Libyan spring or fall: Four decades of tyranny and unity four years of fragmentation
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Modern araştırmacılar tarafından Arap Baharı vakalarına, başarıları, nüfusları için fayda ve gelecekleri için kendi ulusları için ne elde edilmiş olabileceği konusunda birçok soru gündeme geldi. Libya davası Arap-Afrika bölümünde Tunus ve Mısır'dan daha ilginçti, çünkü Libya Devrimi hızlı ulusal toplantılarda ve bölgesel ve uluslararası desteğe başarılı oldu. Sunmak istediğim gerçekler temelde Libya toplumunun kendisiyle ve ülkeyi geçiş döneminde özelleştirmek için kullanabilme yeteneği ile birlikte kendileri gibi ortak Libyalılar'ın pek çok perspektifi ve ülkelerindeki statüko hakkındaki duygularıyla ilgilidir. Önemli başarıyla sonuçlanmadan tanık olma tehlikeli yola geçişini sofistike hale getirir. Bu nedenle, Libya, Arap Bahar Ülkelerinden ayaklanma başarı ince çizgisini kesme ve bu bağın güçlendirilmesi arasında bir meydan okumaya başlayan ilk ülke oldu. Genelde, bizi Kaddafi'yi devirmek için hep birlikte milliyetçiler, İslamcılar ve liberalistler olarak toplayan bu bağ düşünün, siyasal seçkinler günümüzde kaotik politik gündemleri arasında ayrıldığında Libya topluluğunun kendisini açmasının aynı gerçek nedeni gibi. Demokratik, adil ve gerçek bir devlet yaratma yönündeki iddialı rüyada sıradan Libyalılar'ın pek çok engeli, demokratik rüyayı gerçekleştirmek için sokaklara çıkanlardan çok engeller ile karşı karşıya kaldı. Yine de, bugünün gerçekliğinin Libyalılar karşısında görünmesi, politikacılar, toplumun iktidara itiraz eden partilere yönelik yönelimlerini şekillendirmesiyle normalleşti. Gerçekleri Libya Ayaklanması davasında olduğu gibi desteklemek için, Kaddafi'nin yönetimi altındaki bir ülkenin tarihini tüm başarısızlıkları ve kusurları ile sundum ve diğer bankada 2015'e kadar ayaklanmanın Libya'ya getirilebileceğini gösterdim.
Many questions raised by modern researchers upon the Arab Spring cases in terms of their success, benefits for their populations, and what may have been achieved for the future for their nations. The Libyan case was more interesting in the Arab-African part than Tunisia and Egypt, in the sense that the Libyan Revolution has succeeded in the swift national gatherings and the regional and international support to its cause. The facts that I try to present are made on basics deal with Libyan society itself and its ability to customize the country to transition, along with many perspectives of common Libyans ,like myself, and their feelings about the status quo in their country that the politicians have sophisticating its transition to witness dangerous path without prominent successful results. Therefore, Libya was the first country from the Arab Spring Countries that is facing a challenge between cutting the thin line of the uprising success, and enhancing that bond. I usually think of this bond that gathered us as nationalists, Islamists, and liberalists all together for overthrowing Gaddafi, as if it is the same true reason for the Libyan community to turn on itself when our political elite nowadays separated between their chaotic political agenda. The ambitious dream of creating a democratic, just, and true state was confronted with many obstacles far beyond the apprehension of ordinary Libyans that many of them went out to the streets to achieve the democratic dream. Yet, the facing of today's reality for Libyans became normal with the politicians shaped the society's orientations into parties disputing upon power. To support the facts as they are in the Libyan Uprising case, I presented a history of the country under Gaddafi's rule with all its failures and flaws, and at the other bank I showed what could the uprising until 2015 brought upon Libya.
Many questions raised by modern researchers upon the Arab Spring cases in terms of their success, benefits for their populations, and what may have been achieved for the future for their nations. The Libyan case was more interesting in the Arab-African part than Tunisia and Egypt, in the sense that the Libyan Revolution has succeeded in the swift national gatherings and the regional and international support to its cause. The facts that I try to present are made on basics deal with Libyan society itself and its ability to customize the country to transition, along with many perspectives of common Libyans ,like myself, and their feelings about the status quo in their country that the politicians have sophisticating its transition to witness dangerous path without prominent successful results. Therefore, Libya was the first country from the Arab Spring Countries that is facing a challenge between cutting the thin line of the uprising success, and enhancing that bond. I usually think of this bond that gathered us as nationalists, Islamists, and liberalists all together for overthrowing Gaddafi, as if it is the same true reason for the Libyan community to turn on itself when our political elite nowadays separated between their chaotic political agenda. The ambitious dream of creating a democratic, just, and true state was confronted with many obstacles far beyond the apprehension of ordinary Libyans that many of them went out to the streets to achieve the democratic dream. Yet, the facing of today's reality for Libyans became normal with the politicians shaped the society's orientations into parties disputing upon power. To support the facts as they are in the Libyan Uprising case, I presented a history of the country under Gaddafi's rule with all its failures and flaws, and at the other bank I showed what could the uprising until 2015 brought upon Libya.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uluslararası Ekonomi Politikası Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Siyasal Bilimler, Political Science ; Uluslararası İlişkiler