nin Ortadoğu ülkelerine göre daha yüksek bir sosyo-kültürel yapıya sahip olmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Böylesi bir ulus aşırı göç deneyimi ise karşımıza “geride kalan kadın” gerçeğini çıkarmaktadır. Bu durum Ortadoğu’ya emek göçü deneyimini yaşayan ailenin, yarı parçalanmış aile yaşamı sürdürmesine neden olmaktadır. Yaşananlar temelde ailedeki kadının rollerinin ve sorumluluk alanlarının büyük değişimler yaşamasına neden olmaktadır. Bir bakıma emek göçünün görünürdeki nitelikleri erkek merkezli olsa da etkilerinin merkezi koşulları ise kadın etrafında şekillenmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı ortaya çıkan koşulların, kadının yaşanan göçe dayalı olarak değişen rollerinin onun aile eksenindeki görev ve sorumluluklarını nasıl etkilediğini ortaya koymaktır. Ortaya konulan çalışma, Hatay ilinde yaşayan ve eşi Ortadoğu ülkelerinden birine çalışmak amacıyla göç eden ve hala orada çalışmaya devam eden kadınlarla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın konusu ve ortaya çıkan bulgular açısından, çalışmanın “göçteki kadın” sorunsalına önemli katkılar sunacağı ümidini taşımaktayız. Çalışma kapsamında merkeze konulan “göçteki geride kalış” biçimi, bir bakıma göç sosyolojisine dair merceğin “hareketlilik eksenine” değil, bilakis “hareketsizlik eksenine” (yani göçe katılmayanlara) çevrilmesinin kaygısını taşımaktadır. Bu açıdan çalışmamızın göçe dair bakışları ve irdeleme biçimlerine farklı türden orjinler kazandıracağı yönünde beklentimiz büyüktür.
İnternational labor migration is becoming more and more important with the effect of globalization. The recent increase in unemployment is turning the issue of working abroad into a hope and even an increasing expectation in Turkey. The male-dominated social structure in Turkey highlights the male gender in international labor migration, and as a natural consequence, imposes the lagging status on women. Men who go to Middle East countries from Hatay to work prefer not to take their families with them. The main reason is that Turkey has a higher socio-cultural structure than the Middle East countries. Such an experience of transnational migration reveals the reality of ""the woman left behind"". This situation causes the family, which has experienced labor migration to the Middle East, to lead a half-broken family life. The experiences basically cause major changes in the roles and responsibilities of women in the family. In a way, although the apparent characteristics of labor migration are male-centered, the central conditions of its effects are shaped around women. The aim of this research is to reveal how the emerging conditions and the changing roles of women based on migration affect her duties and responsibilities in the family axis. The study was carried out with women living in the province of Hatay, whose husbands immigrated to one of the Middle Eastern countries to work and still continue to work there. In terms of the subject of the research and the findings, we hope that the study will make important contributions to the problem of ""women in migration"". The ""staying behind in immigration"" form which is put in the center within the scope of the study, in a way carries the concern of turning the lens of the sociology of migration not on the ""mobility axis"" but on the ""inactivity axis"" (ie those who do not participate in immigration). In this respect, we have a great expectation that our study will bring different kinds of origins to the perspectives and ways of examining migration."
İnternational labor migration is becoming more and more important with the effect of globalization. The recent increase in unemployment is turning the issue of working abroad into a hope and even an increasing expectation in Turkey. The male-dominated social structure in Turkey highlights the male gender in international labor migration, and as a natural consequence, imposes the lagging status on women. Men who go to Middle East countries from Hatay to work prefer not to take their families with them. The main reason is that Turkey has a higher socio-cultural structure than the Middle East countries. Such an experience of transnational migration reveals the reality of ""the woman left behind"". This situation causes the family, which has experienced labor migration to the Middle East, to lead a half-broken family life. The experiences basically cause major changes in the roles and responsibilities of women in the family. In a way, although the apparent characteristics of labor migration are male-centered, the central conditions of its effects are shaped around women. The aim of this research is to reveal how the emerging conditions and the changing roles of women based on migration affect her duties and responsibilities in the family axis. The study was carried out with women living in the province of Hatay, whose husbands immigrated to one of the Middle Eastern countries to work and still continue to work there. In terms of the subject of the research and the findings, we hope that the study will make important contributions to the problem of ""women in migration"". The ""staying behind in immigration"" form which is put in the center within the scope of the study, in a way carries the concern of turning the lens of the sociology of migration not on the ""mobility axis"" but on the ""inactivity axis"" (ie those who do not participate in immigration). In this respect, we have a great expectation that our study will bring different kinds of origins to the perspectives and ways of examining migration."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Göç, Kadın, Geride kalmak, Uluslararası emek göçü, Aile, Migration, Women, Staying behind, International labor migration, Family