Karabük Üniversitesi Kurumsal Akademik Arşivi
DSpace@Karabük, Karabük Üniversitesi tarafından doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak yayınlanan; kitap, makale, tez, bildiri, rapor, araştırma verisi gibi tüm akademik kaynakları uluslararası standartlarda dijital ortamda depolar, Üniversitenin akademik performansını izlemeye aracılık eder, kaynakları uzun süreli saklar ve telif haklarına uygun olarak Açık Erişime sunar.

Güncel Gönderiler
Mukayeseli Anayasalarda Değiştirilemez Maddelerin Hukuki Tahlili ve Uygulama Biçimleri: Türkiye, Fransa, İtalya, Yunanistan, Portekiz, İspanya ve Almanya Örneği
(2025) İbrahim, Abdülazim
Çalışma içerisinde çeşitli ülkelerin anayasalarındaki dokunulmaz anayasal hükümlerin hukuki değeri karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenecektir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti başta olmak üzere, Belçika, Yunanistan, İtalya, Portekiz, İspanya, Fransa ve Almanya gibi ülkelerden seçilen örneklerle, bu ülkelerdeki anayasal dokunulmazlık kavramı ve bu hükümlerinin hukuk sistemindeki yeri analiz edilecektir. Çalışmanın temel amacı, bu ülkelerdeki dokunulmaz anayasal hükümlerin hukuki değeri ve uygulama biçimlerini karşılaştırmak ve aralarındaki benzerlikleri ve farkları belirlemektir. Dokunulmaz anayasal hükümler, genellikle anayasanın belirli kısımların değiştirilmesi veya ortadan kaldırılması mümkün olmayan hükümler olarak tanımlanmakta ve bu nedenle anayasal istikrarın korunmasında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Belçika ve Fransa’nın anayasal sistemleri, dokunulmazlık kavramını sıkı bir şekilde tanımlamakta ve belirli hükümleri anayasal değişikliklerden korumaktadır. Yunanistan’da da benzer bir yaklaşım görülmekle birlikte, bazı esneklikler söz konusudur. İtalya ve Portekiz, dokunulmazlık kavramını daha detaylı düzenleyerek anayasal değişikliklerin sınırlarını çizerken, İspanya ve Almanya’nın anayasal sistemleri, bu hükümlerinin hukuki değerini ve sınırlarını belirleyen katı kurallara sahiptir. Bu çalışma, her ülkenin anayasal dokunulmazlık hükümlerinin hukuki değerini ve uygulama biçimlerini detaylı bir şekilde inceleyerek, uluslararası karşılaştırmalı hukuk literatürüne katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Dokunulmaz anayasal hükümlerinin hukuki etkileri ve anayasal istikrar üzerindeki rolü hem teorik hem de pratik açılardan ele alınarak, bu konuda daha geniş bir anlayış geliştirilmesi hedeflenmektedir.
This study comparatively examines the legal value of inviolable constitutional provisions in the constitutions of various countries. By selecting examples from countries such as the Republic of Türkiye, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, and Germany, the study analyzes the concept of constitutional inviolability in these countries and the role of these provisions within their legal systems. The primary objective of this study is to compare the legal value and implementation of inviolable constitutional provisions in these countries, identifying both their similarities and differences. Inviolable constitutional provisions are typically defined as clauses within a constitution that cannot be altered or abolished, thus playing a crucial role in maintaining constitutional stability. Belgium and France’s constitutional systems define the concept of inviolability strictly and protect certain provisions from constitutional amendments. A similar approach is observed in Greece, although with some flexibility. Italy and Portugal provide more detailed regulations on inviolability, outlining the boundaries of constitutional amendments, while Spain and Germany’s constitutional systems have rigid rules that define the legal value and limitations of these provisions. This study aims to contribute to the international comparative law literature by examining in detail the legal value and implementation of each country’s inviolable constitutional provisions. The legal effects of inviolable constitutional provisions and their role in constitutional stability are addressed both theoretically and practically, with the goal of developing a broader understanding of this subject.
İç anadolu ekolojik koşullarında bazı kuru fasulye genotiplerinin morfo-agronomik özelliklerinin belilrlenmesi
(2024) Karadavut, Ufuk; Sözen, Ömer
Bu araştırma, İç Anadolu Bölgesi ekolojik koşullarında kuru tane üretimi için yetiştirilen bazı kuru fasulye genotiplerinin morfo-agronomik özelliklerinin ortaya konulması amacıyla yürütülmüştür. 2022 ve 2023 yıllarında iki yıl süre ile yürütülen çalışmada araştırma enstitüleri tarafından geliştirilen 7 adet kuru fasulye çeşidi (Adabeyazı, Zirve, Zülbiye, Şahin-90, Yunus-90, Önceler-98 ve Göynük-98) ile seleksiyon yoluyla seçilerek ileri düzeye kadar getirilen 5 adet kuru fasulye genotipi (A-27, A-40, A-130, K-1044 ve K-1084) olmak üzere 12 adet materyal kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada kuru fasulye genotiplerinde %50 çiçeklenme ve bakla bağlama gün süresi (gün) ile vejetasyon süresi (gün) gibi fenolojik özellikler ile bitki boyu (cm), ilk bakla yüksekliği (cm), bitkide dal sayısı (adet), bitkide bakla sayısı (adet), baklada tane sayısı (adet), bitkide tane sayısı (adet), yüz tane ağırlığı (g) ve tane verimi (kg/da) gibi agronomik özellikler incelenmiş olup yürütülen çalışma sonucunda kuru fasulye genotiplerinin incelenen fenolojik ve agronomik özelliklerin çoğundan önemli ya da çok önemli derecede etkilendikleri ortaya konulmuştur. İki yıllık ortalamalara göre, dekara tane verimleri 84.47-142.59 kg/da arasında değişmiştir. Çalışmada yer alan tüm kuru fasulye çeşitlerini geçen A-27, K-1084, A-130 ve K-1044 genotipleri her iki yılda da yüksek tane verimine sahip olmuşlardır. Bu sonuçlar, A-27, K-1084, A-130 ve K-1044 genotiplerinin İç Anadolu Bölgesi'nde kuru fasulye üretimi için potansiyel adaylar olduğunu göstermektedir.
Comparing the effects of environmental enrichment on growth in geese with some nonlinear models
(2022) Karadavut, Ufuk; Taşkın, Atilla; Doğan, Esma; Ergün, Demir
The aim ofthe present study is to determine the time-dependent changes in the live weights of the geese, for which environmental enrichment was applied (Turkish local goose genotype), between the days 7 and 98. For this purpose, nonlinear Brody, Gompertz, Logistic, von Bertalanffy, and Richards growth models, which are used commonly, were used to determine the growth and development of poultry. Geese were divided into 3 groups (control group (C), broom group (B), mirror group (M)) based on their enrichment characteristics. The success status of the models applied in the present study was assessed based on mean square error (MSE) and coefficient of determination (R2) values. It was found thatR2 value was be 96.86 in the Logistic model, 96.82 in Brody model, 96.16 in vonBertalanffy model, 95.04 in Gompertz model and 93.85 in Richards model, respectively, and MSE value was 0.2368 in Logistic model, 0.2004 in Brody model, 0.1992 in von Bertalanffy model, 0.3567 in Gompertz model and 0.3711 in Richards model, respectively. As a result, it was concluded that the most suitable models with high coefficient of determination but low mean square error were Brody, Gompertz, and von Bertalanffy models, respectively, in determining the time-dependent live weight change in the geese (Turkish local goose genotype), for which environmental enrichment was applied, and it was suitable to use these three models in determining the effect of environmental enrichment on live weight.
A study on drought tolerance at chickpea (cicer arietinum l.) with quantitative character locus analysis
(2023) Karadavut, Ufuk; Sözen, Ömer
The chickpea plant is a very important plant in terms of plant-based protein supply. However, in recent years, the drought problem brought about by climate change has started to limit production. As a result, the necessity of directing breeding programs in this direction has emerged. This study, it was aimed to determine the drought tolerance of the local chickpea genotypes collected from Kırşehir province and the genetically related regions. For this purpose, the KGN-15 genotype obtained by crossing KMNG-27 and KKNG-09 genotype, which is considered drought tolerant, was studied among 67 genotypes collected. The characteristics examined in the study were the number of days until germination, the number of flowering days, plant height, the number of pods per plant, biological yield, 100 seed weight, harvest index, relative leaf water content, membrane permeability index, water uptake index, yield, root length, root is the ratio of bud length, root bud ratio, root fresh weight, fresh shoot weight, root dry weight, bud dry weight and root dry weight to total plant dry weight.As a result, it was seen that Yozgat province is in a better condition in terms of phenotypic and genotypic characteristics due to the more regular precipitation distribution compared to Kırşehir province. While 6 of the 23 QTL used were major effective, 17 were determined to be minor effective. According to the results obtained, QTL, which have a positive effect, have shown that they can contribute to increasing the trait values of donor parent alleles. Those with negative influence showed that the parent who was in the receptive position had higher characteristics. For both locations, the above-ground parts were defined as 6 QTL in Kırşehir and 7 QTL in Yozgat, while root-related features were defined as 11 QTL in Kırşehir and 4 QTL in Yozgat.
Retrospective analysis of our experience with percutaneous tracheostomy in our ıntensive care unit
(2023) Kart, Kenan; Ateş, Alpay
Aim: Percutaneous tracheostomy (PT) application has advantages such as being able to be applied at the bedside in a short time and less bleeding. It is frequently preferred in intensive care units with indications such as prolonged artificial respiration requirement, facilitating weaning, and providing emergency airway. It is an alternative method to surgical tracheostomy. In this study, we aimed to retrospectively evaluate the percutaneous tracheostomy cases we performed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the last three years. Material and Methods: Patients who underwent percutaneous tracheostomy in the 3rd Level our Hospital between January 2018 and December 2022 were examined. Demographic data of the patients, diagnosis of hospitalization, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II Score (APACHE II score), hospitalization time, intubation time, time from intubation to tracheostomy, early and late complications of tracheostomy were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Ninety-seven patients were analyzed. The mean age of the patients was 77.6±10.9 (range, 41-100) years and the female-male ratio was 40/57. The most common hospitalization diagnosis was neurological reasons (54.6%). The patients were intubated for 20.3±7.9 (range, 7-48) days and the total length of stay in the ICU 65.3±30.3 (range, 17-175) days. The number of patients who developed complications related to the PT procedure was 17 (12.9%). Conclusion: Percutaneous tracheotomy, which is performed in the ICU with indications such as the need for prolonged mechanical ventilation, facilitating weaning, and providing an emergency airway, is a simple, minimally invasive procedure with a low complication rate.