Parlemento tutanakları ışığında Kıbrıs sorunu (1954-1974)
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Karabük Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Kıbrıs Sorunu, 1950’li yılların ortalarından itibaren bölgesel sorun olarak ortaya çıkmış uluslararası siyasetin de bir konusu haline gelmiştir. Dönemsel olarak farklılıklar gösterse de beraberinde hep bir sorun ve çözümsüzlük olarak tarihte yer edinmiştir. Bu süreçte Türkiye’de doğal olarak sorunun bir parçası olarak kendisini bulmuş ve dış politikada Kıbrıs öncelikli hatta yaşamsal bir yer edinmiştir. İşte bu tez çalışması 19541974 yılları arasında Kıbrıs Sorununun Parlamentoda nasıl yankı bulduğu, farklı görüşlere sahip iktidar, muhalefet ve farklı siyasal partilerin özellikle Kıbrıs Sorunu ile ilgili dönemsel olarak nasıl bir yaklaşım sergiledikleri, iktidar ve muhalefetin hangi açılardan Kıbrıs Sorununda ayrıştığı, politika benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları, Kıbrıs sorunu ile izlenen hükümet politikasının parlamentoda nasıl değerlendirildiği sorunun kronolojik olarak Mecliste nasıl gündeme geldiği, Kıbrıs Sorununa karşı hangi reflekslerin geliştirildiği bu çalışmada ortaya koymaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çerçevede tez üç bölümden oluşturulmuştur. Birinci bölümde 1950-1960 yılları arasında TBMM’de Kıbrıs Sorunu ele alınmıştır. İkinci bölümde 1961-1967 yılları arasında Millet Meclisi ve Cumhuriyet Senatosunda Kıbrıs Sorunu ele alınmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde ise 19671974 yılları arasında Millet Meclisi ve Cumhuriyet Senatosunda Kıbrıs Sorunu değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışma Kıbrıs Sorunu ve gelişmelerin parlamento tutanaklarında nasıl yer aldığının gösterilmesi açısından konusu itibariyle önemlidir. Çalışmada veri kaynağı olarak Parlamento Tutanakları esas alınmakla birlikte Kıbrıs Sorununun anlaşılmasına temel olması bakımından çeşitli araştırma eserlerinden de yararlanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak 1950-1960 yılları arasında Kıbrıs da meydana gelen şiddet olaylarının tırmanmasına, gerginliklerin artmasına bağlı olarak parlamentoda var olan görüşmeler ve ortaya konulan tepkiler artmış veya azalmıştır. Bunun yanında şunu da söyleyebiliriz: 1960’lara kadar iktidar ve muhalefetin Kıbrıs konusuna karşı tutumu büyük ölçüde benzer olmasına karşın 1960’lı yıllarla beraber parlamentoda yer alan partiler arasında Kıbrıs konusunda ciddi görüş ayrılıkları olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Bu dönemde kamuoyunun Kıbrıs Sorununda hassasiyetinin artması neticesinde parlamentonun da bu sorunu daha fazla ciddiye almasına ve daha çok gündem yapmasına sebep olmuştur. Parlamento Ada’daki gelişmeleri çok yakından takip etmiş meseleye karşı büyük bir hassasiyet içinde olmuştur. Bu nedenle Kıbrıs ile alakalı gelişmeleri parlamento tutanaklarından takip etmek mümkündür.
The Cyprus Problem has emerged as a regional problem since the mid-1950s and has become a subject of international politics. Although it has shown differences from time to time, it has always taken its place in history as a problem and a deadlock. In this process, Turkey has naturally found itself as a part of the problem and Cyprus has gained a priority, even a vital place in foreign policy. This thesis study attempts to reveal how the Cyprus Problem found an echo in the Parliament between 1954 and 1974, how the government, opposition and different political parties with different views approached the Cyprus Problem periodically, in what respects the government and opposition differed on the Cyprus Problem, policy similarities and differences, how the government policy pursued with the Cyprus Problem was evaluated in the Parliament, how the problem came to the agenda in the Parliament chronologically, and what reflexes were developed against the Cyprus Problem. In this context, the thesis is composed of three sections. In the first section, the Cyprus Problem was discussed in the Turkish Grand National Assembly between 1950-1960. In the second section, the Cyprus Problem was discussed in the National Assembly and the Senate of the Republic between 1961-1967. In the third section, the Cyprus Problem was evaluated in the National Assembly and the Senate of the Republic between 1967-1974. This study is important in terms of its subject matter in terms of showing how the Cyprus Problem and developments were included in the parliamentary minutes. Although the Parliamentary Minutes were taken as the basis as the data source in the study, various research works were also used as a basis for understanding the Cyprus Problem. As a result, the discussions and reactions in the parliament increased or decreased depending on the escalation of violence and tensions in Cyprus between 1950 and 1960. In addition, we can say that: Although the attitudes of the government and the opposition towards the Cyprus issue were largely similar until the 1960s, it is understood that there were serious differences of opinion on the Cyprus issue among the parties in the parliament from the 1960s onwards. During this period, the public's increasing sensitivity to the Cyprus Problem caused the parliament to take this issue more seriously and put it on the agenda more often. The Parliament has followed the developments on the island very closely and has been very sensitive to the issue. For this reason, it is possible to follow the developments related to Cyprus from the parliamentary minutes.
The Cyprus Problem has emerged as a regional problem since the mid-1950s and has become a subject of international politics. Although it has shown differences from time to time, it has always taken its place in history as a problem and a deadlock. In this process, Turkey has naturally found itself as a part of the problem and Cyprus has gained a priority, even a vital place in foreign policy. This thesis study attempts to reveal how the Cyprus Problem found an echo in the Parliament between 1954 and 1974, how the government, opposition and different political parties with different views approached the Cyprus Problem periodically, in what respects the government and opposition differed on the Cyprus Problem, policy similarities and differences, how the government policy pursued with the Cyprus Problem was evaluated in the Parliament, how the problem came to the agenda in the Parliament chronologically, and what reflexes were developed against the Cyprus Problem. In this context, the thesis is composed of three sections. In the first section, the Cyprus Problem was discussed in the Turkish Grand National Assembly between 1950-1960. In the second section, the Cyprus Problem was discussed in the National Assembly and the Senate of the Republic between 1961-1967. In the third section, the Cyprus Problem was evaluated in the National Assembly and the Senate of the Republic between 1967-1974. This study is important in terms of its subject matter in terms of showing how the Cyprus Problem and developments were included in the parliamentary minutes. Although the Parliamentary Minutes were taken as the basis as the data source in the study, various research works were also used as a basis for understanding the Cyprus Problem. As a result, the discussions and reactions in the parliament increased or decreased depending on the escalation of violence and tensions in Cyprus between 1950 and 1960. In addition, we can say that: Although the attitudes of the government and the opposition towards the Cyprus issue were largely similar until the 1960s, it is understood that there were serious differences of opinion on the Cyprus issue among the parties in the parliament from the 1960s onwards. During this period, the public's increasing sensitivity to the Cyprus Problem caused the parliament to take this issue more seriously and put it on the agenda more often. The Parliament has followed the developments on the island very closely and has been very sensitive to the issue. For this reason, it is possible to follow the developments related to Cyprus from the parliamentary minutes.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kıbrıs Meselesi, Meclis Tutanakları, Türk Dış Politikası, Cyprus Problem, Parliamentary Minutes, Turkish Foreign Policy