Tosuncuoglu, Irfan2024-09-292024-09-292018 is established that language is not just a system of rules, but alsoa means of communication for people. There is a great difference betweenknowing the various grammatical rules of a language and the ability tobe able put these rules into use efficiently while communicating. Today,the expanding international role of the English language means thatstudents are required to use it for their specific purposes. All the languageteaching methods presented to date, beginning from grammar andtranslation, have tried to find a remedy for language teaching andlearning. For many years, communicative language teaching (CLT) hasbeen one of the most effective methods in second language and foreignlanguage teaching. The Communicative Approach was an endeavor toovercome some of the weak components of foreign language teaching andlearning, and plays a crucial role as a result of students’ need tocommunicate in a foreign or second language. Students are placed at thecenter of teaching as the main component, but sometimes studentparticipation in activities is problematic for teachers. CommunicativeLanguage Teaching has been a very popular method for years, it is usedin foreign language classrooms to teach learners how to communicateeffectively. This article analyzes the Communicative Approach in detail,and asserts student’s involvement.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCommunicative approach: student involvementArticle10.7827/TurkishStudies.14101180619179730141913