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Öğe COMPARISON OF ENERGY USE EFFICIENCY OF DIFFERENT TILLAGE METHODS ON THE SECONDARY CROP SUNFLOWER PRODUCTION(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2016) Baran, Mehmet Firat; Polat, Refik; Gokdogan, OsmanThis research aimed to make an energy input-output analysis of different tillage methods on the secondary crop sunflower production during production years in 2010 and 2012. In order to determine energy input-output of sunflower, the treatments were performed in Thrace region of Turkey to determine the amount of energy use efficiency for different tillage methods. This study was perform to evaluate the effects of different tillage methods on energy use, the energy input-output ratios and profitability for sunflower production. The research was planned as a completely randomized parcel design with four tillage systems in four replications. The effects of tillage were found on energy indicators. Avarege of the highest energy use efficiency (1.36), energy productivity (0.054 kg MJ(-1)) and net energy (16039.23 MJ) were found in T-4 method but T-1 had the lowest. T-4 method should be supported and recommended for the energy sustainability of sunflower agriculture.Öğe Determination of Cutting Properties, Protein and Mineral Content of Silage Corn Stalk(Asian Journal Of Chemistry, 2009) Kocabiyik, Habib; Polat, Refik; Oktem, AbdullahThe present research determined maximum shearing force, shearing stress, shearing energy and specific shearing energy for silage corn stalks. The mechanics of shearing on rigid surfaces was investigated via cutting tests. Shearing forces were measured using a cutting experiment setup and dynamometer. The specific shearing energy was calculated by using the area under the cutting force curve versus displacement curve. The shearing properties of corn stalks were evaluated at three moisture content levels of 66.5, 53.6 and 45.8 % d.b. The shearing properties were also evaluated at four sections of the corn stalks, from the bottom to the top (0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-40 cm). At the end of the research, maximum shearing force, shearing stress, total shearing energy and specific shearing energy increased from 63.36 to 97.28 N, from 93.16 to 143.38 MPa, from 216.36 to 284.93 J and from 35.18 to 57.21 J cm(2), respectively in the moisture range from 66.5 to 45.8 % db. The results showed that the shearing values increased as the moisture content increased from the lower to the upper stalk sections. The protein content of silage corn stalk was 2.49 %. Macro nutrient values in the silage corn stalk such as Ca, P and S were determined as 0.346, 0.156 and 0.140%, respectively. Micro nutrient values in the silage corn stalk such as Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn values were 10.32, 2.92, 13.12 and 16.44 mg kg(-1), respectively.Öğe DETERMINATION OF OPTIMUM SHAKING FREQUENCY AND AMPLITUDE OF PROTOTYPE BODY SHAKER USED FOR MECHANICAL HARVESTING OF PISTACHIO(Agronomski Fakultet Sveucilista U Zagrebu, 2017) Polat, Refik; Guner, Metin; Erdogan, Dogan; Gezer, Ibrahim; Atay, Umran; Aktas, TurkanImportant problems have been seen during harvesting of different fruit trees in Turkey. The highest cost in fruit growing constitutes harvesting process as 43.99% of total cost. In this research, a body shaker which was mounted to tractor three-point linkage system and driven by power take off system was designed and manufactured to decrease the cost of harvesting of tree fruits. A tractor with 70 BG power is enough to transport and operate this body shaker. This prototype was functioned with a system including a hydraulic pump taking movement from power take-off and hydraulic motor. Body shaker could be controlled by only one person. Harvesting tests using different frequencies and amplitudes were carried out with body shaker. Two pistachio tree cultivars namely Siirt and Kirmizi were used during the harvesting tests. Pistachio fruits which remained on the branch and leaved from branch were weighed separately to determine of harvesting efficiency. For this aim, performance of body shaker was determined. As a result, the best performance result was determined using 40 Hz frequency and 20 mm amplitude. The harvesting efficiency values in harvesting tests carried out using 40 Hz frequency and 20 mm were calculated 93.27% for pistachio cultivar of Siirt and 87. 06% for pistachio cultivar of Kirmizi.Öğe Determination of spring rigidity and fruit detachment force with respect to harvesting technique in pistachio nut trees(Academic Journals, 2011) Polat, Refik; Acar, Izzet; Bilim, H. I. Cem; Saglam, Ramazan; Erol, A. K. BekirIt is necessary to identify some of the tree and fruit features in order to design and select machines that harvest fruit with mechanical methods. This work aims to identify the dynamic tree features of vibration rigid and fruit holding force for harvesting with mechanical methods. The work investigated the vibration rigid for both limb and trunk of pistachio tree. Also, it determined the effect of the diameters of limb and trunk on vibration rigid. The ratio of fruit holding force and fruit weight was identified. The results have shown that the vibration rigid of tree increases with the diameter of limb and trunk. At the implications for Siirt type pistachio, at 10,0 - 15,1 cm stem thickness the stiffness rigidity is 219,38 N/cm and at 30,1 - 35,0 cm it is 416,41 N/cm. At another implication for Uzun type pistachio, at 10,0 - 15,1 cm stem thickness the stiffness rigidity is 240,23 N/cm and at 30,1 - 35,0 cm it is 392,42 N/cm. The FDF/W ratio for Uzun cultivar Pistachio Nut varied from 235, 57 N/g to 57, 27 N/g within one month of tests. The FDF/W ratio for Siirt cultivar Pistachio Nut varied from 346,03 N/g to 52,67 N/g.Öğe Effect of different defoliants and application times on the yield and quality components of cotton in semi-arid conditions(Academic Journals, 2010) Copur, Osman; Demirel, Ufuk; Polat, Refik; Gur, Mehmet AtillaThis study was conducted to determine the effect of different defoliants (Dropp ultra (R) (DU): thidiazuron+diuron and Roundup (RU): glyphosate) and application times [60, 75 and 90 days after flowering (DAF)] on cotton. The research was carried out at the Harran University, Faculty of Agriculture Research and Application Center in 2001 and 2002 using cotton variety cv. Stoneville-453. Experiments were arranged as split plot design with three replications. Defoliations were at the main plots and application times at the subplots. Experimental plots were consisted of six rows, 10 m in length, inter-row was 0.70 m and intra-row spacing was 0.20 m. The results of the study indicated that the application of DU defoliant at 60 days after flowering reduced seed cotton yield, number of bolls, boll weight and lint index. With this, seed cotton yield, number of bolls, boll weight and lint index increased with delayed defoliation time in both years. Also, there were no statistically significant differences between the treatments in terms of ginning outturn, fiber length, fiber strength and fiber fineness. It was also found that the application of 2000 cc ha(-1) RU was not enough as a dose to affect leaf defoliation and other investigated components.Öğe Effect of Impact Angle and Speed, and Weight Abrasive Concentration on AISI 1015 and 304 Steel Exposed to Erosive Wear(Springer, 2024) Gul, M. Salih; Demirsoz, Recep; Kilincarslan, Sena Kabave; Polat, Refik; Cetin, M. HuseyinThis study investigated parametrically the erosive wear behavior of AISI 1015 and 304 steel in different environmental conditions. The erosive wear tests were designed according to the L9 orthogonal array design of the Taguchi fractional factorial method. The experiments were carried out with the parameters of 3-level slurry concentration formed with silica powder (5, 15, and 25 wt.%), 3-level impact velocity (265, 397.5, and 530 rpm), and 3-level impact angle (30 degrees, 60 degrees, and 90 degrees). Surface roughness and weight loss were considered performance criteria in the experimental data assessed using the signal/noise (S/N) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) methodologies. In addition, the wear zones of the samples were examined in detail with SEM, EDX, and 3D topography analyses. According to the S/N analysis, the best wear and surface roughness parameters for AISI 1015 and 304 steel were determined as 5% by weight concentration ratio, 265 rpm for impact speed, and 90 degrees for impact angle. It was determined that low concentration, low speed, and high impact angle values affected surface roughness and weight loss parameters positively. Experimental results showed that erosive wear resistance increased with the increasing alloying elements in steel materials.Öğe The feasibility analysis of household solid waste recycling and an energy production facility installation in technical and economic point of view(2012) Kaya, Durmuş; Eyıdoğan, Muharrem; Polat, Refik; Çanka, Fatma KılıçTürkiye’de nüfus artışı, kentleşme, hayat standartlarının yükselmesi ve teknolojideki gelişmeler sonucu insanların ürettiği atık miktarları ve atık çeşitleri hızlı bir şekilde artış göstermektedir. İnsan faaliyetleri sonucu oluşan katı atık sorununun giderilmesinde kullanılan yöntemler; düzensiz depolama, düzenli depolama, kompostlama, tekrar kullanım, geri dönüşüm, geri kazanım ve yakmadır. Ülkemizde evsel nitelikli atıkların bertarafında düzensiz ve düzenli depolama yöntemleri kullanılmaktadır. Düzenli depolama yönteminin hayata geçirilme çalışmaları ülkemizde halen sürdürülmekte iken AB ülkelerinde düzenli çöp depolama ve uygulama alanları kademeli olarak kaldırılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, düzenli depolama yerine modern bir katı atık geri kazanım, bertaraf ve enerji üretim tesisi kurulumunun teknik ve ekonomik analizi yapılmıştır. Böyle bir entegre geri kazanım, bertaraf ve enerji üretim tesisinin teknik ve ekonomik analizi yapmak için bir belediyeye ait ortalama evsel atık kompozisyonu, geri kazanılabilir (kağıt, plastik, cam, metal) atık miktarı ve organik madde miktarları belirlenmiştir. Bu bilgiler doğrultusunda; tesisin yatırım maliyeti, yıllık geliri, yıllık gideri ve geri ödeme süresi hesaplanmıştır.Öğe Investigation of a Digital Hydraulic Valve Operated by Servo Motors(Eos Assoc, 2021) Ozalp, Adem Fatih; Polat, Refik; Cetinkaya, Celalettin; Cetin, Muhammet HuseyinThis paper describes a new type of digital hydraulic valve run by two servo motors. Digital hydraulics is a cutting edge technology, which saves more exhausted energy than conventional hydraulic valves. It includes conventional valves, but its working principle is different. Similar or different size valves constitute a digital hydraulic valve assembly. When the assigned valves are opened, a certain amount of flow is obtained from the output of the valve assembly. To control a digital hydraulic valve, Pulse Number Modulation (PNM) Control technique is used for equal valve flow rates, while Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) is used for different valve flow rates. Valves are exerted by independently launched electric coils. Previous studies used controller board and external power booster circuits for coils. In this study, a new type of digital hydraulic valve is designed, manufactured, and tested with the PNM method. The studied valve body has two different valve groups. Every group includes 16 equal valves and 1 camshaft rotated by 1 servo motor. The servo motors are controlled by a PLC. The calculated performance index is found to be 5.1ms which is similar to the results of previous studies. The experimental results showed that the cam and servo motor controlled digital hydraulics is applicable to variable speed control hydraulic systems.Öğe Investigation of a Digital Hydraulic Valve Operated by Servo Motors(Eos Assoc, 2021) Ozalp, Adem Fatih; Polat, Refik; Cetinkaya, Celalettin; Cetin, Muhammet HuseyinThis paper describes a new type of digital hydraulic valve run by two servo motors. Digital hydraulics is a cutting-edge technology, which saves more exhausted energy than conventional hydraulic valves. It includes conventional valves, but its working principle is different. Similar or different size valves constitute a digital hydraulic valve assembly. When the assigned valves are opened, a certain amount of flow is obtained from the output of the valve assembly. To control a digital hydraulic valve, Pulse Number Modulation (PNM) Control technique is used for equal valve flow rates, while Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) is used for different valve flow rates. Valves are exerted by independently launched electric coils. Previous studies used controller board and external power booster circuits for coils. In this study, a new type of digital hydraulic valve is designed, manufactured, and tested with the PNM method. The studied valve body has two different valve groups. Every group includes 16 equal valves and 1 camshaft rotated by 1 servo motor. The servo motors are controlled by a PLC. The calculated performance index is found to be 5.1ms which is similar to the results of previous studies. The experimental results showed that the cam and servo motor controlled digital hydraulics is applicable to variable speed control hydraulic systems.Öğe Investigation of erosive wear behavior of granulated blast furnace slag on hard coated and uncoated steels(Gazi Univ, Fac Engineering Architecture, 2019) Demirsoz, Recep; Polat, Refik; Turk, Ahmet; Erdogan, GaripOne of the biggest problems in industrial plants is wear that directly affects equipment life. In integrated plants such as blast furnaces, many types of wear are encountered, one of which is erosive wear. Slurry erosion is one of the effective types of erosive wear. During the transfer of the slag into the liquid medium, the transport equipment is exposed to slurry erosion. The high amount of erosion seriously shortens the life of the equipment where the transportation is carried out and increases the maintenance-repair costs. In this study, blast furnace slag was used in the slurry erosive wear test system and the abrasivity of the St 37-2 reference standard pipe material, Hardox 400 and W2C-NiCrBSi coating materials was investigated. The slag was sieved to an average particle size of 505 mu m and slurry containing 10%, 20% and 30% by weight of slag was prepared. The experiments were carried out at 2 m/s and 4 m/s peripheral speed values at the partical normal impact angle (90 degrees). It has been determined by these experimental studies that the abrasivity of the slag prepared at a certain grain size is directly related to the concentration and the rotation speed (material conveyance speed) and that the wear is also increased by increasing the concentration and rotation speed. The wear values of the materials used as specimens are determined from high to low respectively as St 37-2, Hardox 400 and W2C-NiCrBSi coating material. In addition, the morphological structures of the worn surfaces were examined using SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope) in order to understand the wear mechanisms.Öğe Investigation of the effect of surface modification types on the tribological performance of cow bone powder reinforced polymer materials(Wiley, 2023) Kilincarslan, Sena Kabave; Cetin, M. Huseyin; Kanbur, Yasin; Sismanoglu, Sedef; Polat, RefikThis study investigated the production, characterization, mechanical and tribo-logical performance of surface-modified cow bone powder-reinforced composites. The primary goal was to increase the tribological and mechanical performance of sustainable and cleanly produced composite materials. It was determined that the surface-modified bone powder reinforcement increased the mechanical, thermal, and wear resistance of the polymer. The best surface modification method was determined as silanization. It reduced the friction coefficient and weight loss by 16.60% and 40.0%, respectively, according to the main factor analysis. In addition, it increased the glass transition temperature by 45.54%, crystallization by 2.93%, hardness by 2.70%, and tensile strength by 9.26% compared to the unmodified bone powder reinforcement.Öğe Investigation of the vibration effect of using single or double eccentric mass in the trunk shakers used in fruit harvesting(Elsevier - Division Reed Elsevier India Pvt Ltd, 2022) Cetinkaya, Celalettin; Polat, Refik; Ozalp, Adem FatihTrunk shakers are widely used in the harvesting of tree fruits. The vibration produced by trunk shakers is obtained by rotating eccentric masses. In trunk shakers, a single eccentric mass is used as well as a double eccentric mass. However, there is no study on their effectiveness relative to each other if these eccentric masses are used single and double. In this study, the vibration effect of eccentric masses in trunk shakers is compared when they are operated in axial or parallel positions as a double mass instead of a single mass. For this purpose, a trunk shaker was designed for a stiff trunk tree and manufactured after mod-eling in 3D. The 3D model of the trunk shaker is simulated in ANSYS software. Afterward, experiments are carried out with the manufactured trunk shaker assembly. A trunk model (steel pipe) is vibrated by operating the eccentric masses at frequencies of 16.5 Hz and 25 Hz. Vibration graphics are obtained by making measurements for 2 s in the x and y axes directions at two different points of the tree model. The vibration results obtained in the simulations in ANSYS software are compared with the results obtained in the experimental study. In both simulations and experimental studies, it has been found that when double mass is used instead of single mass on trunk shakers, there is a decrease in the vibration values they produce. The vectorial resultant of the acceleration values produced by the masses at differ-ent positions in the x and y axes were compared proportionally. When the dual mass is used instead of a single mass, the greatest reduction in acceleration was obtained in dual-mass experiments (-14.6 % in experiments and-14.2 % in simulations) placed in parallel positions at 25 Hz frequency. These results show that the positions of the eccentric masses as well as their frequencies are critical for harvesting in a shorter time without damaging the tree trunk. It was concluded that the use of single eccentric mass trunk shakers may be more efficient for fruit harvesting on trees with very stiff trunks.(c) 2022 Karabuk University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Öğe Meyve hasadında kullanılan sarsıcılarının tek kafalı veya çift kafalı titreşim düzeneklerinin titreşim karakteristiklerinin belirlenmesi(2015) Polat, Refik; Özalp, Adem Fatih; Ankaralı, Arif-Öğe Pyrolysis of goat manure to produce bio-oil(Elsevier - Division Reed Elsevier India Pvt Ltd, 2019) Erdogdu, Ahmet Emrah; Polat, Refik; Ozbay, GunayIn this paper, biomass in goat manure form is pyrolyzed by a fixed-bed reactor. The influence of the temperature within the range of 300-600 degrees C is to be detected in solid, liquid and gas products. Different product yields emerge according to the pyrolysis temperature. At 500 degrees C, the product yield reaches the maximum valuation, the bio-oil obtained at this temperature is analyzed via gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and elemental analysis. The highest efficiency of the bio-oil reached at 26.1% by weight at 500 degrees C. As a result of the TGA analysis, it was observed that the maximum separation rate was between 250 and 500 degrees C and the conversion was complete at about 600 degrees C. Elemental analysis proved that the amount of oxygen in the bio-oil was 23.15% and carbon was 51.75%, while the amount of oxygen in the raw material was 39.85% and carbon was 42.08%. In addition, the pH value of the bio-oil was 4.12. Bio-oil combination product involves organic compounds for instance, benzenes, alcohols, alkanes, alkenes, ketones, phenols and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These results depict goat manure can be used as a precious raw material in bio-oil production. (C) 2018 Karabuk University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V.Öğe SELECTED MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND BRUISE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF NECTARINE FRUIT(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2012) Polat, Refik; Aktas, Turkan; Ikinci, AliThis research was conducted to evaluate some mechanical properties and bruise susceptibility of nectarine (Prunus persica variety). Compression and impact tests were conducted to determine the mechanical properties and the bruise susceptibility depends on the direct mechanical damaging of nectarine fruit. Compression tests were carried out by using a compression test device at 1 mm min(-1) load velocity. Deformation, bioyield point force, deformation energy, and Poisson's ratio were determined using compression tests data. Absorbed energy, bruise volume, and bruise susceptibility were determined by impact tests. Impact tests of nectarine were conducted by using a pendulum with a 50-cm arm length. These tests were carried out at two directions of nectarine, namely, impact from the bottom side and its cheek side and three drop heights (30, 40, and 50 cm) to obtain different impact energy levels. In addition to these data, dimensional properties, such as length, width, and mass, were also measured.Öğe A study on the chopping and mixing of cotton stalks with soil(Academic Journals, 2010) Saglam, Cevdet; Kaplan, Ferda; Polat, RefikThis study examined the methods adopted in Turkey to remove cotton stalks remaining in the field after the cotton harvest and quantified the efficiency of different mechanized stalk choppers. In this study, the performance of three different types of cotton stalk choppers was assessed (chain-type, splined-type and vertical-blade rotating dredge). Field experiments were conducted with each type to determine the proportion of non-uprooted cotton stalks; mean post-chopping height of the stalks, measured from soil surface; and the frequency distribution of the piece length of the stalks scattered around the field or mixed with soil after chopping. In addition, the workforce requirement, using time and fuel consumption of each type of chopper was calculated. The lowest fuel consumption was recorded by the chain-type stalk chopper (5.0 l/da), while the highest fuel consumption was recorded by the vertical-blade rotating dredge (7.1 l/ha). The largest mean post-chopping piece size was achieved by the vertical-blade rotating dredge plus geared cylinder (28.36 cm), while the smallest size was recorded by the splined-type stalk chopper (13.38 cm). The highest rate of stalks mixed with the soil after chopping was achieved by the splined-type stalk copper (92.5%).Öğe A STUDY ON THE DETERMINATION OF ANIMAL-BASED BIOGAS ENERGY POTENTIAL OF TURKEY(Agronomski Fakultet Sveucilista U Zagrebu, 2011) Deniz, Emrah; Polat, Refik; Gurel, Ali Ethem; Camur, DoguEnergy is the basic input of social and economic development in Turkey and throughout the world. Global energy need is gradually increasing with population growth and industrialization. The widespread use of renewable energy sources in meeting this need is of great importance in economic and environmental terms. Due to its advantages of sustainability, availability and environmental friendliness, animal and plant based biogas production has been analyzed intensively in recent years. This study determined the number of large ruminants, small ruminants and poultry animals within Turkish provinces in 2009. Animal based biogas potential was calculated and the current status of this technology was analyzed. The electrical energy and natural gas energy equivalent of biogas production potential fur 2009 was determined. It was found that 9.4% of total electrical consumption and 4.4% of natural gas consumption of Turkey could be supplied from biogas. In addition, the animal based biogas potential of Turkey during the last 19 years was determined and, based on this data, future biogas potential was analyzed.Öğe Thermal analysis and linear optical properties of (1-x)TeO2-(x)ZnCl2 optical glasses for photonic applications(Ieee, 2015) Kabalci, Idris; Korpe, Nese Ozturk; Polat, RefikThe investigation covers the thermal and linear optical properties of binary TeO2-ZnCl2 optical glass systems contain different ZnCl2 compositions ranging from 10 to 40mol%. Preparation of the glass systems were realized by melting the mixture of TeO2 and ZnCl2 chemicals in a platinum crucible at 850 degrees C for 60 min in air. In the experiments, thermal analysis was performed to determine the thermal characteristics such as, glass transition (T-g), crystallization (T-p), and melting (T-m) temperatures for different heating rates (B=10, 20, 30 and 40 degrees C/min) by using the differential thermal analysis (DTA) plot. By considering the DTA plots, the crystallization activation energies were determined by using the Ozawa and modified Kissinger equations. Finally, thermal analysis show that the crystallization activation energies were 487.6kJ/mol, 215.8kJ/mol, 392.kJ/mol, and 273.3kJ/mol for the x=10, 20, 30, and 40mol% ZnCl2 contents, respectively. Optical band gaps (direct and indirect) and Urbach energies of the glass samples were estimated from the absorption spectra measured between 300 and 800nm. The direct band gap energies decrease from 3.65 eV to 3.35 eV, and indirect band gap energies also decrease from 3.59 eV to 3.30 eV by increasing the ZnCl2 content from 10 to 40 mol%, respectively.Öğe Türk kökenli KOBİ'lerin Malezya'daki faaliyetlerinin incelenmesi(Karabük Üniversitesi, 2013) Polat, Refik; Fidan, YahyaKüçük ve Orta Ölçekli işletmelerin (KOBİ'ler) bütün ülkelerde ekonomik gelişme bakımından önemli bir rol oynadığı inkar edilemez bir gerçektir. Malezya'da KOBİ'ler 2000 yılından beri toplam şirket sayısının % 95'inden fazlasını oluşturmakta ve toplam üretimin % 40'ından, toplam istihdamın % 60'ından ve toplam katma değerin ise % 45'indne fazlasına katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; Malezya'da faaliyet gösteren Türk kökenli Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli (KOBİ) işletmelerin girişimcilik ve iş başarısının Malezya ekonomisi bağlamındaki katkısının araştırılmasıdır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, farklı sektörlerde faaliyet gösteren Türk girişimciler incelenerek, Türk girişimcilerin nitelik ve özellikleri ortaya konulmuş, onların girişimciliğe ve Malezya'daki iş dünyasının girişimsel sürecine ve ilerlemesine nasıl katkı sağladıkları incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada ayrıca Türk girişimcilerin motivasyonları, kontrol pozisyonları ve demografik nitelikleri de incelenmiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler :KOB?, Malezya, ??letmeÖğe Türk kökenli kobi'lerin malezya'daki faaliyetlerinin incelenmesi(2013) Polat, RefikKüçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmelerin (KOBİ'ler) bütün ülkelerde ekonomik gelişme bakımından önemlibir rol oynadığı inkar edilemez bir gerçektir. Malezya'da KOBİ'ler 2000 yılından beri toplam şirket sayısının %95'inden fazlasını oluşturmakta ve toplam üretimin % 40'ından, toplam istihdamın % 60'ından ve toplam katmadeğerin ise % 45'indne fazlasına katkı sağlamaktadır.Bu çalışmanın amacı; Malezya'da faaliyet gösteren Türk kökenli Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli (KOBİ)işletmelerin girişimcilik ve iş başarısının Malezya ekonomisi bağlamındaki katkısının araştırılmasıdır. Buçalışma kapsamında, farklı sektörlerde faaliyet gösteren Türk girişimciler incelenerek, Türk girişimcilerin nitelikve özellikleri ortaya konulmuş, onların girişimciliğe ve Malezya'daki iş dünyasının girişimsel sürecine veilerlemesine nasıl katkı sağladıkları incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada ayrıca Türk girişimcilerin motivasyonları,kontrol pozisyonları ve demografik nitelikleri de incelenmiştir.