Habbal, A.Mkpojiogu, E.O.C.Cottrell, L.White, B.Hassan, S.Zulhumadi, F.2024-09-292024-09-2920242586-9159https://doi.org/10.11113/aej.V14.18666https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14619/9237Despite Internet use rapidly accelerating in ASEAN countries, its penetration rate across member countries varies from 84.45% of the population in Singapore to roughly 21.87% in Laos. This digital divide portends profound consequences on the social-economic development of the region. Therefore, this article describes an Internet performance study conducted within ASEAN countries using actual Internet performance data collected from 2000 to 2019 generated by the PingER Project. The results showed that the pattern of Internet performance (IP) is that the most developed countries have the best Internet performance, whereas the least developed ones have the lowest Internet performance. These Internet performance data were then compared and analyzed against several selected social-economic development indices in order to observe any trends and establish observable relationships. Initial inspection indicated a possible relationship between Internet performance and the indices, which was then statistically tested further by correlation and regression. Next, the relationship was then represented by a regression model, which was then validated through R2 and graphical residual analysis. As a result, this study has proposed a novel model that provides an insight into the influence of social-economic development indices on Internet performance in ASEAN countries. © 2024 Penerbit UTM Press.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessASEANDevelopment IndexInternet PerformanceInternet Socio-economic ModelPingERSOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INDICES AND THEIR REFLECTION ON INTERNET PERFORMANCE IN ASEAN COUNTRIESArticle10.11113/aej.V14.186662-s2.0-85186374402291Q41914