Taşıt emisyonlarının azaltılmasında ZnO nanotel dizinlerinin katalizör aktif metal taşıyıcısı olarak kullanılması
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Karabük Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmada, katalitik konvertörlerde kullanılan geleneksel taşıyıcı malzemelerden farklı olarak, çinko oksit nanotel dizinleri katalizör taşıyıcı malzemesi olarak seçilmiştir. Çünkü ZnO nanotel dizinleri, geleneksel katalitik konvertörlerde kullanılan gözenekli yapılara kıyasla çok daha açık bir yüzey morfolojisine sahiptirler. Böylece, egzoz emisyon gazları nanotel üzerine kaplanmış olan aktif metallere daha rahat ulaşmakta ve katalizör aktivitesi artmaktadır. Ayrıca, kordiyerit tabaka üzerindeki nanotel kaplama kalınlığı, alümina kaplama kalınlığına kıyasla çok daha ince olması, daha az basınç düşmesine neden olduğundan motor gücündeki kayıp azalmaktadır. Bu amaçla, öncelikle üzerine herhangi bir kaplama yapılmamış çıplak kordiyerit üzerinde hidrotermal yöntemle ZnO nanotel kaplama işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Daha sonra, katalitik olarak aktif olan paladyum ve rodyum tek başlarına ve birlikte nanotel üzerine sulu emdirme yöntemiyle emdirilerek Pd/ZnO, Rh/ZnO ve Pd-Rh/ZnO katalizörleri hazırlanmıştır. Numuneler üzerinde, nanotel kaplama ve aktif metal emdirme işlemlerinden sonra SEM, SEM-EDS, TEM ve XRD analizleri yapılarak, işlemlerin başarılı bir şekilde gerçekleştiği tespit edilmiştir. Hazırlanan katalizör numuneleri quartz tüp içerisine yerleştirildikten sonra, benzinli motorların egzoz emisyonlarını simule eden gaz karışımı, sıcaklık kontrolü sağlanan tüp fırın içerisine gönderilerek katalizörlerin CO ve C3H8 oksidasyonu ile NO indirgeme performansları değişik sıcaklık ve karışım oranlarında test edilmiştir. Oksidasyon tepkimelerinde paladyum içeren katalizörlerin, indirgenme tepkimelerinde ise rodyum içeren katalizörlerin daha aktif olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, ZnO nanotel dizinlerinin geleneksel aktif metal taşıyıcı malzemelere alternatif olabilme potansiyeline sahip olduğunu göstermektedir.
In this study, the zinc oxide nanowire arrays have been chosen as the catalyst carrying material, which is different from the traditional carrying materials, which is used in catalytic convertors. Because, ZnO nanowire arrays have much open surface morphology when compared with the porous structures used in traditional catalyst convertors. By doing so, exhaust emission gases reach the active metals that are coated on nanowire more easily, and the catalyst activity increases. In addition, since the nanowire coating thickness on the cordierite layer much thinner than the alumina coating thickness, it causes much lower pressure decrease, and thus the losses in the engine power decreases also. For this purpose, firstly, ZnO nanowire coating process was applied with hydrothermal method on bared cordierite, which does not have any coating. Then, palladium and rhodium, which are active in catalytic process, are impregnated on the nanowires alone and together by using wetness imregnation method, and the Pd/ZnO, Rh/ZnO and Pd-Rh/ZnO catalysts were prepared. After the nanowire coating and active metal impregnation processes on the samples, the SEM, SEM-EDS, TEM and XRD analyses were made, and it has been determined that all of the processes were occurred successfully. After the prepared catalyst samples were placed in quartz tube, the gas mixture, which simulates the exhaust gasses of gasoline engines, was sent to the tubular furnace in which the temperatures were controlled, and the CO and C3H8 oxidation of the catalysts and the NO reduction performances were tested in different temperature and mixture ratios. It has been determined that the catalysts which included palladium is more active in oxidation reactions; and the catalysts which included rhodium is more active in reduction reactions. The results obtained have showed that the ZnO nanowire arrays have the potential of being the alternative to traditional active metal carrying materials.
In this study, the zinc oxide nanowire arrays have been chosen as the catalyst carrying material, which is different from the traditional carrying materials, which is used in catalytic convertors. Because, ZnO nanowire arrays have much open surface morphology when compared with the porous structures used in traditional catalyst convertors. By doing so, exhaust emission gases reach the active metals that are coated on nanowire more easily, and the catalyst activity increases. In addition, since the nanowire coating thickness on the cordierite layer much thinner than the alumina coating thickness, it causes much lower pressure decrease, and thus the losses in the engine power decreases also. For this purpose, firstly, ZnO nanowire coating process was applied with hydrothermal method on bared cordierite, which does not have any coating. Then, palladium and rhodium, which are active in catalytic process, are impregnated on the nanowires alone and together by using wetness imregnation method, and the Pd/ZnO, Rh/ZnO and Pd-Rh/ZnO catalysts were prepared. After the nanowire coating and active metal impregnation processes on the samples, the SEM, SEM-EDS, TEM and XRD analyses were made, and it has been determined that all of the processes were occurred successfully. After the prepared catalyst samples were placed in quartz tube, the gas mixture, which simulates the exhaust gasses of gasoline engines, was sent to the tubular furnace in which the temperatures were controlled, and the CO and C3H8 oxidation of the catalysts and the NO reduction performances were tested in different temperature and mixture ratios. It has been determined that the catalysts which included palladium is more active in oxidation reactions; and the catalysts which included rhodium is more active in reduction reactions. The results obtained have showed that the ZnO nanowire arrays have the potential of being the alternative to traditional active metal carrying materials.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering