Finite element simulation and failure analysis of fixed bollard system according to the PAS 68:2013 standard

dc.authoridBuyuk, Murat/0000-0002-6873-089X
dc.authoridErgun, Murat/0000-0002-2789-8645
dc.authoridApak, Mustafa Yurdabal/0000-0001-5387-3508
dc.authoridOZEN, HALIT/0000-0003-4031-7283
dc.authoridOzcanan, Sedat/0000-0002-8504-7611
dc.contributor.authorApak, Mustafa Yurdabal
dc.contributor.authorErgun, Murat
dc.contributor.authorOzen, Halit
dc.contributor.authorBuyuk, Murat
dc.contributor.authorOzcanan, Sedat
dc.contributor.authorAtahan, Ali Osman
dc.contributor.authorYumrutas, Halil Ibrahim
dc.departmentKarabük Üniversitesien_US
dc.description.abstractFixed bollards are very significant elements in providing urban roadside safety. These structures, called passive systems, allow pedestrians and disabled people to use sidewalks effectively and safely, as well as they have a crucial role in protecting the above-ground assets of infrastructure facilities against run-off-road (ROR) crashes. In this study, structural and safety performance analyses of fixed bollards that protect natural gas above ground Reducing and Metering Station-B (RMS-B) type regulating stations used in many points in Istanbul were made. In this regard, finite element (FE) models of the steel pipe of the fixed bollard, the concrete of the foundation and the soil where the bollard was mounted were created. Existing fixed bollards have been verified with accident data. In the light of the calibration and validation, numerical models were created and combined with the vehicle models specified in PAS 68:2013 standard to simulate dynamic behaviours. The combined FE models were analysed applying LS-DYNA software. As a result of the numerical analysis, the fixed bollard system cannot safely stop the 30000 kg N3, 18000 kg N3 and 7500 kg N2 class vehicles, and cannot prevent them from damaging the RMS-B. Besides, the fixed bollard system cannot provide safety at the speed level of 48 km/h, considering the urban speed limit for 3500 kg N1 and 2500 kg N1G class vehicles. However, the fixed bollard system can safely stop 1500 kg and 900 kg M1 class vehicles up to 64 km/h speed limit. These analyses revealed that considering the regional traffic characteristics of Istanbul, the existing fixed bollard systems are not sufficient for the protection of hazardous roadside facilities and need to be improved. Fullscale crash tests should be carried out in future studies to validate the FE simulation models. Furthermore, various bollard designs should be developed, especially urban road requirements.en_US
dc.indekslendigikaynakWeb of Scienceen_US
dc.publisherPergamon-Elsevier Science Ltden_US
dc.relation.ispartofEngineering Failure Analysisen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectFailure analysisen_US
dc.subjectBollard systemen_US
dc.subjectPAS 68en_US
dc.subjectFinite element analysisen_US
dc.subjectRoadside safetyen_US
dc.titleFinite element simulation and failure analysis of fixed bollard system according to the PAS 68:2013 standarden_US
