Teaching Processes of 'Ettirgen Anlatim' in Turkish to the Foreign Learners in the Mean of General and Comperative Linguistics

dc.contributor.authorAydogdu, Omer
dc.departmentKarabük Üniversitesien_US
dc.description2nd International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All (ICLEL) -- JUL 21-23, 2016 -- Liepaja Univ, Liepaja, LATVIAen_US
dc.description.abstractThe basic aim of this study is identifing the teaching - learning process difficulties of the subject called 'Ettirgen Anlatim/Ettirgen Cati' in the Turkish grammar. Causative form in English means the 'Ettirgen Anlatim' in Turkish, and so, the syntactic, morphological, semantical, and phonological comparisons in both languages have been exampled in the mentioning subject. It is hoped that the study can be a good source for the researchers studying on General Linguistics. The structure of Turkish ` Ettirgen Anlatim' in the mean of Syntax is known easier than its English Causative Form. Since Turkish is an agglutinative language, the morphological and the phonological necessary changings are formed with the help of suffixes. Those suffixes can be used either in the middle or in the final positions while the processes of Word Formation and the Verb Tense Formation are being done. In addition, The vowel harmony rules of Turkish should be known as well while those changins are being formed. The verb-the action is always used in the final position in a Turkish sentence structure. This item is called as 'Yuklem' in the Turkish Grammar Terminology. In this study, 'Ettirgen Cati' as a part of `Yuklem' which means the causative form of Turkish, is going to be studied into examples. The formation of it is such as: Verb stem+ suffixes of causative+ suffixes of the tenses+ suffixes of the personal pronouns. The suffixes of Turkish causative forms are /-t-/ /-tir, -tir-, -tur-, -tr-/, /-tirt-, - tirt-, -turt-, -turt-/The third group become in the forms of -tirt-, -tirt-, - turt-, - tur as shifting the phoneme in the first group/t/to the final position so that the meaning of the whole sentence can give the ordering under a social presure. Those suffixes are used just after the verb stem and followed by the verb tense suffixes. Actually, they are only three of them as the /-t-/, /-tir-/ and /-tirt-/. The others are the necessary changing forms of those because of the vowel harmony rules of Turkish. Finally, while the causative sentence structure is being formed in English, the syntactic chain of the words, the person doing the work or the person ordering the work to do and some other details about the verb tense formation are the difficult rules to be learnt or to be taught for the foreigners. Therefore, Turkish learners are also in difficulties of learning English Causative Form. Those are; have something done, get something done, have somebody do something, get somebody to do something, make somebody do something, let somebody do something. Contrary, the causative form in Turkish which is called 'Ettirgen Yapi/Ettirgen Cati/is easier than the English Causative forms for the foreign language learners.en_US
dc.indekslendigikaynakWeb of Scienceen_US
dc.publisherIclel Conferencesen_US
dc.relation.ispartof2nd International Conference On Lifelong Learning and Leadership For All (Iclel 2016)en_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectTurkish Ettirgen Catien_US
dc.subjectEnglish Causative Formen_US
dc.subjectCausative Suffixes in Turkishen_US
dc.titleTeaching Processes of 'Ettirgen Anlatim' in Turkish to the Foreign Learners in the Mean of General and Comperative Linguisticsen_US
dc.typeConference Objecten_US
