Bartın Çayı Havzası’nda Toprak Oluşumunu Etkileyen Faktörler ve Toprak Sınıflandırması
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Toprak Coğrafyası alanında yapılmış olan bu araştırmanın konusu “Bartın Çayı Havzası’nda Toprak Oluşumunu Etkileyen Faktörler ve Toprak Sınıflandırması”dır. Araştırma sahasını oluşturan Bartın Çayı Havzası, hidrografik bir bölge özelliği göstermektedir. Araştırma sahası, DSİ’nin havza bazında yaptığı ayırıma göre 13 numaralı havza olan Batı Karadeniz Havzası’nın bir bölümünü oluşturmaktadır. Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin Batı Karadeniz Bölümü’nde yer alan Bartın Çayı Havzası’nda başta Bartın ili olmak üzere, Karabük, Kastamonu ve Zonguldak illerinin arazisi bulunmaktadır. Araştırma yapılan sahanın alanı 3 760,5 km²’dir. Tez danışmanı rehberliğinde ve farklı tarihlerde araştırma sahasında iki defa arazi çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Arazi gezilerinde bitki, topografya, genel jeolojik yapı ve özellikle ana materyal incelenmiştir. Ormanı oluşturan ağaç türleri, topografya özellikleri, iklim ve ana materyalin toprakla olan ilişkileri saptanmıştır. Toprak tiplerine ait 20 farklı noktada horizonlar incelenmiş ve buralardan laboratuvarda analizleri yapılmak üzere usulüne uygun şekilde 54 adet toprak örneği alınmıştır. Her bir numune için; potansiyel hidrojen (pH), katyon değişme kapasitesi (KDK), elektriksel iletkenlik (EC), organik madde, kireç (CaCO?), potasyum (K), kalsiyum (Ca), magnezyum (Mg), sodyum (Na), kum (%), kil (%), silt (mil) (%) ve bünye (tekstür) olmak üzere toplam 13 farklı parametrenin analizi yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın lokasyon, jeoloji, sıcaklık, yağış, topografya, eğim, bakı, vejetasyon, arazi kullanımı gibi kartografik malzemeleri ArcMap 10.4.1 paket programı kullanılarak hazırlanmıştır. Alanyazın taraması, arazi gezileri, toprak analizleri ile elde edilen bilgiler ve bulgular dikkate alınarak haritalar, oluşturulan şekil ve tablolar birlikte yorumlanmış; arazi gezilerinde çekilen fotoğraflarla çalışma desteklenmiştir. Tezin amaçları doğrultusunda; Bartın Çayı Havzası’nda toprakların oluşumunu etkileyen faktörler, havzadaki toprak sınıfları, toprakların fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri, toprak sınıflarının eski, yeni ve FAO/UNESCO toprak sınıflandırma sistemindeki karşılıkları ele alınmıştır. Araştırma sahasında eski sınıflandırma sistemine göre Zonal, İntrazonal ve Azonal kategoriye ait toprak tipleri tespit edilmiştir. İklim ve bitki örtüsünün etkisi altında gelişen Zonal topraklar; araştırma sahasında en yaygın görülen Asit Kahverengi Orman toprakları, genellikle alçak kesimlerde ve kireçtaşları üzerinde oluşan Kırmızı/Kırmızımsı Akdeniz toprakları ile yağmur gölgesinde kalan yerlerde karbonat birikiminin görüldüğü Alkali (Kireçli) Kahverengi Orman topraklarından oluşmaktadır. Ana materyalin etkisi altında gelişen İntrazonal topraklar; killi, kireçli ana materyal üzerinde oluşan Rendzinalar, Flişler Üzerindeki topraklar ile taban suyu seviyesinin yüksek olduğu yerlerde gelişen Hidromorfik topraklardır. Aşınma ve birikme sahalarında görülen Alüvyal ve Kolüvyal topraklar ile Litosollar ise Azonal toprakları oluşturmaktadır. Özetle çalışma sahasındaki toprak oluşumu ve toprak tipleri genel olarak iklim, bitki örtüsü, ana materyal ve topografya faktörleri tarafından belirlenmiştir. Örneğin ılıman nemli ve soğuk nemli iklim koşullarında yetişen yaprak döken geniş yapraklı ve iğne yapraklı orman altında Asit Kahverengi Orman toprakları yaygındır. ?
The subject of this research, which was conducted in the field of Soil Geography, is ""The Factors Affecting Soil Formation and Soil Classification in the Bartın River Basin"". The Bartın River Basin, the study area, shows the characteristics of a hydrographic region. The study area constitutes a part of the Western Black Sea Basin, referred as the basin number 13 according to the distinction made by State Hydraulic Works (DSI) on a basin basis. In the Bartın River Basin, which is located in the Western Black Sea part of the Black Sea Region, there are lands of the provinces of Karabük, Kastamonu, Zonguldak, and especially of Bartın. The area of the researched site is 3 760.5 km². Two field works were carried out in the study area under the guidance of the thesis supervisor and on different dates. During the field works, the vegetation, topography of the study areas, and the parent material (geologic structure) were examined. The tree species that make up the forest, the topographic features, the climate and the relationship of the parent material with the soil were identified. Horizons belonging to soil profiles from 20 different locations were examined, and 54 soil samples were duly taken among these to be analyzed in the laboratory. For each sample, a total of 13 different parameters were analyzed involving potential hydrogen, cation exchange capacity, electricity conductivity, organic matter, calcium carbonate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and soil texture were analysed. Cartographic materials of the research such as location, geology, temperature, precipitation, topography, inclination, aspect, vegetation, land use were prepared by using ArcMap 10.4.1 package program. Considering the information and findings obtained through literature review, field trips, soil analysis, maps, figures and tables were interpreted together; moreover, the study was supported with photographs taken during field trips. In line with the aims of the thesis, the factors affecting the formation of soils in the Bartın River Basin, soil classification in the basin, physical and chemical properties of the soils as well as the equivalents of soil classes in the old, new and FAO/UNESCO soil classification system are discussed. Soil types belonging to Zonal, Intrazonal and Azonal groups were identified in the study area according to the old classification system. Zonal soils developing under the influence of climate and vegetation consist of Acid Brown Forest soils - the most common soils in the research area-, Red Mediterranean soils formed on limestones, and Alkaline Calcareous where carbonate accumulation is observed in places under rain shadow. Intrazonal soils developing under the influence of parent material are Rendzinas formed on clayey and calcareous parent material, soils on Flysch and Hydromorphic soils that develop in places with high ground water table. Alluvial and Colluvial soils seen in erosion and deposition areas and Lithosols form Azonal soils. In sum, soil formation and soil types in the study area were generally determined by climate, vegetation, parent material and topographic factors. For instance, acid forest soils are common under broad leaved deciduous and coniferous forests growing mild humid and cold humid climatic conditions."
The subject of this research, which was conducted in the field of Soil Geography, is ""The Factors Affecting Soil Formation and Soil Classification in the Bartın River Basin"". The Bartın River Basin, the study area, shows the characteristics of a hydrographic region. The study area constitutes a part of the Western Black Sea Basin, referred as the basin number 13 according to the distinction made by State Hydraulic Works (DSI) on a basin basis. In the Bartın River Basin, which is located in the Western Black Sea part of the Black Sea Region, there are lands of the provinces of Karabük, Kastamonu, Zonguldak, and especially of Bartın. The area of the researched site is 3 760.5 km². Two field works were carried out in the study area under the guidance of the thesis supervisor and on different dates. During the field works, the vegetation, topography of the study areas, and the parent material (geologic structure) were examined. The tree species that make up the forest, the topographic features, the climate and the relationship of the parent material with the soil were identified. Horizons belonging to soil profiles from 20 different locations were examined, and 54 soil samples were duly taken among these to be analyzed in the laboratory. For each sample, a total of 13 different parameters were analyzed involving potential hydrogen, cation exchange capacity, electricity conductivity, organic matter, calcium carbonate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and soil texture were analysed. Cartographic materials of the research such as location, geology, temperature, precipitation, topography, inclination, aspect, vegetation, land use were prepared by using ArcMap 10.4.1 package program. Considering the information and findings obtained through literature review, field trips, soil analysis, maps, figures and tables were interpreted together; moreover, the study was supported with photographs taken during field trips. In line with the aims of the thesis, the factors affecting the formation of soils in the Bartın River Basin, soil classification in the basin, physical and chemical properties of the soils as well as the equivalents of soil classes in the old, new and FAO/UNESCO soil classification system are discussed. Soil types belonging to Zonal, Intrazonal and Azonal groups were identified in the study area according to the old classification system. Zonal soils developing under the influence of climate and vegetation consist of Acid Brown Forest soils - the most common soils in the research area-, Red Mediterranean soils formed on limestones, and Alkaline Calcareous where carbonate accumulation is observed in places under rain shadow. Intrazonal soils developing under the influence of parent material are Rendzinas formed on clayey and calcareous parent material, soils on Flysch and Hydromorphic soils that develop in places with high ground water table. Alluvial and Colluvial soils seen in erosion and deposition areas and Lithosols form Azonal soils. In sum, soil formation and soil types in the study area were generally determined by climate, vegetation, parent material and topographic factors. For instance, acid forest soils are common under broad leaved deciduous and coniferous forests growing mild humid and cold humid climatic conditions."
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bartın Çayı Havzası, toprak, toprak sınıflandırması, toprak coğrafyası, Bartın River Basin, soil, soil classification, soil geography