Effects of regenerative cutting on the height growth of turkey oak (quercus cerris l.) Saplings

dc.contributor.authorKavgacı, Ali
dc.contributor.authorÖrtel, Erdal
dc.contributor.authorAlan, Murat
dc.contributor.authorÇobanoglu, Abdurrahman
dc.departmentKarabük Üniversitesien_US
dc.description.abstractTurkey oak (Quercus cerris) is distributed at the northern, western and southern Anatolia in Turkey. Although theseforests are managed by shelterwood systems, degraded forests are subjected to artificial regeneration. In this context,the mature Turkey oak stands in Sipahiler Forests sub-district affiliated Sütçüler Forest District Directorate in Isparta,which did not have natural regeneration conditions, were artificially regenerated by acorn point sowing under thestand shelter. Although the regeneration was successful, the seedlings did not realize sufficient growth. In this context,regenerative cuttings (1- cutting all saplings in the plots from just above the ground level, 2- Cutting saplings from 10cm height above the ground level, 3- Leaving only one individual at the each sowing plot (excluding the lateral stems)and pruning, 4-Leaving only one individual at the each sowing plot (excluding the lateral stems) without pruning and5- Control without any cutting and pruning) were applied to the saplings and the 4 years’ height growths of saplingswere measured. The treatments were realized just before the vegetation period of 2014 and first measurements weredone after the cuttings. To determine the height increment, second measurements were carried out after the vegetationperiod of 2017. As a result of these measurements, the height growth increment for each treatment was realized asfollow: 75.25 cm for the saplings cut from ground level, 61.98 cm for the saplings cut from 10 cm height from groundlevel, 33.62 cm for the saplings of thinned and pruning, 32.80 cm for the saplings of thinned without pruning and32.80 for the saplings of control. In final, the height growth of regenerative cutting saplings reached to those whichwere not subjected to cuttings. These results showed that regenerative cutting is promising to foster the growth ofTurkey oak saplings. But for a better understanding, longer observation is needed to see the growth differencesbetween the saplings subjected to regenerative cuttings and others, since the height of regenerative cutting saplings isnot higher than the others yet.Keywords: artificial regeneration, degradation, sapling, sproutingen_US
dc.relation.ispartofEurasian Journal of Forest Scienceen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.titleEffects of regenerative cutting on the height growth of turkey oak (quercus cerris l.) Saplingsen_US
