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Kadın sünneti Afrika kıtasında çok yaygın olmakla beraber Ortadoğu ve Uzakdoğu başta olmak üzere birçok ülkede 200 milyondan daha fazla kadına uygulanan bir dünya gerçeğidir. Dünyada değişik ülkelerde çok farklı şekillerde yapılmaktadır. Kadın cinsel organında anatomik doku kaybı meydana getirildiği için ömür boyu fizyolojik, psikiyatrik ve obtetrik sorunlar kaçınılmaz olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye'de yaşayan Somalili kadınların ne miktarda mutilasyona uğradıkları, obsettik açıdan sorunları ile davranış ve tutumları incelenmiştir. Bunun için; Karabük ili araştırmanın merkezi olmak üzere toplam 15 ilde 190 Somalili kadının durumu ortaya konulmuştur. Kadın sünneti birçok parametre açısından karşılaştırılarak araştırılmış ve istatistiki olarak Chi-sqare testleri ile Sürekli nicel yapıdaki değişkenler normalite testlerinde değerlendirilmştir. Bu amaçla Kolmogorov-Smirnov ve Shapiro-Wilk sonucuna bakılarak, veriler parametrik ya da non-parametrik testler ile ortaya konulmuştur. Türkiye'de yaşayan Somali'li kadınların mutilasyona uğrama bakımından dünya ortalamasının çok az altında olsa da hemen tamamının sünnet olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sünnetin ekonomik durum, eğitim, kültürel gelenekler ve aile yapısı ile yakından ilgili olduğu ortaya konulmuştur (p<0,05). Mutilasyona maruz kalmanın birçok obstetrik ve psikiyatrik sorunlara neden olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Türkiye'de yaşayan Somalili kadınların kendi kız çocuklarını sünnet ettirme konusunda tutumları eğitim düzeyi, hane halkı geliri, bilinç ve iletişim imkanlar arttıkça sünnete ilişkin tutumlarında da ciddi değişimlerin olduğu ortaya konulmuştur.
Although female genital mutilation is very common in Africa, it is a worldwide fact that it is practiced by more than 200 million women in many countries, especially in the Middle and Far East. It is performed in different ways in different countries around the world. Lifelong physiological, psychiatric, and obstetric problems are inevitable due to anatomical tissue loss in the female genitalia. In this study, the extent of mutilation of Somali women living in Turkey, their obstetric problems, and their behaviors and attitudes were investigated. For this purpose, the situation of 190 Somali women in 15 provinces, of which Karabuk is the center of the study, was investigated. Female genital mutilation was examined using numerous parameters, and statistically, chi-square tests and continuous quantitative variables were evaluated in normality tests. For this purpose, data were presented considering Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk results with parametric or non-parametric tests. It was found that almost all Somali women living in Turkey are circumcised, although they are slightly below the global average in terms of mutilation. Circumcision was found to be closely related to economic situation, education, cultural traditions, and family structure (p < 0.05). It was found that mutilation leads to numerous obstetric and psychiatric problems. It was found that the attitudes of Somali women living in Turkey towards the circumcision of their daughters changed significantly with increasing levels of education, household income, awareness and communication opportunities."
Although female genital mutilation is very common in Africa, it is a worldwide fact that it is practiced by more than 200 million women in many countries, especially in the Middle and Far East. It is performed in different ways in different countries around the world. Lifelong physiological, psychiatric, and obstetric problems are inevitable due to anatomical tissue loss in the female genitalia. In this study, the extent of mutilation of Somali women living in Turkey, their obstetric problems, and their behaviors and attitudes were investigated. For this purpose, the situation of 190 Somali women in 15 provinces, of which Karabuk is the center of the study, was investigated. Female genital mutilation was examined using numerous parameters, and statistically, chi-square tests and continuous quantitative variables were evaluated in normality tests. For this purpose, data were presented considering Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk results with parametric or non-parametric tests. It was found that almost all Somali women living in Turkey are circumcised, although they are slightly below the global average in terms of mutilation. Circumcision was found to be closely related to economic situation, education, cultural traditions, and family structure (p < 0.05). It was found that mutilation leads to numerous obstetric and psychiatric problems. It was found that the attitudes of Somali women living in Turkey towards the circumcision of their daughters changed significantly with increasing levels of education, household income, awareness and communication opportunities."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Genital Mutilasyon, Somalili Kadınlar, Obstetrik, Ebelik, Sağlık, Yaşam, Genital Mutilation, Somali Woman, Obstetrics, Midwife, Health, Life