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Borlama işlemi ile elde edilen yüksek sertlik değerleri, aşınma odaklı mühendislik problemleri açısından dikkat çekicidir. Bu çalışmada bor ile kaplanmış ray çeliklerinin metalografik yapısı ve aşınma davranışı incelenmiştir. Ray çeliklerinin borlanması ve borlama ile aşınma dayanımlarının arttırılması literatür için tektir. Bu amaçla 700 °C, 800 °C ve 900 °C’de 4 saat borlama işlemi yapılan ray çeliklerinin aşınma deneyleri 2 farklı yük (30 N ve 50 N) ve hız koşulları (0,1 m/s ve 0,2 m/s) altında yapılmıştır. Ray çeliğinin aşınma davranışının görsel ve elemental analizinde SEM, EDX, XRD ve 3D topoğrafya yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Deney sonuçlarının istatiksel analizi için varyans metodu (ANOVA) kullanılmış ve kayma hızı, yük ve borlama sıcaklığı parametrelerinin sürtünme katsayısı, yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve hacim kaybı üzerindeki etkisi ilk kez nicel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Deneysel sonuçlara göre borür tabakasının kalınlık ve sertlik değerleri borlama sıcaklığının artmasıyla birlikte artmıştır. Başlangıçta ~ 300 HV olan ray çeliğinin sertliği 700-800-900 °C’de sırasıyla 1886, 2145 ve 2590 HV değerine ulaşmıştır. En yüksek tabaka kalınlığı ise ~ 66 µm kalınlık ile 900 °C'de borlanmış numunede elde edilmiştir. Numunelerin mikroyapısal karakterizasyonları incelendiğinde borür tabakasında genel olarak demir borürlerin hakim olduğu gözlenmiştir. 700 °C’de borlanmış numunenin borür tabakasında tek fazlı (Fe2B) bir yapı, 800 °C ve 900 °C'de borlanmış numunelerin tabakalarında ise çift fazlı (FeB + Fe2B) bir yapı elde edilmiştir. Demir borürlerin yanısıra MnB ve CrB fazlarının oluşumu da gözlenmiştir. Borlanmış ray çeliğinin aşınma davranışı analiz edildiğinde borlanmamış numuneye göre aşınma direncinde önemli oranda artış elde edilmiştir. Borlama yöntemiyle birlikte elde edilen yüksek sertlik ve malzeme yüzeyinde oluşan bor oksit (B2O3) tabakası sayesinde sürtünme katsayısının minimizasyonu sağlanmıştır. Borlama prosesinin sürtünme katsayısı, hacim kaybı ve yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerindeki etkisi sırasıyla % 87,60, % 84,43 ve % 66,78 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bu sonuçlara göre aşınma davranışı üzerindeki en fazla etkiyi borlama prosesi göstermiştir. Yüzeylerden alınan topoğrafya görüntülerinde borlanmış numunelerin işlem görmemiş numunelere göre daha düzgün bir yüzey formuna sahip olduğu, işlem görmemiş numunelerde ise derin çukurların ve yoğun dalgalanmaların oluştuğu görülmüştür. SEM görüntüleri ise bu durumu desteklemiş ve işlem görmemiş numunelerde yoğun bir şekilde adhezyon ve abrazyon aşınmaları tespit edilmiştir. 700 °C’de borlanan numunede ihmal edilebilir çatlaklar ve pullanma kusuru hariç bir deformasyon oluşmamıştır. 800 °C ve 900 °C borlanan numunelerde ise sadece pullanma kusuru artmış ve baskın bir deformasyon mekanizması gözlenmemiştir.
The high hardness values obtained by the boroning process are remarkable in terms of wear-oriented engineering problems. In this study, the metallographic structure and wear behaviors of boron coated rail steels were investigated. Boronizing of rail steels and increasing wear resistance by boronizing is unique for the literature. For this purpose, the wear tests of the rail steels, which were borided at 700 °C, 800 °C and 900 °C for 4 hours, were carried out under 2 different load (30 N and 50 N) and speed (0.1 m/s and 0.2 m/s) conditions. SEM, EDX, XRD and 3D topography methods are used in visual and elemental analysis of wear behavior of rail steel. The variance method (ANOVA) was used for the statistical analysis of the test results and the effect of shear rate, load and boronizing temperature parameters on friction coefficient, surface roughness and volume loss was analyzed for the first time quantitatively. According to the experimental results, the thickness and hardness values of the boride layer increased with increasing boronizing temperature. The hardness of the rail steel, initially ~ 300 HV, reached the value of 1886, 2145 and 2590 HV at 700-800-900 °C, respectively. The highest layer thickness was obtained in the sample boronized at 900 °C with ~ 66 µm thickness. When microstructural characterizations of the samples were examined, it was observed that iron borides were dominant in the boride layer. A single phase (Fe2B) structure was obtained in the bored layer of the sample boronized at 700 °C, and a double phase (FeB + Fe2B) structure in the layers of samples boronized at 800 °C and 900 °C. Besides iron borides, the formation of MnB and CrB phases was also observed. When the wear behavior of the boronized rail steel is analyzed, a considerable increase in wear resistance has been achieved compared to the untreated sample. Thanks to the high hardness obtained with the boronizing method and the boron oxide (B2O3) layer formed on the material surface, the friction coefficient is minimized. The effect of the boronizing process on friction coefficient, volume loss and surface roughness was calculated as 87.60%, 84.43% and 66.78%, respectively. According to these results, the boroning process showed the greatest effect on wear behavior. Topography images taken from the surfaces show that boronized samples have a smoother surface form compared to untreated samples, and deep pits and intense fluctuations occur in untreated samples. No deformation has occurred in the sample boronized at 700 °C, except for negligible cracks and spalling defect. In the samples boronized at 800 °C and 900 °C, only spalling defect increased and no dominant deformation mechanism was observed."
The high hardness values obtained by the boroning process are remarkable in terms of wear-oriented engineering problems. In this study, the metallographic structure and wear behaviors of boron coated rail steels were investigated. Boronizing of rail steels and increasing wear resistance by boronizing is unique for the literature. For this purpose, the wear tests of the rail steels, which were borided at 700 °C, 800 °C and 900 °C for 4 hours, were carried out under 2 different load (30 N and 50 N) and speed (0.1 m/s and 0.2 m/s) conditions. SEM, EDX, XRD and 3D topography methods are used in visual and elemental analysis of wear behavior of rail steel. The variance method (ANOVA) was used for the statistical analysis of the test results and the effect of shear rate, load and boronizing temperature parameters on friction coefficient, surface roughness and volume loss was analyzed for the first time quantitatively. According to the experimental results, the thickness and hardness values of the boride layer increased with increasing boronizing temperature. The hardness of the rail steel, initially ~ 300 HV, reached the value of 1886, 2145 and 2590 HV at 700-800-900 °C, respectively. The highest layer thickness was obtained in the sample boronized at 900 °C with ~ 66 µm thickness. When microstructural characterizations of the samples were examined, it was observed that iron borides were dominant in the boride layer. A single phase (Fe2B) structure was obtained in the bored layer of the sample boronized at 700 °C, and a double phase (FeB + Fe2B) structure in the layers of samples boronized at 800 °C and 900 °C. Besides iron borides, the formation of MnB and CrB phases was also observed. When the wear behavior of the boronized rail steel is analyzed, a considerable increase in wear resistance has been achieved compared to the untreated sample. Thanks to the high hardness obtained with the boronizing method and the boron oxide (B2O3) layer formed on the material surface, the friction coefficient is minimized. The effect of the boronizing process on friction coefficient, volume loss and surface roughness was calculated as 87.60%, 84.43% and 66.78%, respectively. According to these results, the boroning process showed the greatest effect on wear behavior. Topography images taken from the surfaces show that boronized samples have a smoother surface form compared to untreated samples, and deep pits and intense fluctuations occur in untreated samples. No deformation has occurred in the sample boronized at 700 °C, except for negligible cracks and spalling defect. In the samples boronized at 800 °C and 900 °C, only spalling defect increased and no dominant deformation mechanism was observed."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Borlama, ray çeliği, sertlik, aşınma, sürtünme katsayısı, hacim kaybı, yüzey pürüzlülüğü, ANOVA., Boronizing, rail steel, hardness, wear, friction coefficient, volume loss, surface roughness, ANOVA