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Bu araştırmada, Porsuk Çayı Havzası’nın, doğal ve beşerî kaynak potansiyeli belirlenerek coğrafi planlanma ve havza yönetimi bağlamında sürdürülebilir ve gerçekçi öneriler sunmak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma alanının hidrografik özellikleri morfometrik analizlerle güçlendirilmiştir. Havzanın ortaya konan özellikleri doğrultusunda havza yönetimini etkileyen faktörler dikkate alınarak, planlamaya yönelik kararlar geliştirilmiştir. Hidrografik bir havza olan Porsuk Çayı Havzası’nda ovalık alanlar, ovalık alanları çevreleyen plato ve dağlık alanların oluşturduğu iç bükey bir jeomorfoloji kendini göstermektedir. Havza tabanındaki ovalık alanlarda gelişme gösteren tarım alanları özelikle kırsal alandaki halkın temel geçim kaynağını oluşturmaktadır. Havzanın sınırını çizen yüksek dağlık kütleler ve plato alanlardaki ormanlar ve özellikle küçükbaş hayvancılık için kullanılan otlak alanlar yine kırsal kesim için temel ekonomik kaynaktır. Karasal iklim özelliklerinin görüldüğü havzada, Eskişehir ve Kütahya illeri, sosyal olanak ve sanayi faaliyetlerindeki artışla nüfusun toplandığı merkezlerdir. Havza tabanından sınırlarındaki yüksek alanlara kadar yerleşim birimlerinin görüldüğü çalışma alanı, sahip olduğu özellikleri ile ülke içinden ve dışından göç almaktadır. Nüfusu giderek artan havzada, insanın varlığı, bir ekonomik bir güç oluşturmasının yanında doğal kaynakların kirletilmesi ve yok edilmesinde de en büyük etkendir. Havza ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaların odak noktası kirlilik olmuştur. Ancak gözden kaçırılmaması gereken temel nokta idari sınırlardan bağımsız hidrografik havza alanın yönetimidir. Havzanın yönetimi, havzada yetki alanı bulunan mülki ve yerel yönetim birimleri ile havzadan sorumlu kurum ve kuruluşların arasında yetki karmaşası oluşturmamalıdır. Havza alanındaki il idari alanlarından en küçük yerleşim birimi olan köy, yayla ve çiftliklere kadar inen bu çalışma, planlamanın coğrafi planlama doğrultusunda yapıldığında ve kırsal alandan başladığında ve havzaya özgü yerinden bir havza yönetim modeli oluşturulduğunda, sürdürülebilir ve gerçekçi olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.
The goal of this study is to give sustainable and practical recommendations in the framework of geographical planning and watershed management by estimating the natural and human resource potential of the Porsuk Stream Basin, which is located in the northwest of the Central Anatolia Region. Morphometric analysis has helped to reinforce the hydrographic characteristics of the studied region. Planning choices have been created in accordance with the basin's features and taking into consideration the elements that impact basin management. A concave topography generated by the plains, the plateau around the plains, and the mountainous regions shows itself in the Porsuk Stream Basin, which is a hydrographic basin. Agriculture, which develops on the basin's plains, is the people's primary source of income, particularly in rural areas. The high mountainous masses that surround the basin, as well as the forests on the plateaus and, in particular, the grazing grounds dedicated for sheep and goat herding, are the major economic resources for rural areas. With the growth in social possibilities and industrial activity, Eskişehir and Kütahya provinces are the centers where the population gathers in the basin where terrestrial climatic features are seen. The study region, which includes communities from the basin floor to the highlands on the country's borders, welcomes immigrants from both inside and outside the country, each with their own character. The existence of humans is the most significant influence in the contamination and destruction of natural resources in the basin, as well as in the creation of economic power. Pollution has been the subject of studies on the basin. The essential aspect to remember is that the hydrographic basin region should be managed independently of administrative borders. The basin's management should avoid creating a conflict of power between the civil and local government units with jurisdiction in the basin and the institutions and organizations in charge of the basin. This research, which goes down from the basin's provincial administrative regions to the smallest settlement units, villages, plateaus, and farms, indicates that when planning is done in accordance with geographical planning in the rural area with a basin-specific localized watershed management model, it is both sustainable and feasible."
The goal of this study is to give sustainable and practical recommendations in the framework of geographical planning and watershed management by estimating the natural and human resource potential of the Porsuk Stream Basin, which is located in the northwest of the Central Anatolia Region. Morphometric analysis has helped to reinforce the hydrographic characteristics of the studied region. Planning choices have been created in accordance with the basin's features and taking into consideration the elements that impact basin management. A concave topography generated by the plains, the plateau around the plains, and the mountainous regions shows itself in the Porsuk Stream Basin, which is a hydrographic basin. Agriculture, which develops on the basin's plains, is the people's primary source of income, particularly in rural areas. The high mountainous masses that surround the basin, as well as the forests on the plateaus and, in particular, the grazing grounds dedicated for sheep and goat herding, are the major economic resources for rural areas. With the growth in social possibilities and industrial activity, Eskişehir and Kütahya provinces are the centers where the population gathers in the basin where terrestrial climatic features are seen. The study region, which includes communities from the basin floor to the highlands on the country's borders, welcomes immigrants from both inside and outside the country, each with their own character. The existence of humans is the most significant influence in the contamination and destruction of natural resources in the basin, as well as in the creation of economic power. Pollution has been the subject of studies on the basin. The essential aspect to remember is that the hydrographic basin region should be managed independently of administrative borders. The basin's management should avoid creating a conflict of power between the civil and local government units with jurisdiction in the basin and the institutions and organizations in charge of the basin. This research, which goes down from the basin's provincial administrative regions to the smallest settlement units, villages, plateaus, and farms, indicates that when planning is done in accordance with geographical planning in the rural area with a basin-specific localized watershed management model, it is both sustainable and feasible."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Porsuk Çayı Havzası, coğrafi planlama, havza yönetimi, SWOT analizi, Porsuk Stream Basin, geographical planning, watershed management, SWOT analysis.