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Bu çalışmada, düşük basınçlı döküm yöntemi ile üretilen Mg- Y- Nd sistemli (WE43) magnezyum alaşımlarına %0.5 ve %1 oranlarında Ca, Sr, Sn ve Zn alaşım elementleri katılmıştır. Üretilen bu alaşımlara döküm ve ekstrüzyon sonrası yaşlandırma işlemi uygulanmıştır ve karşılaştırmalı olarak faz morfolojisi, sertlik, aşınma ve korozif özellikleri incelenmiştir. Alaşımlar, SF6+CO2 koruyucu gaz kullanılarak 775°C pota sıcaklığında düşük basınçlı bir döküm ünitesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Alaşımlama işlemi tamamlandıktan sonra eriyikler 2 bar basınç altında metal döküm kalıbına dökülerek numuneler elde edilmiştir. Magnezyum alaşımlarının üretimi esnasında oluşabilecek segregasyonları en aza indirmek ve alaşım elemanlarının homojen dağılımı sağlamak için ekstrüzyon işleminden önce homojenizasyon işlemi (525 °C, 8 saat) yapılır. Ekstrüzyon işlemi 350°C sıcaklığında, 30 mm yüksekliğinde ve 32 mm çapındaki numunelerin 16:1 ekstrüzyon oranı ve 0,3 mm/sn. zımba hızında preslenmesi ile yapılmıştır. Döküm ve ekstrüzyon işlemi gerçekleştirilen magnezyum numuneleri çözeltiye alma (525°C, 8 saat) ve suni yaşlandırma (250°C, 32 saat) olmak üzere iki aşamadan meydana gelen yaşlandırma işlemi uygulanmıştır. Daha sonar döküm ve ekstrüzyon sonrası yaşlandırılmış numunelere mikroyapı, aşınma ve korozyon deneyleri yapılmıştır. Döküm sonrası yaşlandırılmış katkısız WE43’te yapılar ?-Mg tanelerinden oluşmuştur ve çökelme sertleşmesi sonucu tane yapıları büyük ve çökeltilerinin tane içi ve tane sınırlarındadır. Alaşım elementleri katkısı ile sırasıyla mikroyapı; kalsiyum ile tane inceltici bir şekilde kendini göstermiştir ve stronsiyum ile tanelerde büyüme ve tane yüzeylerinde dentritik yapılar gözlemlenmiştir. Kalay katkısı ile Sn3Y5 intermetaliği tane içleri ve tane yüzeylerinde dentritik yapı formunda görülmektedir. Artan çinko katkısı ile tanelerdeki büyüme daha düzenli ve sıkı bir faz morfolojisini almıştır. %1 Zn katkısı ile Mg-Zn-Y intermetalikleri ?- Mg fazlarını tane sınırları boyunca kuşatmıştır. Ekstrüzyon sonrası çökelme sertleşmesi uygulanması durumunda tüm alaşımlarda ekstrüzyon yönünde tane yapıları daha küçük, eş eksenlidir ve intermetalikler tane sınırlarında birikmiştir. Sertlikteki artış hem alaşım elementleri hem de çökelme sertleşmesi ile olmuştur. Korozyon sonuçlarına göre ekstrüzyon ardından uygulanan çökelme sertleşmesi durumunda ağırlık kayıpları döküm sonrası çökelme işlemine kıyasla daha azdır. Bununla birlikte, en iyi korozyon davranışını çinkolu alaşım, en kötüsünü kalsiyumlu alaşım göstermiştir. Aşınma sonuçlarına göre ekstrüzyon ardından uygulanan çökelme sertleşmesi durumunda ağırlık kayıpları döküm sonrası çökelme işlemi durumuna göre daha azdır ve aşınma sonuçları sertlik sonuçlarına parallel olarak gittiği saptanılmıştır ve çinko katkılı alaşımın diğer alaşım elementlerine kıyasla aşınma direncinin daha iyi olduğu görülmüştür.
In this study, 0.5% and 1% Ca, Sr, Sn and Zn alloying elements were added to magnesium alloys with Mg-Y-Nd system (WE43) produced by low pressure casting method. The aging process after casting and extrusion was applied to these produced alloys and their phase morphology, hardness, wear and corrosive properties were examined comparatively. The alloys were made in a low pressure casting unit at a crucible temperature of 775°C using SF6+CO2 shielding gas. After the alloying process was completed, the samples were obtained by pouring the melts into the metal casting mold under 2 bar pressure. In order to minimize the segregations that may occur during the production of magnesium alloys and to ensure a homogeneous distribution of alloy elements, homogenization process (525 °C, 8 hours) is performed before the extrusion process. The extrusion process is performed at 350°C, by pressing the 30 mm high and 32 mm diameter samples with 16:1 extrusion ratio and 0.3 mm/sec punch speed. The precipitation hardening heat treatment, which consists of two stages, namely solution (525°C, 8 hours) and artificial aging (250°C, 32 hours), is applied to the as cast and extruded magnesium samples. Then, microstructure, wear and corrosion tests were performed on the aged specimens after casting and extrusion. In undoped WE43 aged after casting, the structures are composed of ?-Mg grains and as a result of precipitation hardening, the grain structures are large and within the grain and grain boundaries of the precipitates. With the contribution of alloying elements, respectively, the microstructure: It showed itself as a grain refiner with calcium and grain growth and dendritic structures on grain surfaces were observed with strontium. With the addition of tin, Sn3Y5 intermetallic is seen in the form of dendritic structure in grain interiors and grain surfaces. With the increasing zinc contribution, the growth of the grains took a more regular and tight phase morphology. With 1% Zn addition, Mg-Zn-Y intermetallics surrounded the ?-Mg phases along grain boundaries. In the case of aged after extrusion, the grain structures in all alloys in the direction of extrusion were smaller, equiaxed, and intermetallics accumulated at grain boundaries. The increase in hardness was with both alloying elements and aging process. According to the corrosion results, in the case of aging applied after extrusion, the weight losses are less compared to the aging after casting. However, zinc alloy showed the best corrosion behavior and calcium alloy showed the worst. According to the wear results, in the case of aged applied after extrusion, the weight losses are less than in the case of aged after casting, and it has been determined that the wear results go in parallel with the hardness results, and it has been observed that the wear resistance of the zinc added alloy is better than the other alloying elements."
In this study, 0.5% and 1% Ca, Sr, Sn and Zn alloying elements were added to magnesium alloys with Mg-Y-Nd system (WE43) produced by low pressure casting method. The aging process after casting and extrusion was applied to these produced alloys and their phase morphology, hardness, wear and corrosive properties were examined comparatively. The alloys were made in a low pressure casting unit at a crucible temperature of 775°C using SF6+CO2 shielding gas. After the alloying process was completed, the samples were obtained by pouring the melts into the metal casting mold under 2 bar pressure. In order to minimize the segregations that may occur during the production of magnesium alloys and to ensure a homogeneous distribution of alloy elements, homogenization process (525 °C, 8 hours) is performed before the extrusion process. The extrusion process is performed at 350°C, by pressing the 30 mm high and 32 mm diameter samples with 16:1 extrusion ratio and 0.3 mm/sec punch speed. The precipitation hardening heat treatment, which consists of two stages, namely solution (525°C, 8 hours) and artificial aging (250°C, 32 hours), is applied to the as cast and extruded magnesium samples. Then, microstructure, wear and corrosion tests were performed on the aged specimens after casting and extrusion. In undoped WE43 aged after casting, the structures are composed of ?-Mg grains and as a result of precipitation hardening, the grain structures are large and within the grain and grain boundaries of the precipitates. With the contribution of alloying elements, respectively, the microstructure: It showed itself as a grain refiner with calcium and grain growth and dendritic structures on grain surfaces were observed with strontium. With the addition of tin, Sn3Y5 intermetallic is seen in the form of dendritic structure in grain interiors and grain surfaces. With the increasing zinc contribution, the growth of the grains took a more regular and tight phase morphology. With 1% Zn addition, Mg-Zn-Y intermetallics surrounded the ?-Mg phases along grain boundaries. In the case of aged after extrusion, the grain structures in all alloys in the direction of extrusion were smaller, equiaxed, and intermetallics accumulated at grain boundaries. The increase in hardness was with both alloying elements and aging process. According to the corrosion results, in the case of aging applied after extrusion, the weight losses are less compared to the aging after casting. However, zinc alloy showed the best corrosion behavior and calcium alloy showed the worst. According to the wear results, in the case of aged applied after extrusion, the weight losses are less than in the case of aged after casting, and it has been determined that the wear results go in parallel with the hardness results, and it has been observed that the wear resistance of the zinc added alloy is better than the other alloying elements."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Magnezyum, nadir toprak elementleri, döküm, ekstrüzyon, yaşlandırma, mikroyapı, aşınma, korozyon., Magnesium, rare earth elements, casting, extrusion, aging, microstructure, wear, corrosion.