İdarenin Kusursuz Sorumluluğu
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Günümüzde modern hukuk devletlerinde kabul gören idarenin sorumluluğu ilkesi, idarenin eylem ve işlemlerinden doğan zararları tazmin etmekle sorumlu olması ve bu eylem ve işlemlerine karşı yargı yolunun açık olmasıdır. Bu anlayış tarihsel süreç içerisinde belirli aşamalardan geçerek kabul görmüştür. 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına kadar devletin sorumsuz olduğu düşüncesi hakimdi. 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından sonra ise devletin sorumluluğu kabul görmeye başlamıştır. İdarenin sorumluluğu, kusur sorumluluğu ve kusursuz sorumluluğu olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır. İdarenin sorumluluğunda temel kural kusur sorumluluğu olup, Kusursuz sorumluluk ise ikincil niteliktedir. Kusursuz sorumluluk, idarenin eylem ve işlemlerinden doğan zararlardan dolayı kusuru bulunmasa bile sorumlu tutulmasıdır. Kusursuz sorumluluk; risk ilkesi, sosyal risk ilkesi ve kamu külfetleri karşısında eşitlik olmak üzere üç alt ilkeden oluşur. Kusursuz sorumlulukta meydana gelen zarar ile idari davranış arasında illiyet bağının bulunmalıdır. Fakat sosyal risk ilkesi bu şartın istisnasını oluşturmaktadır. Risk ilkesi, idarenin tehlikeli faaliyetlerinden, tehlikeli araç gereçlerinden ve tehlikeli yöntemlerinden dolayı meydana gelen zararlardan sorumlu olmasıdır. Sosyal risk ilkesi ise toplumsal ve terör olaylarından meydana gelen zararlardan dolayı idarenin sorumlu olmasıdır. Kamu külfetleri karşısında eşitlik ilkesi ise tehlikeli faaliyeti ve riskli bir hizmeti bulunmasa bile idarenin kamu yararı için yaptığı hizmetlerden dolayı meydana gelen zararlardan sorumlu olmasıdır. İdarenin kamu yararı için yaptığı bu hizmetlerden toplumun çoğunluğu faydalanırken belli bir kısım daha fazla külfete katlanıyorsa ya da özel bir fedakarlık yapmak zorunda ise idare bu fedakarlığı denkleştirmelidir.
The principle of responsibility of the administration, recognized in the modern law of nations today, asserts that the administration is liable for compensating damages deriving from its actions and transactions. A judicial remedy is available against these actions and transactions. This understanding has been accepted through certain stages in the historical process. Until the second half of the 19th century, the idea that the state was irresponsible was dominant. After the second half of the 19th century, the state’s responsibility began to be accepted. The responsibility of the administration is divided into fault liability and strict liability. The basic rule in the responsibility of the administration is the liability of fault, and strict liability is secondary. Strict liability is to be held liable for the damages arising from the administration’s actions, even if there is no fault. It consists of three sub-principles: the strict liability risk principle, the social risk principle, and the equality against public burdens. There must be a causal link between the damage caused by strict liability and organizational behavior. However, the social risk principle is an exception to this requirement. The risk principle is that the administration is responsible for the damages caused by its dangerous activities, dangerous instruments, and dangerous methods. The principle of social risk is that the administration is responsible for damages caused by social and terrorist incidents. In the face of public burdens, the principle of equality is that the administration is responsible for the damages that occur due to its services for the public interest, even if it does not have dangerous activities and risky services. The majority of society benefits from these services provided by the administration for the public benefit. Still, if a particular part bears more burdens or has to make an extraordinary sacrifice, the administration should compensate for this sacrifice."
The principle of responsibility of the administration, recognized in the modern law of nations today, asserts that the administration is liable for compensating damages deriving from its actions and transactions. A judicial remedy is available against these actions and transactions. This understanding has been accepted through certain stages in the historical process. Until the second half of the 19th century, the idea that the state was irresponsible was dominant. After the second half of the 19th century, the state’s responsibility began to be accepted. The responsibility of the administration is divided into fault liability and strict liability. The basic rule in the responsibility of the administration is the liability of fault, and strict liability is secondary. Strict liability is to be held liable for the damages arising from the administration’s actions, even if there is no fault. It consists of three sub-principles: the strict liability risk principle, the social risk principle, and the equality against public burdens. There must be a causal link between the damage caused by strict liability and organizational behavior. However, the social risk principle is an exception to this requirement. The risk principle is that the administration is responsible for the damages caused by its dangerous activities, dangerous instruments, and dangerous methods. The principle of social risk is that the administration is responsible for damages caused by social and terrorist incidents. In the face of public burdens, the principle of equality is that the administration is responsible for the damages that occur due to its services for the public interest, even if it does not have dangerous activities and risky services. The majority of society benefits from these services provided by the administration for the public benefit. Still, if a particular part bears more burdens or has to make an extraordinary sacrifice, the administration should compensate for this sacrifice."
Anahtar Kelimeler
İdarenin Sorumluluğu, Kusursuz Sorumluluk, Risk ilkesi, Sosyal Risk İlkesi, Kamu Külfetleri Karşısında Eşitlik İlkesi, The responsibility of the administration, The strict liability, The risk principle, The social risk principle, The principle of equality in the face of public burdens.