2153 numaralı Safranbolu Şer'iye sicili transkripsiyonu
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Çalışmanın konusu 1313-1314 (1897-1898) yıllarına ait 2153 numaralı Safranbolu Şer'iye sicilidir. Çalışmamızın başında Osmanlı hukukunda mahkemeler üzerinde durulmuş, Şer'i mahkemenin başı olan kadılardan ve kadıya yardımcı olan görevlilerden bahsedilmiş, şer'iye sicillerinin önemi ve sicilde geçen konular açıklandıktan sonra Safranbolu'nun kısaca tarihine değinilmiş ve çalışmış olduğumuz 2153 numaralı Safranbolu şer'iye sicilinde bulunan 248 adet hükmün çevirisi yapılarak değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Bu dönemde müslüman ve gayrimüslim tebaanın iç içe yaşadığı görülmektedir. Türklerin ve Rumların sadece merkezde değil, bazı köylerde de birlikte yaşadıkları ve özellikle defterde Rumlar'dan bahseden belgelerden Safranbolu'da yaşayan Rumların bulunduğu mahalleler, kullandıkları Türkçe sülale isimleri ve Türkçe şahıs isimleri tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca vasi, vekalet, veraset, nafaka ve alacak davaları da incelenmiştir. Yapılan çalışma incelenen dönemdeki Osmanlı Devletinin içerisinde bulunduğu siyasi ve ekonomik durumunun Safranbolu'nun toplum yaşantısına yansıması ve Safranbolu tarihi hakkında aydınlatıcı bilgiler içermesi sebebiyle araştırmacılar açısından önemli bir kaynak teşkil etmesi umulmaktadır
The subject of this study is Safranbolu Şer?iye Register no. 2153, belonging to the year of 1313-1314 (1897-1898). At the beginning of the study, it is touched upon courts in the Ottoman law, mentioned of kadis as head of şer?i (religious) courts and officers assisting them and talked about the history of Safranbolu in brief after explained the importance of şer?iye registers and terms used in the register. Finally, 248 decisions existing in the Safranbolu Şer?iye Register to be examined were translated and have been examined In this respect, the cases of guardianship, power of attorney, inheritance, allowance and debts have also been examined It is noticed that in this period the Muslim and non-Muslim citizens were living hand in hand. Turks and Rums (Greek of Turkish nationality) were living together non only in the city-centre but also in some villages and streets at which the Rums, living in Safranbolu, were located, Turkish names and surnames they used were established out of documents in the Registry which mention of the Rums. The present study would constitute an important reference for researchers, containing guiding information about the effects of the political and economical circumstances in which the Ottoman Empire was in the period under examination and about the history of Safranbolu.
The subject of this study is Safranbolu Şer?iye Register no. 2153, belonging to the year of 1313-1314 (1897-1898). At the beginning of the study, it is touched upon courts in the Ottoman law, mentioned of kadis as head of şer?i (religious) courts and officers assisting them and talked about the history of Safranbolu in brief after explained the importance of şer?iye registers and terms used in the register. Finally, 248 decisions existing in the Safranbolu Şer?iye Register to be examined were translated and have been examined In this respect, the cases of guardianship, power of attorney, inheritance, allowance and debts have also been examined It is noticed that in this period the Muslim and non-Muslim citizens were living hand in hand. Turks and Rums (Greek of Turkish nationality) were living together non only in the city-centre but also in some villages and streets at which the Rums, living in Safranbolu, were located, Turkish names and surnames they used were established out of documents in the Registry which mention of the Rums. The present study would constitute an important reference for researchers, containing guiding information about the effects of the political and economical circumstances in which the Ottoman Empire was in the period under examination and about the history of Safranbolu.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Tarih Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, History