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Bu çalışmada, ticari olarak en çok kullanılan AZ91 magnezyum alaşım tozunun (-325 mesh) sıcak preslenebilirliği ve üretilen malzemelerin mekanik ve mikroyapısı üzerine sıcak presleme parametrelerinin etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, ticari olarak temin edilen AZ91 tozu 500-600 ºC sıcaklıklar arasında ve 25-45 MPa basınç değerlerinde sıcak preslenmiştir. Sıcak presleme sonrasında numunelerin bağıl yoğunlukları hesaplanmış, X-Işını Difraktometresi (XRD) ve X-Işını Flüoresans (XRF) ile mikroyapıları incelenmiştir. Üretilen numunelerin mekanik özelliklerini belirlemek amacı ile, numunelerin yüzeylerinden mikro ve makro sertlik değerleri alınmış ve sürtünme-aşınma özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla da tüm numuneler sırasıyla 0,5-1-1,5 m/s kayma hızlarında, 10-25-40 N yükler altında ve 500-1500-3000 metre mesafelerde pin-on-disk aşınma cihazıyla aşınma karakteristikleri incelenmiştir. Buna ilaveten sürtünme sonucu meydana gelen aşınma ürünlerinin SEM görüntüleri alınmış ve bu ürünlerin parçacık boyut analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda belirlenen değer aralıklarındaki basınç ve sıcaklık değişiminin mikro ve makro sertlik üzerine az etkisinin olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bunun yanısıra mikroyapılar incelendiğinde sıcaklık ve basınç artışlarının malzemelerdeki gözenekliliği giderdiği tespit edilmiştir. 600 °C’de yapılan sıcak presleme işlemi sırasında AZ91 alaşımında kısmen erime meydana geldiği gözlenmiş ve dolayısı ile bu parametre çalışmadan çıkarılmıştır. XRD ve XRF analizleri sonucunda mikroyapının ? (Mg’ca zengin) ve ? (Mg17Al12) fazlarından oluştuğu belirlenmiştir. Sıcaklık ve basıncın artması ile ? fazının arttığı ve ? fazının kısmen azaldığı görülmüştür. Sıcak presleme ile üretilen malzemelerin artan presleme basıncı ve sıcaklığıyla aşınma miktarlarının azaldığı belirlenmiştir. Sürtünme deneylerine tabii tutulan numunelerden alınan debrislerin SEM görüntüleri alınmış ve bu debrislerin boyut analizleri yapılmıştır. Diğer taraftan aşınma mesafesinin artmasına bağlı olarak aşınma miktarı doğrusal olarak artarken, kayma hızının artması ile aşınma miktarında azalma olduğu ve normal kuvvetin artması ile de aşınma miktarlarının azaldığı görüşmüştür. Ayrıca aşınma ile oluşan partiküllerin SEM görüntülerinden ve toz boyut analizlerinden sıcak presleme basınç ve sıcaklığının artmasına bağlı olarak toz boyutlarının küçüldüğü görülmüştür. Yapılan toz boyut analizleri sonucunda en düşük partikül boyutları 45 MPa basınç ile preslenen numunelerde görülmüştür.
In this study, the effects of hot pressing parameters on the hot pressability of the commercially used AZ91 magnesium alloy powder (-325 mesh) and the mechanical and microstructure of the materials produced were investigated. For this purpose, commercially available AZ91 powder is hot pressed at temperatures between 500-600 ºC and at pressures of 25-45 MPa. After hot pressing, the relative densities of the samples were calculated and their microstructures were examined by X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) and x-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). In order to determine the mechanical properties of the produced samples, micro and macro hardness values were taken from the surfaces of the samples and all samples were taken under the loads of 10-25-40 N at shear rates of 0.5-1-1.5 m / s respectively to determine the friction-wear properties and wear characteristics were investigated with pin-on-disc wear device at distances of 500-1500-3000 meters. In addition, SEM images of friction products resulting from friction were taken and particle size analyzes of these products were performed. As a result of the study, it was observed that the pressure and temperature change in the determined value ranges had little effect on micro and macro hardness. In addition, when microstructures are examined, it was found that temperature and pressure increases eliminate porosity in materials. During the hot pressing process at 600 ° C, it was observed that partly melting occurred in the alloy AZ91 and therefore this parameter was excluded. As a result of XRD and XRF analysis, it is determined that the microstructure consists of ? (Mg rich) and ? (Mg17Al12) phases. It was observed that ? phase increased and ? phase decreased partially with increasing temperature and pressure. It has been determined that the amount of wear decreases with increasing pressing pressure and temperature of the materials produced by hot pressing. SEM images of debris taken from samples subjected to friction tests were taken and dimensional analyzes of these debris were made. On the other hand, while the amount of wear increased linearly due to the increase of wear distance, it was discussed that the amount of wear decreased with the increase in sliding speed and the amount of wear decreased with the increase of normal force. In addition, it was observed that the powder sizes decreased due to the increase in hot pressing pressure and temperature from SEM images and powder size analysis of the particles formed by abrasion. As a result of the powder size analysis, the lowest particle sizes were seen in samples pressed with a pressure of 45 MPa."
In this study, the effects of hot pressing parameters on the hot pressability of the commercially used AZ91 magnesium alloy powder (-325 mesh) and the mechanical and microstructure of the materials produced were investigated. For this purpose, commercially available AZ91 powder is hot pressed at temperatures between 500-600 ºC and at pressures of 25-45 MPa. After hot pressing, the relative densities of the samples were calculated and their microstructures were examined by X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) and x-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). In order to determine the mechanical properties of the produced samples, micro and macro hardness values were taken from the surfaces of the samples and all samples were taken under the loads of 10-25-40 N at shear rates of 0.5-1-1.5 m / s respectively to determine the friction-wear properties and wear characteristics were investigated with pin-on-disc wear device at distances of 500-1500-3000 meters. In addition, SEM images of friction products resulting from friction were taken and particle size analyzes of these products were performed. As a result of the study, it was observed that the pressure and temperature change in the determined value ranges had little effect on micro and macro hardness. In addition, when microstructures are examined, it was found that temperature and pressure increases eliminate porosity in materials. During the hot pressing process at 600 ° C, it was observed that partly melting occurred in the alloy AZ91 and therefore this parameter was excluded. As a result of XRD and XRF analysis, it is determined that the microstructure consists of ? (Mg rich) and ? (Mg17Al12) phases. It was observed that ? phase increased and ? phase decreased partially with increasing temperature and pressure. It has been determined that the amount of wear decreases with increasing pressing pressure and temperature of the materials produced by hot pressing. SEM images of debris taken from samples subjected to friction tests were taken and dimensional analyzes of these debris were made. On the other hand, while the amount of wear increased linearly due to the increase of wear distance, it was discussed that the amount of wear decreased with the increase in sliding speed and the amount of wear decreased with the increase of normal force. In addition, it was observed that the powder sizes decreased due to the increase in hot pressing pressure and temperature from SEM images and powder size analysis of the particles formed by abrasion. As a result of the powder size analysis, the lowest particle sizes were seen in samples pressed with a pressure of 45 MPa."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Powder metallurgy, magnesium alloys, hot pressing, tribology., Toz metalürjisi, magnezyum alaşımları, sıcak presleme, triboloji.