Elit düzeydeki badminton oyuncularında müsabaka öncesi ve sonrası bazı fiziksel parametrelerin karşılaştırılması
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Karabük Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı, badminton liglerinde antrenman yaşı en az 3 yıl olan, 15-17 yaşlarında, lise düzeyinde milli sporcuların badminton müsabakası öncesi alınan fiziksel parametreleri ile badminton müsabaka sonrası tekrardan alınan fiziksel parametrelerinin karşılaştırmaktır.
Spor branşlarında başarılı olabilmek için teknik ve taktik bilgilerin yanı sıra fiziksel özellikler de büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu özellikler fiziksel ölçümlerle değerlendirilir ve eğitim bilimine önemli katkılar sağlar. Bu çalışmaya badminton liglerinde antrenman yaşı en az 3 yıl olan, 15-17 yaşlarında, lise düzeyinde milli sporcular katılmıştır. Çalışma grubu eğitime başladıktan ve yarışmaya hazır hale geldikten sonra ön testler yapıldı. Eşit eşleşen sporcular aynı anda yarışmaya başladı. Sporculara yarışma öncesi motivasyonlarını artırmak amacıyla yarışma sonunda teşvik ödülü verileceği belirtildi. Sporcuların eşleşmelerinde yaş ve oyun olarak birbirine yakın olan oyuncuların birbirleri ile oynadıkları görülmüştür. Eşit eşleşen sporcular aynı anda yarışmaya başladı. Bu müsabakaların süresi sırasıyla 32 dk, 34 dk, 37 dk, 41 dk olarak hesaplanmıştır. Müsabaka öncesi alınan fiziksel parametreler ile müsabaka sonrası tekrar alınan fiziksel parametreler karşılaştırılır. Fiziksel testler; oturma-uzanma esneklik testi, patlayıcı kuvvet ölçüm testi (dikey sıçrama testi), kuvvet ölçümleri (sırt ve bacak kuvveti, pençe kuvveti) testleridir. Ek olarak gerçekleştirilen test kalp atış hızının ölçümüdür. Antrenmana başladıktan sonra ön testler, özellikle kalp atış hızı testi başta olmak üzere yarışmadan hemen önce çalışma grubuna yarışmaya hazır olduklarında yapıldı. Yarışma sonrası yapılan son testler, ön testlerde olduğu gibi kalp atış hızı testinden başladı. Kalp atım hızı hariç diğer tüm ölçümler 2 kez yapıldı ve ortalaması alındı. Sonuç olarak sporcuların esneklik, dikey sıçrama ve bacak kuvveti verilerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir artış gözlenmiştir. Sporcuların müsabaka sırasında kullandıkları baskın ellerdeki pençe kuvveti ölçümlerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir artış gözlendi. Aynı şekilde müsabaka sonrası yorgunluğa bağlı kalp atım hızlarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir artış gözlenirken, sporcuların kalp atım hızı ölçümlerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulundu (p<0.05). Maç öncesi ve sonrası değerler diğer ölçümler arasında karşılaştırıldığında, kalp atım hızı dışındaki ölçümlerde pozitif korelasyon bulundu (p<0.01).
The aim of this study is to compare the physical parameters taken before the badminton competition and the parameters taken again after the badminton competition of national high school athletes aged 15-17, who have been training in badminton leagues for at least 3 years. In addition to technical and tactical knowledge, physical characteristics are of great importance in order to be successful in sports branches. These features are evaluated by physical measurements and contribute significantly to the science of training. In this study, athletes who have been training in badminton leagues for at least 3 years, aged 15-17, playing at the high school level and in the national team participated. Pre-tests were carried out to the working group after they started training and were ready for the competition. Equally matched athletes started the competition at the same time. It is stated that the athletes will be given an incentive award at the end of the competition in order to increase their motivation before the competition. In the pairings of the athletes,it was observed that the players who were close to each other in terms of age and game played with each other. Equally matched athletes started the competition at the same time. The duration of these competitions was calculated as 32 min, 34 min, 37 min, 41 min, respectively. The physical parameters taken before the competition and the physical parameters taken again after the competition are compared. Physical tests; sit-reach flexibility test, explosive force measurement test (vertical jump test), strength measurements (back-leg strength, claw strength) tests. The final tests taken after the competition started from the heart rate test, as in the preliminary tests. All other measurements except heart rate were made 2 times and averaged. As a result, a statistically significant increase was observed in the flexibility, vertical jump and back-leg strength data of the athletes. A statistically significant increase was observed in the claw strength measurements in the dominant hands used by the athletes during the competition. Likewise, a statistically significant increase was observed in heart rates due to fatigue after the competition, while a statistically significant relationship was found in the heart rate measurement of the athletes (p<0.05). When the pre- and post-match values were compared among the other measurements, a positive correlation was found in measurements other than heart rate (p<0.01).
The aim of this study is to compare the physical parameters taken before the badminton competition and the parameters taken again after the badminton competition of national high school athletes aged 15-17, who have been training in badminton leagues for at least 3 years. In addition to technical and tactical knowledge, physical characteristics are of great importance in order to be successful in sports branches. These features are evaluated by physical measurements and contribute significantly to the science of training. In this study, athletes who have been training in badminton leagues for at least 3 years, aged 15-17, playing at the high school level and in the national team participated. Pre-tests were carried out to the working group after they started training and were ready for the competition. Equally matched athletes started the competition at the same time. It is stated that the athletes will be given an incentive award at the end of the competition in order to increase their motivation before the competition. In the pairings of the athletes,it was observed that the players who were close to each other in terms of age and game played with each other. Equally matched athletes started the competition at the same time. The duration of these competitions was calculated as 32 min, 34 min, 37 min, 41 min, respectively. The physical parameters taken before the competition and the physical parameters taken again after the competition are compared. Physical tests; sit-reach flexibility test, explosive force measurement test (vertical jump test), strength measurements (back-leg strength, claw strength) tests. The final tests taken after the competition started from the heart rate test, as in the preliminary tests. All other measurements except heart rate were made 2 times and averaged. As a result, a statistically significant increase was observed in the flexibility, vertical jump and back-leg strength data of the athletes. A statistically significant increase was observed in the claw strength measurements in the dominant hands used by the athletes during the competition. Likewise, a statistically significant increase was observed in heart rates due to fatigue after the competition, while a statistically significant relationship was found in the heart rate measurement of the athletes (p<0.05). When the pre- and post-match values were compared among the other measurements, a positive correlation was found in measurements other than heart rate (p<0.01).
Anahtar Kelimeler
Badminton, Fiziksel ölçümler, ölçümler, Müsabaka., Physical measurements, Competition.