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Bu çalışmada, metal matris elemanı olarak 0,8 mm kalınlığında 2024-T3 alüminyum levha ve AZ31 magnezyum levhalar kullanılmıştır. Metal matris elemanlarının arasına takviye fazı olarak karbon ve aramid fiber kullanılmıştır. Karbon ve aramid fiberler epoksi reçine ve polieter eter keton (PEEK) ile işlem görerek lamine kompozit malzeme üretiminde kullanılmıştır. Lamine kompozit malzemeler 3/2 istif sırasına göre (Metal/Prepreg/Metal/Prepreg/Metal) istiflendikten sonra sıcak pres cihazında üretilmiştir. Kompozit malzemeler üretildikten sonra mekanik özelliklerin tayini için çekme, üç nokta eğme ve darbe testleri uygulanmıştır. Üç nokta eğme testinden elde edilen verilerle üretilen kompozit malzemelerin tabakalar arası kesme dayanımları (TAKD) hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca üretim sonrası ara yüzey özelliklerinin belirlenebilmesi için taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM), mekanik testler sonrası oluşan hasar mekanizmalarının tespiti için optik mikroskop analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir Fiber metal lamine kompozit (FML) üretiminde en önemli kavramlardan biri olan arayüzey özelliklerini optimize etmek kompozitlerin nihai özellikleri açısından çok kritiktir. Bu çalışmada metal levhaların yüzeyleri zımparalama ve shot peening işlemleriyle pürüzlendirilmiştir. Shot peening işlemi görmüş levhalarla üretilen kompozitlerin mekanik özelliklerinde genel olarak bir iyileşme olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca epoksi reçineye nanopartükül ilavesiyle de (GNP ve KNT) metal ve polimerik tabakalar arasındaki yapışma kabiliyeti geliştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Hibrit olarak üretilen (2024-T3/Prepreg/AZ31/Prepreg/2024-T3) FML grubunda ise magnezyum metalinin sağladığı yaklaşık % 15 oranındaki ağırlıktan kazancın nihai mekanik özelliklerle ilişkisi incelenmiştir.
In this study, 0,8 mm thickness 2024-T3 aluminum plate and AZ31 magnesium plate were used as metal matrix element. Carbon and aramid fiber were used as the reinforcing phase between the metallic matrix elements. Carbon and aramid fibers were treated with epoxy resin and polyether ether ketone (PEEK) to produce laminated composite materials. Laminated composite materials are produced in hot press device after stacking in 3/2 stack order (Metal / Prepreg / Metal / Prepreg / Metal). After the composite materials were produced, tensile, three-point bending, and impact tests were applied to determine the mechanical properties. The interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of composite materials produced by the data obtained from the three-point bending test was calculated. In addition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to determine the interfacial properties after production, and optical microscope analyzes were performed to determine the damage mechanisms that occurred after mechanical tests. Optimizing the interface properties, one of the most important concepts in FML production, is critical to the final properties of composites. In this study, the surfaces of metal sheets were roughened by sanding and shot peening processes. An overall improvement in the mechanical properties of composites produced with shot peening treated plates has been observed. In addition, by adding nanoparticle to the epoxy resin (GNP and CNT), the adhesion ability between the metal and polymeric layers was tried to be improved. In the FML group produced as hybrid (2024-T3 / Prepreg / AZ31 / Prepreg / 2024-T3), the relationship of the weight gain of approximately 15 % by magnesium metal to the final mechanical properties was investigated."
In this study, 0,8 mm thickness 2024-T3 aluminum plate and AZ31 magnesium plate were used as metal matrix element. Carbon and aramid fiber were used as the reinforcing phase between the metallic matrix elements. Carbon and aramid fibers were treated with epoxy resin and polyether ether ketone (PEEK) to produce laminated composite materials. Laminated composite materials are produced in hot press device after stacking in 3/2 stack order (Metal / Prepreg / Metal / Prepreg / Metal). After the composite materials were produced, tensile, three-point bending, and impact tests were applied to determine the mechanical properties. The interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of composite materials produced by the data obtained from the three-point bending test was calculated. In addition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to determine the interfacial properties after production, and optical microscope analyzes were performed to determine the damage mechanisms that occurred after mechanical tests. Optimizing the interface properties, one of the most important concepts in FML production, is critical to the final properties of composites. In this study, the surfaces of metal sheets were roughened by sanding and shot peening processes. An overall improvement in the mechanical properties of composites produced with shot peening treated plates has been observed. In addition, by adding nanoparticle to the epoxy resin (GNP and CNT), the adhesion ability between the metal and polymeric layers was tried to be improved. In the FML group produced as hybrid (2024-T3 / Prepreg / AZ31 / Prepreg / 2024-T3), the relationship of the weight gain of approximately 15 % by magnesium metal to the final mechanical properties was investigated."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fiber Metal Composites, Laminated Composites, Layered Composites, FML, Prepregs, PEEK, Thermoplastic Composites., Fiber metal kompozitler, Lamine kompozitler, Tabakalı kompozitler, FML, Prepregler, PEEK, Termoplastik Kompozitler.