Cumhuriyet dönemi modernleşme sürecinde sinema yapılarının biçimsel ve mekânsal olarak incelenmesi: Karabük Yenişehir Sineması örneğinde değerlendirmeler
Küçük Resim Yok
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Karabük Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma Türkiye'deki sinema yapılarının son yıllarda hızlı bir şekilde farklı işlevlere dönüşmesi, âtıl hale gelmesi ve yıkılması kaygısı içinde ele alınmıştır. Karabük'ün endüstrileşme süreci ile gelişen modern kent dokusunda yer alan Yenişehir Sineması'nın biçimsel ve mekânsal mimari dilinin incelenerek korunması gerekliliğinin ve sürdürülebilirliğinin önemine vurgu yapmak amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Çalışma 6 bölümden oluşmaktadır. 1. bölümde çalışmanın amacı ve yöntemi belirtilerek tezin tamamlanması ile literatüre sağlayacağı bilimsel katkı ifade edilmiştir. 2. bölümde 'Sinema' kavramı ve 'Sinemanın Dünyadaki Tarihçesi' irdelenerek, sinemanın gelişim sürecinden bahsedilmiş ve bu sürecin mimari anlamda sinema yapılarına yansımasının farklı ülkelerde yer alan örnekleri üzerinde durulmuştur. 3. bölümde sinemanın Türkiye'ye girişi ve Cumhuriyet dönemi modernizm sürecindeki gelişimi üzerinde durulmuş ve Anadolu'nun farklı kentlerindeki sinema yapıları incelenmiştir. Son dönemlerde Türkiye'deki birçok sinema mekânının temel işlevini yitirmesi, âtıl hale gelmesi ve yıkılması sonucu mevcut durumlarına ve korunması gerekliliğine dikkat çekilmek istenmiştir. 4. bölümde 'Sinema Mekânı' ele alınarak mekânı oluşturan birimler, salonun mekânsal ve teknik özellikleri ve sinema tipolojisi irdelenmiştir. 5. bölümde çalışma alanı olarak seçilen Karabük'ün önce genel özellikleri, tarihi gelişimi, sosyo-kültürel ve ekonomik yapısından bahsedilerek demir çelik fabrikasının kurulmasıyla birlikte gelişim gösteren Yenişehir Mahallesi'nin mekânsal oluşumu anlatılmıştır. Bu bilgilendirmelerden sonra Yenişehir Sineması vaziyet, plan ve cephe düzleminde ele alınarak mekânsal ve biçimsel olarak incelenmiş, günümüzdeki mevcut durumu irdelenmiştir. Ardından yapının, yurtdışından ve Türkiye'den seçilen sinema yapıları ile karşılaştırmalı bir değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. 6. ve son bölümde ise elde edilen veriler aracılığıyla bir değerlendirme yapılmış, yapının korunması ve sürdürülebilirliği bağlamında sosyal-toplumsal ve mekânsal öneriler ve görüşler sunulmuştur.
The aim of this architectural dissertation is to be examined on cinema buildings in terms of being destroyed, becoming idle and transforming to different functions rapidly in recent years in Turkey. For this reason, to illustrate the importance of protection and sustainability, Yenişehir Cinema building, with its morphological and spatial architectural language, was studied. This building represents industrialization process with the development of modern city pattern of Karabük. The study consists of 6 chapters. In chapter 1, the aim and method of the study is stated and the scientific contribution to the literature is expressed by the completion of the thesis. In chapter 2, the concept of 'Cinema' and 'History of Cinema in the World' are examined and the development process of the cinema is discussed and examples of the reflection of this process on cinema buildings in different countries are emphasized. In chapter 3, the entry of the cinema into Turkey and the development of Republican period in the modernism period are examined and the cinema buildings in different cities of Anatolia are examined. In recent years, it has been desired to draw attention to the fact that many of the cinema spaces in Turkey have lost their basic function, become inefficient and have been destroyed and need to be protected. In chapter 4, 'Space of Cinema' is considered and the units forming the space, spatial and technical characteristics of the room and cinema typology are examined. In chapter 5, Karabük, which is chosen as a case study, is firstly described in terms of its general features, historical development, socio-cultural and economic structure, and the spatial formation of Yenişehir District, which developed together with the establishment of an iron and steel factory. After description and general information about Yenişehir District, Yenişehir Cinema is examined in spatial and morphologial by considering the site, plan and facade, and the current situation are analyzed. Then, it is compared with evaluation of the cinema buildings selected from abroad and Turkey. In the 6th and last chapter, an evaluation is implemented through the obtained data, social and spatial opinions and suggestions are presented in the context of preservation and sustainability of the cinema.
The aim of this architectural dissertation is to be examined on cinema buildings in terms of being destroyed, becoming idle and transforming to different functions rapidly in recent years in Turkey. For this reason, to illustrate the importance of protection and sustainability, Yenişehir Cinema building, with its morphological and spatial architectural language, was studied. This building represents industrialization process with the development of modern city pattern of Karabük. The study consists of 6 chapters. In chapter 1, the aim and method of the study is stated and the scientific contribution to the literature is expressed by the completion of the thesis. In chapter 2, the concept of 'Cinema' and 'History of Cinema in the World' are examined and the development process of the cinema is discussed and examples of the reflection of this process on cinema buildings in different countries are emphasized. In chapter 3, the entry of the cinema into Turkey and the development of Republican period in the modernism period are examined and the cinema buildings in different cities of Anatolia are examined. In recent years, it has been desired to draw attention to the fact that many of the cinema spaces in Turkey have lost their basic function, become inefficient and have been destroyed and need to be protected. In chapter 4, 'Space of Cinema' is considered and the units forming the space, spatial and technical characteristics of the room and cinema typology are examined. In chapter 5, Karabük, which is chosen as a case study, is firstly described in terms of its general features, historical development, socio-cultural and economic structure, and the spatial formation of Yenişehir District, which developed together with the establishment of an iron and steel factory. After description and general information about Yenişehir District, Yenişehir Cinema is examined in spatial and morphologial by considering the site, plan and facade, and the current situation are analyzed. Then, it is compared with evaluation of the cinema buildings selected from abroad and Turkey. In the 6th and last chapter, an evaluation is implemented through the obtained data, social and spatial opinions and suggestions are presented in the context of preservation and sustainability of the cinema.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mimarlık, Architecture