Kurt, SerefÖzcan, CemalLıkos, ErkanKorkmaz, Mustafa2024-09-292024-09-2920121303-2399https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/183675https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14619/12445In this study, the effect of liquid nitrogen on retention of Uludağ Fir wood after exposure to boric acidand borax was determined. Before treating with liquid nitrogen, specimens were conditioned to 4 differentmoisture contents (oven dry, 12%, 28%, and green). Liquid nitrogen treated specimens for 1 hour, 4 hoursand 10 hours. Then, all specimens were conditioned to 12% moisture content (MC). Test specimens wereexposed to chemicals such as borax and boric acid for three times: short (2 min), normal (1 hour) and long (1week). Dipping method was used for the impregnation process. For control, specimens were treated withborax and boric acid without treating with liquid nitrogen. Consequently, there is a linear relationshipbetween moisture content and retention. Since moisture content increases the amount of retention increasesas well.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessOrman MühendisliğiThe effect of liquid nitrogen on retention in uludağ fir wood treated with boric acid and boraxArticle130312718367512