Ersöz, FilizKıncı, Celal HakanErsöz, Taner2024-09-292024-09-292018 engineering study programme made to fit the needs of industrial enterprises. The programme is based on training and educationin the field of industrial engineering and on experience gained during implementation of individual projects in industrial enterprises.Many universities offer courses, in areas such as logistics, supply chain management and analytics. In this study, the importance ofcourses in industrial engineering undergraduate programs has been researched. Compulsory and optional courses given in industrialengineering have been investigated under the determined criteria. Research, academics working in the industrial engineering departmentin Turkey, the proper course of materiality is an implementation of the fuzzy logic survey work on assessing the work. The sample orderwith 32 samples prepared by the academicians responding to the questionnaire was determined with «Fuzzy MOORA» technique ascompulsory and optional courses. Studies on course selection were examined, to the best of our knowledge this is the first study using«Fuzzy MOORA» technique to select/rank courses. It is evaluated that MOORA method, which is a new criterion decision method forcourse choice, will contribute to international literature as «Fuzzy MOORA» approach with fuzzy logic.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessA model proposal for course selection with the fuzzy moora approachArticle10.31590/ejosat.496957377143693067630