Yenen, Ibrahim2024-09-292024-09-2920122147-0626 the cinema have tecnical and artical context also have a social expension. This cinema's social dimensions bring about represantation which have different cultural component. Various apperiances of social life that consisting of socio-economic and cultural lifes details may be the object of cinematographic imagery. Like man-women relations, poverty, justice, education and religion also cities is used one of main film topic. The cities which in nonphysical esthetic turn into physical form is distinctive or confidential agency in film scripties. This cities that consist of the back ground of film scripties is represented not only filmic phon also active role. In this sense Istanbul was to imagined in Tukish films offer chance to observe social and culturel transformation that our country encountered in last century.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCinemacityIstanbulimagineThe Image of Istanbul in the Turkish CinemaArticle10.7596/taksad.v1i3.136863731WOS:000217024300005N/A