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Öğe On positive integer solutions of a special diophantine equation(Palestine Polytechnic University, 2024) Emin, AhmetIn this study, the positive solutions of the Diophantine equation D: x2 −( σ2 + 4) y2 − (2σ − 2) x −(2σ4 + 8σ2) y − σ6 − 4σ4 + σ2 − 2σ − 3 = 0 on the set Z are investigated, along with some recurrence relations that provide the relationships among these solutions. In addition, solutions of the Diophantine equation D in terms of generalized Fibonacci and Lucas sequences are examined. Furthermore, we search for the solutions of this equation over finite fields Fp where p is prime and p > 5. Finally, an example is given that satisfies our results.Öğe Reduction formulas for permanents and determinants of k-tridiagonal Toeplitz matrices(Indian National Science Academy, 2024-12-25) Ahmet Zahid KüçükThis study presents some results on the permanents of k-tridiagonal matrices with the Toeplitz structure. Our investigation establishes significant connections between the permanents of this matrix family and their reduced forms in terms of bandwidth and order. We extend the investigation also to the determinants of this matrix family in this context. Moreover, we demonstrate that some subforms of k-tridiagonal Toeplitz permanents can be effectively computed using the Pascal and Lucas triangles. Finally, we make a significant contribution by revealing an integer sequence related to Fibonacci numbers, derived by analyzing the permanents of some subforms of k-tridiagonal Toeplitz matrices.Öğe Solution of Partial Differential Equations and Their Application by Three Parameters of Integral Transform(Science Research Society, 2024-11-07) Salman, Nour K.; Aldhlki, Talat Jassim; Kuffi, Emad A.; Issa, AhmadThis article explains the Nour integral transform technique and denoted by "NO transform ", it's fundamental hypothesis and its power to solve the exact solution of partial differential operator equations (PDOE's) have been introduced and shown by the exact solution of various elementary engineering partial differential operator equations such as: wave partial equation, heat partial equation, Laplace’s partial equation, telegraph partial equation, and Klein-Gordon partial equation.