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Aşırı diz ağrısı problemi yaşayan hastalar; artık yürüme, eğilme, merdiven çıkma gibi günlük aktivitelerinde aşırı güçlük yaşıyor ise, hastanın hayat konforunu arttırabilmek için toplam diz implantı cerrahi yöntemi uygulanır. Bahse konu implantın başarısı birçok değişkene bağlıdır. Tabi ki hastaya uygulanacak olan bu değişim hastanın kemik yapısına uygun seçilmeli, implantın vücut içerisinde maruz kalacağı biyomekanik yüklere karşı dayanım ve gerilimi dikkate alınmalıdır. Ayrıca insan vücudu içerisinde kalacak olan bu ve benzeri implantlarda göz önünde bulundurulması gereken bir başka değişken olarak implantın malzemesidir. İmplant malzemesi seçilirken biyouyumlu olmasına özen gösterilmelidir. İmplantın dayanıklılığı modellenmesi ve malzemesinin iyi seçimine bağlıdır. Bu çalışmada modellenen total diz implantın femur (uyluk kemiği) ve tibia kemiğine (kaval kemiği) monte edilecek parçalar Ti-6A1-4V ve paslanmaz çelik olmak üzere iki farklı malzemeden, spacer ise analizlerde UHMWPE malzemesinin üç farklı Young modülü (0.3 GPa, 0.6 GPa ve 0.9 GPa) ile denenmiştir. Geometrik parametre olarak femur ve tibia kemiğine monte edilecek parçaların eğrileri üç farklı yarıçapla tasarlanmıştır. Böylelikle çalışmada toplamda 18 implant modeli elde edilmiştir. Daha sonra modellenmiş implantların aynı kuvvet için farklı açılarda gerilme ve deformasyonları sonlu elemanlar kullanarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma sonuçları maksimum gerilme ve maksimum deformasyonun fleksiyon hareketinde ortaya çıktığını göstermektedir. Başarılı implant olup olmadıklarını anlamak için malzemelerin akma mukavemetlerinin değerlendirilmesiyle anlaşılmıştır. Sonuçlar göre, femur eklemi ve tibia eklemi için Ti-6A1-4V’den oluşan implantalar maruz kaldığı tüm yüklere akma mukavemetinin aşağısında gerilme göstermiştir. İç menisküs ve dış menisküs görevlerini görmesi beklenen spacer (ara dolgu) parçası UHMWPE 0.9 GPa elastisite modülüne sahip malzemesinde daha başarılı olmuştur. Diğer iki malzemeden oluşan spacer implantı akma mukavemeti değerlendirilmesinde başarılı olmuş fakat daha fazla gerilim göstermiştir. İmplant geometrisi değerlendirilmesi yapıldığında Ti-6A1-4V malzemesinden oluşan femur ve tibia implantının R-250 modelinin oluşan gerilmelerin akma mukavemeti aşağısında diğer modellere nazaran daha düşük olduğu görülmüş ve başarılı model olarak kabul edilmiştir. Modellenen R-250, R-225, R-200 implantların akma mukavemeti altında gerilmeler gösterdiğini en başarılı sonucun R-250 modelinde olduğu anlaşılmış ve cerrahi operasyonlarda kullanıma uygun olduğu görülmüştür. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışmanın sonuçları toplam diz implantlarının tasarımına ve malzeme seçimine yönelik inceleme ve katkıda bulunmuştur.
Patients with severe knee pain problem; If the patient is now experiencing excessive difficulty in Daily activities such as walking, bending, climbing stairs, total knee implant surgery is applied to increase the patient’s life comfort. The success of the implant in question depends on many variables. Of course, this change to be applied to the patient should be selected in accordance with the patient’s bone structure, the resistance and tension of the implant against the biomechanical loads that it will be exposed to in the body should be taken into account. In addition, another variable to be considered in this and similar implants that will remain in the human body is the material of the implant. When choosing the implant material, care should be taken to ensure that it is biocompatible. The durability of the implant depends on the good choice of modeling and material. The parts of the total knee implant modeled in this study to be mounted on the femur (thigh bone) and tibia bone were selected from two different materials, Ti-6Al-4V and stainless steel, and the spacer. Three different Young’s modulus (0.3 GPa, 0.6 GPa and 0.9 GPa) of UHMWPE material were tested in the analyses. As geometric parameters, the curves of the parts to be mounted on the femur and tibia were designed with three different radii. Thus, a total of 18 implant models were obtained in the study. Then, the stress and deformations of the modeled implants at different angles for the same force were analyzed using finite elements. The results of the study show that the maximum stress and maximum deformation occur in the flexion movement. It was understood by evaluating the yield strengths of the materials to understand whether they were successful implants. According to the results, the implants consisting of Ti-6Al-4V fort he femur joint and tibia joint showed stress below the yield strength to all the loads it was exposed to. The spacer part, which is expected to serve as the inner meniscus and the outer meniscus, was more successful in the UHMWPE material with an elasticity modulus of 0.9 GPa. The a spacer implant consisting of the other two materials was successful in the evaluation of yield strength, but showed more tension. When the implant geometry was evaluated, the stresses of the R-250 model of the femur and tibia implant made of Ti-6Al-4V material were found to be lower than the other models, below the yield strength, and it was accepted as a successful model. It was understood that the modeled R-250, R-225, R-200 implants showed stresses under the yield strength, and the most successful result was the R-250 model and it was found that it was suitable for use in surgical operations. Therefore, the results of this study contributed to the review and contribution to the design and material selection of total knee implants."
Patients with severe knee pain problem; If the patient is now experiencing excessive difficulty in Daily activities such as walking, bending, climbing stairs, total knee implant surgery is applied to increase the patient’s life comfort. The success of the implant in question depends on many variables. Of course, this change to be applied to the patient should be selected in accordance with the patient’s bone structure, the resistance and tension of the implant against the biomechanical loads that it will be exposed to in the body should be taken into account. In addition, another variable to be considered in this and similar implants that will remain in the human body is the material of the implant. When choosing the implant material, care should be taken to ensure that it is biocompatible. The durability of the implant depends on the good choice of modeling and material. The parts of the total knee implant modeled in this study to be mounted on the femur (thigh bone) and tibia bone were selected from two different materials, Ti-6Al-4V and stainless steel, and the spacer. Three different Young’s modulus (0.3 GPa, 0.6 GPa and 0.9 GPa) of UHMWPE material were tested in the analyses. As geometric parameters, the curves of the parts to be mounted on the femur and tibia were designed with three different radii. Thus, a total of 18 implant models were obtained in the study. Then, the stress and deformations of the modeled implants at different angles for the same force were analyzed using finite elements. The results of the study show that the maximum stress and maximum deformation occur in the flexion movement. It was understood by evaluating the yield strengths of the materials to understand whether they were successful implants. According to the results, the implants consisting of Ti-6Al-4V fort he femur joint and tibia joint showed stress below the yield strength to all the loads it was exposed to. The spacer part, which is expected to serve as the inner meniscus and the outer meniscus, was more successful in the UHMWPE material with an elasticity modulus of 0.9 GPa. The a spacer implant consisting of the other two materials was successful in the evaluation of yield strength, but showed more tension. When the implant geometry was evaluated, the stresses of the R-250 model of the femur and tibia implant made of Ti-6Al-4V material were found to be lower than the other models, below the yield strength, and it was accepted as a successful model. It was understood that the modeled R-250, R-225, R-200 implants showed stresses under the yield strength, and the most successful result was the R-250 model and it was found that it was suitable for use in surgical operations. Therefore, the results of this study contributed to the review and contribution to the design and material selection of total knee implants."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Toplam Diz İmplantı, Femur, Ara Dolgu, Tibia, Diz Eklemleri, Diz Protezi, Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi, Total Knee Implant, Femur, Spacer, Tibia, Knee Joints, Knee Prosthesis, Finite Element Method