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Nanoteknolojinin gösterdiği gelişim göz önüne alındığında, metal nanopartikül destekli hibrit hidrotermal karbon nanokompozitlerin sentezinin yeni birçok çalışmaya öncülük edeceği düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmada gümüş nanopartikülerin sentezlenmesi, sentezlenen nanopartikülün farklı konsantrasyonlarda karbon kürelere takviyesi ile elde edilen nanokompozitlerin SEM ve TEM analizleri ile morfolojisinin incelenmesi ve katalitik etkisinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışma temel olarak dört ana aşamada gerçekleştirilmiştir. İlk olarak oda sıcaklığında ıslak kimyasal yöntemle jelatin kaplı-gümüş nanopartiküller sentezlenmiştir. TEM analizinde gümüş nanopartiküllerin boyutlarının 5,6 ± 2,0 nm olduğu görülmüştür. İkinci olarak, glikoz sulu çözeltileri12 saat 180 ºC’de hidrotermal koşullarda bekletilerek karbon küreler elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen karbon kürelerin çapları 1,3–1,5 µm aralığında değişmektedir. Üçüncü aşamada, farklı gümüş konsantrasyonuna (42-150 µmol/L) sahip sulu glikoz çözeltileri hidrotermal karbonizasyon işlemine tabi tutularak nanopartiküllerin karbon kürelere yüklenmesi işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir Dördüncü ve son aşamada ise hidrotermal karbonizasyon yöntemi ile üretilen karbonlara gümüş nanopartüküllerin yüklenmesi işlemi refluks yöntemi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Refluks işlemi 80 ºC’de 5 saat sürmüş ve farklı konsantrasyonlarda (43-150 µmol/L) gümüş içeren kolloidal nanopartikül süspansiyonu eklenmiştir. Sentez sonunda, SEM analizi ile küresel formda hidrotermal karbonların elde edildiği görülmüştür. TEM analizi sonucunda ise, yaklaşık 1,5 mikron işaretim çapa sahip karbon kürelerin içinde gümüş nanopartiküllerin yaklaşık 700 nm çapında bir çekirdek oluşturduğu görülmüştür. Gümüş nanopartiküllerin faklı konsantrasyon ve işlemler sonrasında hidrokarbon küreler üzerinde farklı morfolojide hibrit nanokompozit yapılar kontrollü bir yaklaşımla elde edilmiş, elde edilen bulguların morfoloji üzerine etkisi tartışılmıştır. Ayrıca elde edilen yapıların katalizör etkisi bir kalkon bileşiği olan (3-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1-phenylprop-2-en-1-one) NaBH4 ile indirgenmesi reaksiyonu ile incelenmiştir. Yapıların reaksiyon süresini önemli ölçüde azalttığı görülmüş ve sonuçlar geniş bir çerçevede tartışılmıştır.
Considering the development of nanotechnology, it is thought that synthesis of metal nanoparticle supported hybrid hydrothermal carbon nanocomposites will lead to many new studies. In this study, it was aimed to synthesize silver nanoparticles and their hybrid composites by dopping them on hydrothermal carbons by varying the nanoparticle content and to investigate catalytic effect of the obtained hybrid structures. This study was carried out in four main stages. First, gelatin coated silver nanoparticles were synthesized by wet chemical method at room temperature. In the TEM analysis, it was seen that the dimensions of the silver nanoparticles were 5.6 ± 2.0 nm. Secondly, carbon spheres were obtained by keeping glucose aqueous solutions in hydrothermal conditions at 180 ºC for 12 hours. The diameters of the obtained carbon spheres vary in the range of 1.3–1.5 µm. In the third stage, aqueous glucose solutions with different silver concentrations (42-150 µmol/L) were subjected to hydrothermal carbonization and loading of nanoparticles into carbon spheres was carried out. The reflux process lasted for 5 hours at 80 ºC and a colloidal nanoparticle suspension containing silver at different concentrations (43-150 µmol/L) was added. At the end of the synthesis, it was seen that hydrothermal carbons were obtained in spherical form by SEM analysis. As a result of the TEM analysis, it was observed that the silver nanoparticles formed a core with a diameter of about 700 nm inside the carbon spheres with a diameter of about 1,5 µm. Hybrid nanocomposite structures with different morphologies on hydrocarbon spheres were obtained with a controlled approach by varying the nanoparticle content as well as the method applied and the overall effect on the morphology was investigated and catalytic runs were carried out to evaluate the catalytic performance of the hybrid composites."
Considering the development of nanotechnology, it is thought that synthesis of metal nanoparticle supported hybrid hydrothermal carbon nanocomposites will lead to many new studies. In this study, it was aimed to synthesize silver nanoparticles and their hybrid composites by dopping them on hydrothermal carbons by varying the nanoparticle content and to investigate catalytic effect of the obtained hybrid structures. This study was carried out in four main stages. First, gelatin coated silver nanoparticles were synthesized by wet chemical method at room temperature. In the TEM analysis, it was seen that the dimensions of the silver nanoparticles were 5.6 ± 2.0 nm. Secondly, carbon spheres were obtained by keeping glucose aqueous solutions in hydrothermal conditions at 180 ºC for 12 hours. The diameters of the obtained carbon spheres vary in the range of 1.3–1.5 µm. In the third stage, aqueous glucose solutions with different silver concentrations (42-150 µmol/L) were subjected to hydrothermal carbonization and loading of nanoparticles into carbon spheres was carried out. The reflux process lasted for 5 hours at 80 ºC and a colloidal nanoparticle suspension containing silver at different concentrations (43-150 µmol/L) was added. At the end of the synthesis, it was seen that hydrothermal carbons were obtained in spherical form by SEM analysis. As a result of the TEM analysis, it was observed that the silver nanoparticles formed a core with a diameter of about 700 nm inside the carbon spheres with a diameter of about 1,5 µm. Hybrid nanocomposite structures with different morphologies on hydrocarbon spheres were obtained with a controlled approach by varying the nanoparticle content as well as the method applied and the overall effect on the morphology was investigated and catalytic runs were carried out to evaluate the catalytic performance of the hybrid composites."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Metal nanoparticles, nanocomposites, hydrothermal carbonization, catalytic effect., Metal nanopartiküller, nanokompozitler, hidrotermal karbonizasyon, katalitik.