Microstructural Characterization, Tribological and Corrosion Behavior of H111 Hot-Rolled AA5754 after Homogenization and Aging

dc.authoridAHLATCI, Hayrettin/0000-0002-6766-4974
dc.authoridEsen, Ismail/0000-0002-7853-1464
dc.contributor.authorAbukhdair, Otman Farj Mohammed
dc.contributor.authorEsen, Ismail
dc.contributor.authorAhlatci, Hayrettin
dc.contributor.authorKeskin, Esma
dc.departmentKarabük Üniversitesien_US
dc.description.abstractIn this study, the microstructural properties, wear resistance, and corrosion behavior of H111 hot-rolled AA5754 alloy before heat treatment, after homogenization, and after aging were examined. The microstructure was mainly composed of the scattered forms of black and gray contrast particles on the matrix and precipitations were observed at the boundaries of the grain. The as-rolled material exhibited a dense pancake-shaped grain structure, which is typical of as-rolled material. Observation along the L-direction did not yield distinct demarcations among the grains and was not uniformly distributed, with precipitates at the grain boundary. When they aged, there was a parallel increase in fine and huge black and gray contrast particles in the zone. Therefore, it could be stated that the amount of fine grains increased due to the rise in the homogenization process. The rolled base metal with the grain orientation was found to be parallel to the rolling direction. On the other hand, the coarse grains were clearly observed in the aging heat-treatment condition. The grains had an elongated morphology consistent with the rolling process of the metal before the heat-treatment process. The aged alloy had the highest hardness with a value of 86.83 HB; the lowest hardness was seen in the alloy before heat treatment with a value of 68.67 HB. The weight loss and wear rate of this material at the end of 10,000 m were, respectively, 1.01 x 10-3 g and 5.07 x 10-9 g/Nm. It was observed that the alloy had the highest weight loss and worst wear resistance before heat treatment. Weight loss and wear rates at the end of 10,000 m were, respectively, 3.42 x 10-3 g and 17.08 x 10-9 g/Nm. According to these results, the friction coefficients during wear were parallel and the material with the lowest friction coefficient after aging was 0.045. While the alloys corroded after aging showed more weight loss, the alloys corroded before heat treatment exhibited better corrosion behavior. Among the alloys, the least weight loss after 24 h was observed in the alloy that was corroded before heat treatment and this value was 0.69 x 10-3 mg/dm2. The highest weight loss was observed in the aged alloy with a value of 1.37 x 10-3 mg/dm2. The alloy before heat treatment, which corroded after casting, showed the lowest corrosion rate with a value of 0.39 x 10-3 mg/(dm2day) after 72 h. The alloy that was corroded before heat treatment showed the best corrosion behavior by creating a corrosion potential of 1.04 +/- 1.5 V at a current density of -586 +/- 0.04 mu A/cm2. However, after aging, the corroded alloy showed the worst corrosion behavior with a corrosion potential of 5.16 +/- 3.3 V at a current density of -880 +/- 0.01 mu A/cm2.en_US
dc.indekslendigikaynakWeb of Scienceen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectwear resistanceen_US
dc.subjectcorrosion behavioren_US
dc.titleMicrostructural Characterization, Tribological and Corrosion Behavior of H111 Hot-Rolled AA5754 after Homogenization and Agingen_US
