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  • Öğe
    An investigation into EFL mentors’ preferred mentoring approaches through feedback practices
    (Emerald Publishing, 2025-01-22) Mutlu Gülbak, Gizem; Kırmızı, Özkan
    Purpose: This case study provides an account of eight mentor teachers’ mentoring approaches based on their reported feedback practices. Design/methodology/approach: In an interpretative phenomenological design, the data were obtained through in-depth individual interviews with mentor teachers in different practicum schools in Istanbul, Türkiye. The study draws upon the mentoring approaches in the literature (Orland-Barak and Wang, 2020), and the mentor teachers’ reports on their feedback behaviors were analyzed accordingly. Findings: During the interviews, the mentors’ emphasis on issues such as the use of positive language, encouraging reflection and the evaluative nature of feedback indicated that their feedback behaviors were mainly influenced by personal growth and situated learning mentoring approaches. Practical implications: The results suggest that mentors’ awareness on mentoring approaches and how to give feedback should be enhanced. It also suggests that teacher education programs should pay more attention to providing accurate information about mentoring approaches. A more accurately structured evaluation process should be ensured, and mentors should be instructed on how to give constructive feedback through training. Originality/value: This study contributes to the existing literature by offering a nuanced exploration of mentoring approaches in relation to teachers’ feedback practices.
  • Öğe
    The first numismatic evidence from the inner castle baptistery of paphlagonian hadrianopolis
    (Cimmeria Publishing, 2024) Çelikbaş, Ersin; Oyarçin, Kasım
    The subject of this article is the sixteen coins found in the Inner Castle Baptistery, where excavations began in 2022. The archaeological datas from these excavations revealed that the Inner Castle Baptistery was built in the 5th century CE. It remained in use with its original function until the end of the 7th century CE, undergoing various repairs and additions. The last phase of the building consists of the remains of a wall built with earthen mortar. Given the long-term use of the Inner Castle Baptistery, the coins discovered during the excavations are dated from the period of Licinius I (314 CE) to that of Michael VII Ducas (1071—1078 CE). The numismatic datas from the Inner Castle Baptistery are significant as they corroborate the archaeological findings related to the building’s construction, use, and renovation periods. These findings are also essential to understand the Middle-Late Byzantine Period of the city. Until the 2022 excavations, most of the coins discovered in the Hadrianopolis excavations were from the Late Roman and Early Byzantine periods, with only a few exceptions. The dominance of coins from these periods, coupled with the lack of post-8th century CE data, except for a few surface finds not directly associated with the buildings, suggested that the city might have been abandoned during this century. However, the sixteen coins from the Inner Castle Baptistery, which is the focus of this study, are crucial in providing archaeological evidence that Hadrianopolis continued to be inhabited during the Middle-Late Byzantine Period, at least until the end of the 11th century CE.
  • Öğe
    Social psychological variables affecting volunteering in disaster and emergencies
    (Ankara University, 2024-11-30) Tayınmak, İlknur
    Disasters and emergencies are situations that negatively affect the physical health as well as the psychological well-being of individuals and societies. Response to disasters and emergencies is carried out by the personnel of official institutions and organizations, and volunteers are also an important part of this process. Volunteers participate actively in many activities, such as human resources, supply and distribution of material needs, and providing social and psychological support before, during and after disasters. When the Turkish literature is examined, it is seen that there is a very limited number of studies on psychological variables affecting volunteer motivation. This article aims to address the social psychological variables affecting volunteering in general and volunteering in disaster and emergency situations in particular and to present them holistically. For this purpose, the concepts and theories of social identity, sense of community, unity and solidarity, social justice, social equality, empathy, need for socialization, self-esteem, and individual development are discussed. These concepts and theories were examined regarding their potential to influence volunteering motivation and various research findings were presented. In this context, the effect of "volunteer identity", the feeling of being a member of a Civil Society Organization or the same community, and the motivations for support based on unity and solidarity in volunteering are discussed. In addition, research shows that individuals' desire for social equality and justice and their sense of empathy are closely related to volunteering. Volunteering also offers an experience that helps individuals increase their self-esteem and personal growth. These concepts are examined in terms of their potential to influence motivation to volunteer, and various research findings are presented. Finally, possible ways to increase volunteer motivation in disasters and emergencies are discussed using these theories and concepts. In this context, it is suggested that the concepts of rights, equality and justice, unity and solidarity should be given more space in the education system, and studies should be carried out to support individuals' volunteering activities to nurture their sense of personal development and increase their empathy skills. This review article can contribute to research and practice in providing various solutions to increase volunteerism in disasters and fill the gap in the Turkish literature.
  • Öğe
    Viticulture activities and wine production in Ottoman Jerusalem: the case of Jaffa, Sarona and Uyun Qara (1875-1917)
    (Muhammed Mustafa KULU, 2024-12-31) Togral, Özge
    In the dynamic political atmosphere of the 19th century, interest in Jerusalem grew significantly, leading to an acceleration of migration to the region. Within the framework of imperialist policies directed at Ottoman territories, settlements with hegemonic aims increased. Influential organizations such as the Rothschild family and the Templer Society invested in Jaffa and its surroundings to ensure the permanence of foreign settlers in the area, establishing agricultural colonies aligned with Zionist ambitions. This study examines viticultural activities shaped by migration to Jerusalem, focusing specifically on Jaffa, Sarona, and Uyun Qara. Additionally, it is noteworthy that the chosen geography was selected for its suitability for agricultural activities, which contributed to the success of these migrations. Another factor enabling the productivity of German Jewish settlers in agricultural colonies around Jaffa was the integration of the Jaffa port into the international markets of the Eastern Mediterranean trade network during the 19th century. The significance of the port is evident in the processing of grapes in factories and their export to foreign markets. By the early 20th century, Jaffa, Sarona, and Uyun Qara had become prominent centers of wine production. Notably, the wines produced in Uyun Qara gained international recognition for their quality. In summary, this study, based on Ottoman archival documents as well as various research and analytical works, aims to investigate the viticultural activities conducted by foreign settlers in Ottoman Jerusalem between 1875 and 1917, with a particular focus on alcohol production and trade.
  • Öğe
    Ankara Copy of Muhakamat al-Lughatayn
    (Istanbul University Press, 2024-12-25) Boltabayev, Saidbek
    Navayî wrote Muhakamat-al-lughatayn, in which he compared Turkish and Persian in various aspects in the last years of his life. Although it is one of Navayî’s most important works, not as many copies have been created as his divans and Khamsa. The fact that Muhakamat-al-lughatayn is not a literary work impacts this. The hard copies of the work were printed several times in Paris, Istanbul, Crimea and Kokand in the 19th and 20th centuries. Muhakamat-al-lughatayn stands out among Navayî’s works as a source that constitute the most scientific studies. Many scientific publications have been published, and comparative texts have been prepared. The work has been translated into languages such as Hungarian, French, Russian, Persian, English, and also into Turkmen, Azerbaijani, Uyghur, Uzbek, and Turkey Turkish, as well as Ottoman Turkish. A few copies of this work have survived to date. This study was prepared based on a copy of the Ankara National Library. Since this manuscript, which we can call the “Ankara copy”, has just been recognized by the scientific world, it has not been the subject of a scientific publication. In the introduction part of the article, the translations into various languages and the date of the review are mentioned. The copies are listed, the differences between Ankara copy compared to the other copies, its textual success, its contributions to the creation of the critical edition text are emphasized, the Oghuz elements are shown, and, based on these, determinations regarding the field of creation of the copy are included. © 2024 Istanbul Universitesi. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    An analysis of pre-service EFL teachers' instructional practices and use of classroom materials as manifested through their mindsets: A case study of four pre-service EFL teachers
    (Multilingual Matters, 2025-01-14) Kirmizi, Özkan
    This book is the first volume devoted to mindset theory and practice in language education, offering interdisciplinary investigations into the motivation, competencies, emotions and wellbeing of language learners and teachers. Presenting studies from a vast array of language learning environments, the chapters explore topics such as students' attitudes and motivation surrounding language learning, the effects of mindset on vocabulary acquisition, the mindsets of early career teachers and experienced language teachers, interventions on students' mindsets and interventions that strengthen language teachers' growth mindsets. The findings presented in this book will be of great interest to instructors and researchers alike and present essential developments for the field of applied linguistics and psychology of language learning and teaching. The book will be invaluable in improving the quality of the language learning experience for teachers and students in various academic environments.
  • Öğe
    Bursalı Rahmi divanı’nda poetik unsurlarla ilgili benzetmeler
    (2024) Topak, Zafer
    Bu çalışmada, Bursalı Rahmî Divanı’nda yer alan şiir, şair, belâgat, anlam, fikir gibi poetik unsurlarla ilgili benzetmeler tespit edilmiş ve bu benzetmelerin şairin poetikasına katkıları gösterilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bursalı Rahmî Divanı örneği üzerinden yapılan bu çalışmayla da divanlardaki poetik benzetmelerin şair poetikaları açısından taşıdığı öneme dikkat çekmek amaçlanmıştır. Yapılan Divan incelemesi sonucunda, Rahmî’nin poetik benzetmelerinin daha çok kasidelerin fahriye bölümünde ve gazellerin mahlas beyitlerinde yer aldığı görülmüştür. Onun poetik benzetmeleri çoğunlukla şiir ve şairliğinin özelliklerine dair olmakla birlikte anlam, belâgat, fikir gibi poetik unsurlarla ilgili de benzetmeler vardır. Rahmî’nin, şiirleriyle ilgili benzetmeleri arasında “akarsu, deniz, bahçe, gül, inci, mücevher, ses, şeker, ülke” gibi unsurları görürken şairliğiyle ilgili olarak “bahçıvan, dalgıç, yüzücü, sihirbaz, bülbül, doğan, papağan, padişah” gibi unsurları görmek mümkündür. O, ayrıca şiirlerinin anlam özellikleriyle ilgili olarak “ülke, deniz, gül, kadeh, kuş” benzetmesine yer verirken belâgatla ilgili olarak “bahçe, gül” benzetmesine yer vermiştir. Rahmî, şiir ve şair anlayışına dair kimi zaman doğrudan tespit ve değerlendirmelerde bulunurken kimi zaman da bu poetik benzetmeler üzerinden görüş belirtmiştir. Bursalı Rahmî’nin, poetik unsurlar bağlamında yaptığı benzetmeler hem onun hem de klasik şiirin poetikasına yönelik çalışmalar için önemli veriler sunmaktadır. In this study, similes related to poetic elements such as poetry, poet, rhetoric, meaning and idea in Bursalı Rahmî's Divan were identified and the contributions of these similes to the poet's poetics were tried to be shown. With this study, based on the example of Bursalı Rahmî Divan, it is aimed to draw attention to the importance of poetic similes in divans in terms of poet poetics. As a result of the Divan examination, it was seen that Rahmî's poetic similes were mostly included in the fahriye section of the odes and the pseudonym couplets of the ghazals. Although his poetic similes are mostly about poetry and the characteristics of poetry, there are also similes about poetic elements such as meaning, eloquence and idea. Among Rahmî's similes regarding his poems, he sees elements such as "stream, sea, garden, rose, pearl, jewel, sound, sugar, country", while regarding his poetry, "gardener, diver, swimmer, magician, nightingale, falcon, parrot, sultan" it is possible to see elements such as. He also included the similes of "country, sea, rose, glass, bird" regarding the meaning features of his poems, while he included the similes of "garden, rose" regarding rhetoric. While Rahmî sometimes made direct determinations and evaluations about the understanding of poetry and poets, he sometimes expressed his opinions through these poetic similes. The similes made by Bursalı Rahmî in the context of poetic elements provide important data for studies on his poetics and the poetics of classical poetry.
  • Öğe
    Selçuk Atay ve Şerife Ağarı, [Mehmed Atâ, İktitâf], Ihlamur Akademi, İstanbul, 2024.
    (2024) Özdemir, Abdullah Tahir
    Mehmed Atâ Bey’in (1856-1919) İktitâf adlı eseri antoloji gibi görünüyor olsa da esasında bir ders kitabıdır. Sipariş usulü hazırlanmış olan bu eser defalarca baskı yapmış, her baskıda güncellenmiş ve devrin prestijli okullarında ders kitabı olarak okutularak büyük bir boşluğu doldurmuştur. İktitâf, birçok yönüyle bugün Millî Eğitim Bakanlığınca uygulanmakta olan Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Öğretim Programı ile de uyumlu görünmektedir. Mesela eserde tedricî bir sıralama ile ilk sıralarda her devrin en sade örneklerine yer verilmiş, metinler yaş seviyelerine uygun şekilde seçilmiş ve Atâ Bey dersin maksat ve kazanımlarına olan faydayı gözetmiştir. Ayrıca Atâ Bey yeni olgusunu inkâr etmese de Türk edebiyatına eski ve yeni gibi tanımlamaların ötesinde bir noktainazardan bakmıştır ve bu bakış açısı günümüzdekine ya eştir ya da ondan üstündür. Bu taraflarıyla dört ciltlik İktitâf son derece mühim bir eserdir. Atay ve Ağarı bunun bilincinde olduklarındandır ki dört ciltlik bu eseri neşretmişlerdir. Bu kitap değerlendirme yazısı ise onların bu çalışmasını tanıtma ve hem İktitâf’ın hem de İktitâf’ın bu neşrinin neden önemli olduğunu izah etme maksadındadır. Despite its appearance as an anthology, Mehmed Atâ Bey’s (1856-1919) İktitâf is, in fact, a comprehensive textbook. Originally commissioned, this textbook was frequently reprinted and updated with each edition, addressing a significant gap in education by being used in prestigious schools. İktitâf aligns closely with many aspects of the contemporary Turkish Language and Literature Curriculum set by the Ministry of National Education. For example, it includes simple examples from each period at the beginning of each chapter, arranged gradually. The texts are selected according to the student's age levels, and Atâ Bey carefully aligned the content with the course's objectives and learning outcomes. Moreover, Atâ Bey did not ignore the emergence of new literature or dismiss pre-modern Turkish literature as outdated. Instead, he approached Turkish literature from a perspective that transcended the traditional 'old' and 'new' categories, aligning with, and at times surpassing contemporary viewpoints. In this regard, the four-volume İktitâfstands as an extremely important and influential work. Recognizing its importance, Atay and Ağarı have published this significant four-volume work. In this book review, we aim to introduce İktitâf and highlight its significance.
  • Öğe
    Bağdatlı Es’ad’ın hayatına dair yeni bilgiler
    (2024) Topak, Zafer; Aljbori, Hussain Haki Ismail
    18. yüzyıl klasik Türk edebiyatının, Nedîm çizgisinde şiirler yazdığı ifade edilen şairlerinden Bağdatlı Es’ad’ın hayatına dair bilinenler, temelde Silâhdâr-zâde Tezkiresi, Şefkat Tezkiresi, Tezkire-i Şu’arâ-yı Bağdad, Sicill-i Osmânî ve Tuhfe-i Nâ’ilî adlı tezkire ve biyografi kitaplarında yer alan ve genelde birbirini tekrar eden oldukça sınırlı bilgilerle şairin Divan’ındaki bazı manzumelerinde yer alan ifadelerden hareketle ulaşılan çıkarımlara dayanmaktadır. Bu makalede, Bağdatlı Es’ad’ın hayatından söz eden özellikle Arapça kaynaklar incelenmiş, şairin biyografisine dair yeni katkılar sunacağını düşündüğümüz bilgiler ele alınmıştır. Es’ad’ın mevcut Türkçe kaynaklardaki biyografilerinde yer alan kimi boşlukları dolduran, kimi bilgileri doğrulayan ve kimi yanlışlıkları da tashih eden bu bilgilerin, şairin biyografisine zenginlik kazandıracağı düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca bu çalışmanın, Bağdatlı Es’ad gibi uzak coğrafyada yaşayan bir şairin hayatına dair verilere ulaşılmaya çalışılırken Türkçe temel kaynaklar kadar şairin yaşadığı bölgede yazılmış farklı dillerdeki kaynakların incelenmesinin de önemli sonuçlar ortaya koyabileceğine işaret etmek gibi dolaylı bir amacı da vardır. What is known about the life of Bağdatlı Es’ad, one of the poets of the 18th century classical Turkish literature who is said to have written poems in the vein of Nedim, is based primarily on the rather limited information in the collections of biographies and biography books called Silâhdâr-zâde Tezkiresi, Şefkat Tezkiresi, Tezkire-i Şu’arâ-yı Bağdad, Sicill-i Osmânî and Tuhfe-i Nâ’ilî, which generally repeat each other, and on inferences reached from the expressions in some verses in the poet’s Divan. In this article, Arabic sources providing information on the life of Baghdadli Es’ad have been examined, and information that we believe will provide new contributions to the poet’s biography has been discussed. This information, which fills some gaps in the biographies of Es’ad in existing Turkish sources, confirms some information, and corrects some errors, will enrich the poet’s biography. In addition, this study has an indirect purpose of indicating that while trying to reach data on the life of a poet like Baghdadli Es’ad who lived in a distant geography, examining sources in different languages written in the region where the poet lived, as well as basic Turkish sources, can yield important results.
  • Öğe
    Bursalı Rahmî Divanı’nda şiir ve şair algısı
    (2024) Topak, Zafer
    Bu çalışmada, 16. yüzyıl klasik Türk şiiri şairlerinden Bursalı Rahmî’nin Divan’ında yer alan şiir ve şairle ilgili ifadelerden hareketle onun şiir ve şair algısını belirlemeye çalışmak ve bu sayede Klasik Türk şiirinin poetikasının bir bütün hâlinde tespitine yönelik çalışmalara materyal sunmak amaçlanmıştır. Hedeflenen amaç doğrultusunda Bursalı Rahmî Divanı, poetik kelime, terim ve tamlamalar bağlamında baştan sona tahlil edilmiş, elde edilen veriler şiir, şair ve sanatsal çevre çerçevesinde tasnif edilmiş ve incelenmiştir. Bu inceleme sonucunda Rahmî’nin, poetik görüşlerini Divan’ında büyük çoğunlukla gazellerinin mahlas beyitlerinde, çok az da kasidelerinin fahriye bölümlerinde ve diğer bazı manzumelerinde dağınık bir şekilde dile getirdiği görülmüştür. Onun poetik ifadelerinden hareketle şiirde “gönle ferahlık vermek, değerini anlayanlara sunmak, sihir gibi söyleyip herkesi etkilemek, güzel, hoş, zarif olmak, güzelliğini her zaman korumak, ilahi bir yardımla yazılmak, yenilik ve tazelik içermek” vb. özellikleri aradığı; şairde ise “doğuştan şairlik yeteneğine sahip olmak, benzersiz ve özgün şiirler söylemek, şiir ilminde ve belâgatte usta olmak” gibi özellikleri aradığı söylenebilir. Rahmî Divanı’nın incelenmesi sonucu elde edilen bu özgünlük içeren sonuçların, özelde şairin, genelde ise klasik şiirin şiir ve şair anlayışına yönelik yapılacak çalışmalara katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. In this study, it is aimed to try to determine the perception of poetry and poets based on the expressions about poetry and poets in the Divan of Bursalı Rahmî, one of the 16th century classical Turkish poetry poets, and thus to provide material for studies aimed at determining the poetics of Classical Turkish poetry as a whole. In line with the targeted purpose, Bursalı Rahmî's Divan has been analyzed thoroughly in the context of poetic words, terms and phrases, and the obtained data has been classified and examined within the framework of poetry, poet and artistic environment. As a result of this examination, it has been seen that Rahmî expressed his poetic views in his Divan, mostly in the pseudonym couplets of his ghazals, and rarely in the fahriye sections of his odes and in some other poems. Based on his poetic expressions, poetry includes “to give relief to the heart, to present it to those who understand its value, to impress everyone by saying it like magic, to be beautiful, pleasant, elegant, to always preserve its beauty, to be written with divine help, to contain innovation and freshness” etc. the features he is looking for; It can be said that he looks for qualities such as “having a natural poetic talent, singing unique and original poems, being a master in poetry science and rhetoric” in a poet. It is thought that these original results obtained as a result of the examination of Rahmî's Divan will contribute to the studies on the understanding of poetry and poet in particular and classical poetry in general